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这个类提供了一个快速和更简单的方式来使用RC4算法来加密和解密文件。它也包括了用来打开,读取,编写和附加文件的方法。包括了一个类的演示客户端程序。- This kind has provided fast and the simpler way uses the RC4 algorithm to encrypt reconciles the dense document. It also included has used for to open, reads takes, compilation and appended document method. Including a kind of demonstration customer end procedure.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 6.82kb Publisher : 张平

实现移位密码: 加密: 输入:k,以及小写表示的明文字母, 输出:大写字母表示的密文 解密:输入: k,以及大写字母表示的密文, 输出:小写字母表示的明文 例如,当k=11时 明文:wewillmeetatmidnight 密文:HPHTWWXPPELEXTOYTRSE-achieve shift Password : encryption : Admission : k, and explicitly expressed in lowercase letters, output : capital letters said the ciphertext declassified : Admission : k, and the uppercase letters dense text output : lowercase letters explicitly said for example, when k = 11:00 expressly : wewillmeetatmidnight ciphertext : HPHTWWXPPELEXTOYTRSE
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 6.31kb Publisher : Jam

computing dense correspondence # # (disparity map) between two images using graph cuts This software implements stereo algorithms described in the following papers: Vladimir Kolmogorov and Ramin Zabih "Multi-Camera scene Reconstruction via Graph Cuts" In: European Conference on Computer Vision, May 2002. Vladimir Kolmogorov and Ramin Zabih "Computing Visual Correspondence with Occlusions using Graph Cuts" In: International Conference on Computer Vision, July 2001. and Yuri Boykov, Olga Veksler and Ramin Zabih "Markov Random Fields with Efficient Approximations" In: IEEE Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Conference, June 1998.
Update : 2010-12-03 Size : 1.26mb Publisher :

实现立体匹配算法"quasi-dense matching"的Matlab代码,具体可参见CVPR 2007文章 Quasi-dense wide baseline matching using match propagation.-Stereo Matching Algorithm realize quasi-dense matching the Matlab code can be found in specific CVPR 2007 article Quasi-dense wide baseline matching using match propagation.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 526kb Publisher : 司卫光

LIBSVM源码。LIBSVM 是台湾大学林智仁(Chih-Jen Lin)博士等开发设计的一个操作简单、 易于使用、快速有效的通用SVM 软件包,可以解决分类问题(包括C- SVC、 n - SVC )、回归问题(包括e - SVR、n - SVR )以及分布估计(one-class-SVM ) 等问题,提供了线性、多项式、径向基和S形函数四种常用的核函数供选择,可以有效地解决多类问题、交叉验证选择参数、对不平衡样本加权、多类问题的概率估计等。-LIBSVM source. LIBSVM is林智仁Taiwan University (Chih-Jen Lin) Dr. develop design a simple, easy to use, fast and effective generic SVM software package, can solve the classification problems (including the C-SVC, n- SVC), regression ( including e- SVR, n- SVR) as well as the distribution of estimates (one-class-SVM) and so on, provides a linear, polynomial, radial basis function and the S-shaped kernel function of four commonly used for selection, can effectively to solve a wide range of issues, cross-validation to choose the parameters of the imbalance in the weighted sample, multi-category probability estimation.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 24kb Publisher : 刘铁军

针对传统方法难以可靠估计图像中纹理单一区域像素点视差的问题,将纹理分析应用于立体匹配中,提 出图像分块整体匹配的方法。首先用LBP/C纹理分析方法对图像纹理进行描述 然后进行基于区域生长的扩张检 测,得到纹理单一图像块 最后对图像块进行整体匹配,得到纹理单一区域的稠密视差图。对国际标准图像进行测试, 结果表明该算法能提高纹理单一区域稠密视差图的精度,具有实用价值 -Due to the difficulty of getting disparity of less textured pixels with traditional approach, block matching algorithm with texture analysis was put forward. First, the images were described by LBP/C texture analysis. Then the expansion detection based on region growing was performed, and the less textured blocks were acquired. Finally the dense disparitymap of less textured area was obtained through block matching. The proposed algorithm was tested with the international standard image data and comparedwith some existing algorithms. The experimental results show that the proposed algorithm can improve the accuracy of disparitywhen handling less textured areas and can be used in practic
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 251kb Publisher : swx

Dense Matching using energy minimization
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 7kb Publisher : ircman

Semi Dense Matching using Cross correlation, matching propagation publication
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 974kb Publisher : ircman

extract dense sift for each image patch, because no salient keypoint detection and rotation normalization, it is very efficient.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2kb Publisher : 郭恺

本文提出了一种快速,可靠的立体匹配算法产生浓密视差图,通过使用快速互相关、矩形秩和3D最大表面技术粗到细计划。-This paper presents a fast and reliable stereo matching algorithm which produces a dense disparity map by using fast cross correlation, rectangular subregioning (RSR) and 3D maximum-surface techniques in a coarse-to-fine scheme.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 3.13mb Publisher : swl

The uploading files is a good dense stereo matching algorithm, which is usually used in computer vision and computer graphics application.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.04mb Publisher : kuang zhangqun

代码用于寻找图像间的匹配点。先使用SIFT匹配算法得到两幅图像间的稀疏匹配点,然后再使用quasi-dense propagation算法得到quasi-dense匹配点。代码使用C++编写。 -This program is used to find point matches between two images. The procedure can be divided into two parts: 1) Firstly, using SIFT matching algorithm to find sparse point matches between two images. 2) Secondly, using "quasi-dense propagation" algorithm to get "quasi-dense" point matches. "Quasi-dense" means the matches are distributed evenly, and have quantities been improved significantly.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 269kb Publisher : liutailei

Tracking people in a dense crowd is a challenging problem for a single camera tracker due to occlusions and extensive motion that make human segmentation difficult. In this paper we suggest a method for simultaneously tracking all people in a dense crowd using a set of cameras with overlapping fields of view. To overcome occlusions, the cameras are placed at a high elevation and only people’s heads are tracked. Head detection is still difficult since each foreground region may consist of multiple subjects. By combining data from several views, height information is extracted and used for head segmentation.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 922kb Publisher : kaw

基于准稠密匹配的结构化场景三维重建(论文) 关键词:准稠密匹配;平面映射;鱼眼图像;三维重建;基于图像的渲染-Structure Scene Reconstruction Based on Quasi—Dense Match Propagation
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 757kb Publisher : songye

基于区域的稠密立体匹配方法(论文) 关键词:种子点;区域增长;稠密匹配-Based on Region Dense Three—dimensional Match Method
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 331kb Publisher : songye

a dense 3D reconstruction method
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.66mb Publisher : lingli

是DIGITAL EMILY 中经投影重建人脸后,对人脸进行对齐形变,已生成3D人脸动画的方法,形变效果很好。-a novel automatic method for high resolution, non-rigid dense 3D point tracking,using a phase-shifting structured light ranging technique。
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.59mb Publisher : 小魏

PIM Dense mode for Linux. This is a rarity these days.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 111kb Publisher : apa

基于VC++的双目立体视觉检测 采用SIFT特征点计算稀疏匹配 和稠密匹配-VC++ based binocular stereo vision detection using SIFT feature points to calculate sparse matching and dense matching
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 545kb Publisher : xuyong

To address the ever increasing high data rate and connectivity requirements in the next generation 5G wireless network, novel radio access technologies (RATs) are actively explored to enhance the system spectral efficiency and connectivity. As a promising RAT for 5G cellular networks, nonorthogonal multiple access (NOMA) has attracted extensive research attentions. Compared with orthogonal multiple access (OMA) that has been widely applied in existing wireless communication systems, NOMA possesses the potential to further improve system spectral efficiency and connectivity capability. This paper develops analytical frameworks for NOMA downlink and uplink multi-cell wireless systems to evaluate the system outage probability and average achievable rate. In the downlink NOMA system, two different NOMA group pairing schemes are considered, based on which theoretical results on outage and achievable data rates are derived. In the uplink NOMA, revised back-off power control scheme is applied and outage probability and per UE average achievable rate are derived. As wireless networks turn into more and more densely deployed, inter-cell interference has become a dominant capacity limiting factor but has not been addressed in most of the existing NOMA studies. In this paper a stochastic geometry approach is used to model a dense wireless system that supports NOMA on both uplink and downlink, based on which analytical results are derived either in pseudo-closed forms or succinct closed forms and are further validated by simulations. Numerical results demonstrate that NOMA can bring considerable system-wide performance gain compared to OMA on both uplink and downlink when properly designed
Update : 2021-08-30 Size : 6.39mb Publisher :
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