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实现加减乘除的简单计算器,可以将0显示在输入的右面. sa-realize the simple arithmetic calculators, can be shown in the importation of 0 to the right. Sa
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 1.93mb Publisher : 123

药品进销存管理系统 delphi +sql2000 sql中,sa密码用delphi 可在数据库安全性中修改密码-drug inventory management system delphi sql2000 sql. delphi sa password can be used in database security which alter the code
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 616.36kb Publisher : 654654

这是微软 TTS 语音引擎(SAPI 5.1)DELPHI 应用的详细说明。可惜是英文的。:( 如果哪位前辈有空,请帮忙翻译一下。)-This is Microsoft TTS voice engine (SAPI 5.1) Delphi applications elaborate. Unfortunately, it is in English. : (Which predecessors If available, please help translate what.)
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 258kb Publisher : ljf

1.大家请将SQLServer2000中的sa用户的密码设定为sa2.将DataBase目录下的数据库附加到SQLSERVER中 应用于出租车车辆管理中的-1. We request the MS sa set the password for SA2. DataBase to the directory database to SQLSERVER additional taxi vehicles were used in the management of
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.76mb Publisher : 摄氏37度

实现加减乘除的简单计算器,可以将0显示在输入的右面. sa-realize the simple arithmetic calculators, can be shown in the importation of 0 to the right. Sa
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.93mb Publisher : 123

欢迎大家相互学习。delphi系统 四个文件夹分别对应书中的四个实例,包含程序源码和编译后的可执行文件。其中每个系统的超级用户和相应密码如下: <<人事管理信息系统>> 超级用户 ==================== 用户名:sa 密码:sa <<图书管理信息系统>> 超级用户 ==================== 用户名:administrator 密码:sa <<仓库管理信息系统>> 超级用户 ==================== 用户名:sa 密码:sa <<试卷生成系统>> 超级用户 ==================== 用户名:sa 密码:sa -welcome you learn from each other. Delphi 4 system folder corresponding to the four examples of the book, source code contains procedures and the compiled executable file. Each of the super user and the corresponding code is as follows :
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2.88mb Publisher : 里博

**智能监视系统*** 程序运行时需要视频捕捉设备,如果没有,请安装USB_CAMERA目录下的设备驱动程序。 ***停车场收费系统*** 先安装sql server , 其中sa用户没有口令,再使用sql目录下的sql文件建立新数据库。 ***高校银卡系统*** 先安装sql server , 其中sa用户没有口令,再使用sql目录下的sql文件建立新数据库。 ***邮件短信系统*** 1.实现邮件检测功能: (1)注册账号,注意正确添写POP3服务器,用户名,密码。 2.实现发送短信功能: (1)在注册账号时要添写正确的手机号码,并选中发送到手机的复选框。 (2)跟据自己购买的GSM模块说明书设置串口参数,一般是“19200,n,8,1”。 (3)添写当地短信中心号码,前面的86可加可不加,如果没有写,系统在按“确定”后会自动加上。 (4)注意:如果短信中含有中文字符,则一定要设成Pdu模式,否则短信可能发送失败-intelligent surveillance systems*** procedures need video capture equipment, and if not, Install USB_CAMERA directory device driver.****** Parking fees system install sql server, which users sa no orders, sql re-use directory of the establishment of a new document sql database.****** College CE system install sql server, which users sa no orders, sql re-use directory of the establishment of a new document sql database.****** Mail messages a system. Detection mail : (1) registered account, pay attention to the correct Communist cause POP3 server, user name and password. 2. SMS functions to achieve this : (a) registered in your account to the Communist cause the correct phone number, Send and select the check box to the cell phone. (2) According to the purchase of GSM module specif
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 9.64mb Publisher : 董林林

1、源码包括图标、代码和建库脚本三部分 2、程序都在Delphi7.0和SQL Server 2000个人版下调试通过的,使用的操作系统是Microsoft Windows 2000(Professional),原则上,操作系统对程序没有影响,不过,作者没有在其他操作系统平台上调试这些程序。 3、数据库使用SQL Server的用户sa,密码为“$%*^@”。如果数据库sa用户密码不同,可以在SQL Server的查询分析器中输入以下SQL语句来修改密码:exec sp_password ‘旧密码’,’新密码’,也可以通过SQL Server企业管理器,展开【数据库】|【安全性】|【登录】节点,双击其中的sa项目,将密码设置为“$%*^@”。 4、默认文件为只读文件,而所有程序在重新编译时都必须重新创建这些文件,所以在重新编译之前必须将所有文件修改为可写。 5、该程序有配套教材《Delphi数据库开发经典案例解析》清华大学出版社 -err
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 983kb Publisher : 董林林

Delphi.仓库管理信息系统代码 Delphi+ADO+Access开发 超级用户 ==================== 用户名:sa  密码:sa-Delphi. Warehouse Management Information System Access code Delphi ADO development of super Users ==================== Username : sa Password : sa
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 992kb Publisher : zr

药品进销存管理系统 delphi +sql2000 sql中,sa密码用delphi 可在数据库安全性中修改密码-drug inventory management system delphi sql2000 sql. delphi sa password can be used in database security which alter the code
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 616kb Publisher : 654654

DL : 0
小区物业管理系统 运行环境:DELPHI7.0和SQL Server2000 1、将文件DATA里的数据库XQ附加到SQL Server2000企业管理器中,用户名为SA,密 码为空。 2、打开DELPHI7.0 运行Project1.exe,运行快捷键ctrl+F12,打开adodm-->XQconn -->build-->填写指定的用户名和密码-Area property management system operating environment: DELPHI7.0 and SQL Server20001, file DATA Lane XQ database attached to SQL Server2000 Enterprise Manager, the user called the SA, the password is empty. 2, open DELPHI7.0 run Project1.exe, run the shortcut keys ctrl+ F12, open adodm-> XQconn-> build-> fill in the specified user name and password
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.15mb Publisher :

Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 279kb Publisher : Ray Chao

***停车场收费系统*** 先安装sql server , 其中sa用户没有口令,再使用sql目录下的sql文件建立新数据库。-****** Car park charge system to install sql server, which users do not have sa password, and then use the sql directory of the sql file to create a new database.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 736kb Publisher : terry

DL : 0
***智能监视系统*** 程序运行时需要视频捕捉设备,如果没有,请安装USB_CAMERA目录下的设备驱动程序。 ***停车场收费系统*** 先安装sql server , 其中sa用户没有口令,再使用sql目录下的sql文件建立新数据库。 ***高校银卡系统*** 先安装sql server , 其中sa用户没有口令,再使用sql目录下的sql文件建立新数据库。 -****** Smart surveillance systems needed to run the video capture device, and if not, please install USB_CAMERA directory of device drivers.****** Car park charge system to install sql server, which users do not have sa password, and then use the sql directory of the sql file to create a new database. Colleges and Universities system****** Silver to install sql server, which users do not have sa password, and then use the sql directory of the sql file to create a new database.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 9.59mb Publisher :

即时通讯P2P聊天软件(全部源码)Delphi ] 安装方法: 1、解压source.rar 2、打开Sql Server的企业管理器,附加数据库源文件:Server\Data\SysDB_Data.MDF 3、打开Server\Server.ini文件,找到如下文字: [SQL Server] ServerName=(local) DataBase=Server UserName=sa PassWord= 在此处设置数据库服务器地址,数据库名称(Server),及用户名和密码。 [ServerInfo] ServerPort=7855 在此处设置服务器监听的端口号 4、运行Server.exe。看是否提示“服务器已启动”字样。-P2P instant messaging chat software (all source) Delphi] installation method: 1, extract source.rar2, Open Sql Server Enterprise Manager, an additional database source file: ServerDataSysDB_Data.MDF3, open ServerServer.ini documents, find the following text: [SQL Server] ServerName = (local) DataBase = Server UserName = sa PassWord = here set up the database server address, database name (Server), and the user name and password. [ServerInfo] ServerPort = 7855 set up the server here listening port number 4, run Server.exe. Prompted to see whether
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 45.51mb Publisher : lavenw

.仓库管理信息系统代码 超级用户 ==================== 用户名:sa 密码:sa-. Warehouse Management Information System code ==================== superuser user name: sa Password: sa
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 991kb Publisher : 列表页

lnjzxxt.ini [sspsfjtcdjpwdzch] a1=拳染醛取燃 a2=拳圈醛取龋 a3=醛群去葷雀 a4=全趣颧葻取 a5=全燃颧葻群 a6=瓤瓤然冉冉雀瓤瓤裙冉 [serverlnjpass] fwq=BAOYUANSERVER [userandpwd] userand=sa pwdand= [plcszz] piclnjckck=天长地久 lnjlnjzxgl_Data.MDF admin,admin-lnjzxxt.ini [sspsfjtcdjpwdzch] a1 = fist fuel from stained aldehyde a2 = boxing ring aldehyde check caries a3 = aldehyde group to the whole meat bird a4 = Fun zygomaticus葻check a5 = whole group葻burning zygomaticus a6 = flesh flesh flesh flesh bird ran slowly Ran skirts [serverlnjpass] fwq = BAOYUANSERVER [userandpwd] userand = sapwdand = [plcszz] piclnjckck = ever lnjlnjzxgl_Data.MDFadmin, admin
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 4.98mb Publisher : 天长地久

--- -----使用说明 1.数据库为SQL2000,用附加数据库的功能建立WeijieData数据库,连接的用户为Sa,密码为空,可用server源代码自行修改. 2.第一次运行先打开Server端的WeijieServerPrg.exe一次进行注册. 3.运行客户端WeiJieFuShi_Prg.exe,默认操作员号WJ001 密码123 4.WeiJie_sys.INI为设置文件,当网络访问时 改IP = 你运行WeijieServerPrg.exe的主机IP -----------程序说明 界面上模仿了在2ccc.com网站发布的某一个程序. 程序用到fastreport2.52和 ExpressQuantumGrid 4.2 程序在WINDOW2000 + Delphi7.0下通过. 本程序为小程序,只要下载的朋友不觉得是垃圾,我就心满意足,程序提供学习之用,任何人何以修改和完善,变动后希望能抽空知会作者,共同学习. -1. Database SQL2000, with additional database functions WeijieData set up database users to connect to Sa, the password is empty, server can be used to modify the source code. 2. Run to open the first Server-side WeijieServerPrg.exe first to register. 3. Running the client WeiJieFuShi_Prg.exe, the default operator password WJ001 No. 123 4.WeiJie_sys.INI for the settings file, when the network access to IP = when you run WeijieServerPrg.exe host IP ----------- A description of the procedures Interface at up to imitate the released a web procedures. Procedures used fastreport2.52 and ExpressQuantumGrid 4.2 Procedures adopted under WINDOW2000+ Delphi7.0. This procedure for small procedures, as long as the Friend of the download do not think are rubbish, I would be perfectly content, procedures used to provide study, anyone can modify and improve, changes would like to find time to notify the author, co-study.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2.25mb Publisher : sx0100

智能试卷生成系统 Delphi----试卷生成系统代码 用户名:sa 密码:sa -system of test
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.14mb Publisher : abx

DL : 0
一个企业人事信息管理系统的源代码 数据库安装说明: 数据库安装时,可以先附加到企业管理器,所用者为sa,之后再把sa密码设为空。库名为:PersonalManage。 用户名:admin 密码:admin-An enterprise Personnel Information Management System database, the source code installation instructions: Database installation, you can first attach to the Enterprise Manager, the users of sa, and then after the sa password set to blank. Library name: PersonalManage. User Name: admin Password: admin
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.97mb Publisher : lingsk
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