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program VirtualMemory {$APPTYPE CONSOLE} uses SysUtils, Windows const PageSize = 4096 //定义页面大小 var VmAddress, CommitAddress: Pointer //存放虚拟内存基址 Text: Pchar begin //保留二页虚拟内存 VmAddress := VirtualAlloc(nil, PageSize * 2, MEM_RESERVE, PAGE_READWRITE) if not Assigned(VmAddress) then begin WriteLn( 保留虚拟内存失败! ) ExitProcess(0) end else WriteLn(Format( 保留虚拟内存成功, 基址为:[%8.8x]! , [Longint(VmAddress)])) //提交第二页虚拟内存 CommitAddress := Pointer(Longint(VmAddress) + PageSize) CommitAddress := VirtualAlloc(CommitAddress, PageSize, MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_READWRITE) if not Assigne-program VirtualMemory ($ APPTYPE CONSOLE) uses SysUtils, Windows const PageSize = 4096// definition pages size var VmAddress, CommitAddress : Pointer// virtual memory-based storage site Text : Pchar begin// reservations two virtual memory VmAddress : = VirtualAlloc (nil. PageSize* 2, MEM_RESERVE, PAGE_READWRITE) if not Assigned (VmAddress) then begin WriteLn (reservations virtual memory failure!) ExitProcess (0) end else WriteLn (Format (virtual memory retention success, sites : [% 8.8x ]! [Longint (VmAddress)]))// to the second page virtual memory CommitAddress : = Pointer (Longint (VmAddress) PageSize) CommitAddress : = VirtualAlloc (CommitAddress, PageSize, MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_READWRITE) if not Assigne
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 23kb Publisher : 黄春标

能将各种格式的文本,图形,转换为pdf格式文件保存,虚拟打印机程序-This is a virtual printer program, it can convert many formats of text files, images into PDF format files and save to disk.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 538kb Publisher : 清风

使用DELPHI制作地虚拟光驱,原代码中包含详细的说明。 注意Install以后要重新启动电脑.只支持Win2000/XP以后的系统.9X系列不支持.-use Delphi to produce virtual drive, the original code contains detailed explanations. Install attention to the future to restart your computer. Win2000/XP after only support system .9 X Series does not support it.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 797kb Publisher : 谭敏

delphi 写的虚拟桌面程序!!! 过段时间在学写虚拟机-delphi write virtual desktop programs!!! over time in school to write a virtual machine
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 6kb Publisher : 红蚂蚁

vcl delphi的虚拟树控件,可以很方便对节点进行各种各样的控制-vcl delphi virtual tree control nodes can be easily carried out on a wide range of control
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2.96mb Publisher : e

delphi DosCommand delphi虚拟DOS-delphi DosCommand delphi virtual DOS
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 6kb Publisher : 煞笔

虚拟现实几何建模,可以实现3D场景漫游,用Delphi开发-Geometric Modeling of Virtual Reality, 3D scenes can be achieved roaming, using Delphi to develop
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 293kb Publisher : 李亮亮

虚拟桌面,最多可以控制4个桌面,你也可以象linux 一样在不同panel中切换了-Virtual desktop, can control up to four desktop, you can also like linux in the same switch in different panel of the
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 188kb Publisher : wangj

虚拟打印机源代码开发程序,全部免费下载,保证正常使用-Virtual printer source code development process, all free download, and ensure the normal use of
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 69kb Publisher : zylcxh

KSDev.VirtualSream.v1.01.rar 虚拟文件系统,-KSDev.VirtualSream.v1.01.rar virtual file system,
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 141kb Publisher : 幽谷客要

TMS 的仪表控件包。搞虚拟仪器和工控开发的有福了。-TMS instrument control package. Engage in virtual instrumentation and industrial development of the blessed.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 523kb Publisher : gqg

delphi模拟鼠标单击和双击的程序,可作为参考小程序-delphi simulate the mouse click and double-click the procedure may be used as reference applet
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 175kb Publisher : coolfire

可以将下位机的数据通过串口接收,在此软件中进去曲线显示。-Virtual Oscilloscope
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 256kb Publisher : bell

多年使用BOX多年,现传上一份即时通讯程序(包括客户端及服务器端,以及全部源代码)。代码写得有点丑,但可以跑起来,在局域网及互联网通过测试。服务器端支持动态IP(即你即使用在家里也可以自由架设服务器,不用向电信局申请固定IP地址,前提条件是你必须申请一个虚拟主机,在虚拟主机放存放服务器的IP地址)。如果你有兴趣自己研究,有详细代码。如果你确实想将此软件进行商品化,请一定通知我。-BOX years of use for many years, is a mass on the instant messaging program (including client and server-side, as well as all source code). Code written in a bit ugly, but they can run up in the LAN and the Internet to pass the test. Server-side support for dynamic IP (that is, that is, you can use at home to set up a free server, no need to apply for a fixed IP address of the bureau, a prerequisite is that you must apply for a virtual host, put in a virtual storage server host IP address). If you are interested in their research, a detailed code. If you really want to commercialize this software, be sure to let me know.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2.06mb Publisher : gwj7758

DL : 0
VMProtect 简介 VMProtect 是新一代的软件保护系统,不像其它常见的保护系统,VMProtect 可以修改应用程序的源代码。VMProtect 将原文件的部分代码转换为在虚拟机中运行的字节码。您可以将虚拟机想像成带有不同于 Intel 8086 处理器指令系统的虚拟处理器;例如,虚拟机没有比较两个操作数的指令,也没有条件跳转和无条件跳转等。 支持的编译器: Delphi Borland C Builder Visual C/C++ Visual Basic (native) Virtual Pascal 支持的文件类型(32 位和 64 位): EXE DLL BPL OCX SYS 支持的操作系统: Windows 95/98 Windows ME Windows NT Windows 2000 Windows XP Windows 2003 Windows Vista -标准类 TObject = class constructor Create procedure Free end TPersistent = class(TObject) procedure Assign(Source: TPersistent) end TStrings = class(TPersistent) function Add(S: String): Integer procedure Append(S: String) procedure AddStrings(Strings: TStrings) procedure Clear procedure Delete(Index: Integer) function IndexOf(const S: String): Integer procedure Insert(Index: Integer S: String) procedure LoadFromFile(FileName: String) procedure SaveToFile(FileName: String) property Count: Integer read property Text: String read write property CommaText: String read write property Strings[Index: Integer]: String read write property Objects[Index: Integer]: TObject read write end TDuplicates = (dupIgnore, dupAccept, dupError) TNotifyEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject) TStringList = class(TStrings) function Find(S: String var Index: Integer): Boolean procedure Sort property Duplicates:
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 4kb Publisher : cxzhack

公司接触串口设备较多,调试串口程序用,刚写出来没两天,有兴趣的朋友顺便帮忙测试一下,另外推荐“VSPM虚拟串口”2.65,免费,再高版本就是收费了。UDP广播模式启动可作测试。谢谢。-Companies more access to serial devices, serial debugging process, and not just written in two days, friends are interested in to help test the way, and recommended " VSPM virtual serial port" 265, free, and then is charged a higher version. UDP broadcast mode can be used for testing.谢谢.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.77mb Publisher : ghost

virtual keyboard sanal kalvye iş inize yarayabilir
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 975kb Publisher : aaa

虚拟打印机源码,使用DELPHI编写,需要的TX可以下了研究下-Virtual printer source code, using DELPHI writing, TX may be required to study under the following
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 945kb Publisher : denty

Tree View VCL Control for Delphi with Source this control uses a different paradigm for tree management than other controls of this kind. It does not know anything about the data it manages (except its size), not even the captions of a node. Everything is retrieved from the application via events (or descendants via overridden methods).
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 4.08mb Publisher : mailads

Virtual Desktop Sources written delphi
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 6kb Publisher : starpeople
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