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Description: 当今社会是信息化的社会。为了适应社会对计算机数据安全保密越来越高的要求,美国国家标准局(NBS)于1997年公布了一个由IBM公司研制的一种加密算法,并且确定为非机要部门使用的数据加密标准,简称DES(Data Encrypton Standard)。自公布之日起,DES算法作为国际上商用保密通信和计算机通信的最常用算法,一直活跃在国际保密通信的舞台上,扮演了十分突出的角色。现将DES算法简单介绍一下,并给出实现DES算法的VC源代码。 DES算法由加密、解密和子密钥的生成三部分组成。-society today is the information society. In order to adapt to society for computer data security and confidentiality of the increasingly high demand the National Bureau of Standards (NBS), released in 1997 by an IBM developed an encryption algorithm, identified departments use non-confidential data encryption standard short DES (Data Encrypton Standard). Since the date of publication, DES algorithm as an international business confidential communications and computer communications of the most commonly used algorithm, international has been active in the confidential communications on the stage to play a very prominent role. DES algorithm will now give a brief account, and gives DES algorithm to achieve the VC source. DES algorithm by encryption, decryption keys and sub-generated three co
Platform: | Size: 41136 | Author: 吴权 | Hits:

[Crypt_Decrypt algrithmsdes算法

Description: 当今社会是信息化的社会。为了适应社会对计算机数据安全保密越来越高的要求,美国国家标准局(NBS)于1997年公布了一个由IBM公司研制的一种加密算法,并且确定为非机要部门使用的数据加密标准,简称DES(Data Encrypton Standard)。自公布之日起,DES算法作为国际上商用保密通信和计算机通信的最常用算法,一直活跃在国际保密通信的舞台上,扮演了十分突出的角色。现将DES算法简单介绍一下,并给出实现DES算法的VC源代码。 DES算法由加密、解密和子密钥的生成三部分组成。-society today is the information society. In order to adapt to society for computer data security and confidentiality of the increasingly high demand the National Bureau of Standards (NBS), released in 1997 by an IBM developed an encryption algorithm, identified departments use non-confidential data encryption standard short DES (Data Encrypton Standard). Since the date of publication, DES algorithm as an international business confidential communications and computer communications of the most commonly used algorithm, international has been active in the confidential communications on the stage to play a very prominent role. DES algorithm will now give a brief account, and gives DES algorithm to achieve the VC source. DES algorithm by encryption, decryption keys and sub-generated three co
Platform: | Size: 10201 | Author: qq | Hits:

[Other resourcelighttpd-1.5.0-r1477.tar

Description: http server The kqueue() system call provides a generic method of notifying the user when an event happens or a condition holds, based on the results of small pieces of kernel code termed filters. A kevent is identified by the (ident, filter) pair -http server kqueue () system call provi des a generic method of notifying the user when a n event happens or a condition holds, based on the results of small pieces of kernel co de termed filters. A kevent is identified by the (ident, filter) pair
Platform: | Size: 805782 | Author: lishaomin | Hits:

[Crack Hackmac_java

Description: Examples using Message Authentication Codes (MACs) and Message Digests-Examples using Message Authentication Co. des (MACs) and Message Digests
Platform: | Size: 8423 | Author: 刘永恒 | Hits:

[Crack Hack3des 源码

Description: c# for 3des加密解密-C# code for 3DES encryption and decryption
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: jqf | Hits:


Description: 当今社会是信息化的社会。为了适应社会对计算机数据安全保密越来越高的要求,美国国家标准局(NBS)于1997年公布了一个由IBM公司研制的一种加密算法,并且确定为非机要部门使用的数据加密标准,简称DES(Data Encrypton Standard)。自公布之日起,DES算法作为国际上商用保密通信和计算机通信的最常用算法,一直活跃在国际保密通信的舞台上,扮演了十分突出的角色。现将DES算法简单介绍一下,并给出实现DES算法的VC源代码。 DES算法由加密、解密和子密钥的生成三部分组成。-society today is the information society. In order to adapt to society for computer data security and confidentiality of the increasingly high demand the National Bureau of Standards (NBS), released in 1997 by an IBM developed an encryption algorithm, identified departments use non-confidential data encryption standard short DES (Data Encrypton Standard). Since the date of publication, DES algorithm as an international business confidential communications and computer communications of the most commonly used algorithm, international has been active in the confidential communications on the stage to play a very prominent role. DES algorithm will now give a brief account, and gives DES algorithm to achieve the VC source. DES algorithm by encryption, decryption keys and sub-generated three co
Platform: | Size: 3446784 | Author: 吴权 | Hits:

[Grid Computingyesadmin_com_2005112515349569

Description: 当今社会是信息化的社会。为了适应社会对计算机数据安全保密越来越高的要求,美国国家标准局(NBS)于1997年公布了一个由IBM公司研制的一种加密算法,并且确定为非机要部门使用的数据加密标准,简称DES(Data Encrypton Standard)。自公布之日起,DES算法作为国际上商用保密通信和计算机通信的最常用算法,一直活跃在国际保密通信的舞台上,扮演了十分突出的角色。现将DES算法简单介绍一下,并给出实现DES算法的VC源代码。 DES算法由加密、解密和子密钥的生成三部分组成。-society today is the information society. In order to adapt to society for computer data security and confidentiality of the increasingly high demand the National Bureau of Standards (NBS), released in 1997 by an IBM developed an encryption algorithm, identified departments use non-confidential data encryption standard short DES (Data Encrypton Standard). Since the date of publication, DES algorithm as an international business confidential communications and computer communications of the most commonly used algorithm, international has been active in the confidential communications on the stage to play a very prominent role. DES algorithm will now give a brief account, and gives DES algorithm to achieve the VC source. DES algorithm by encryption, decryption keys and sub-generated three co
Platform: | Size: 10240 | Author: qq | Hits:

[Other resourcelighttpd-1.5.0-r1477.tar

Description: http server The kqueue() system call provides a generic method of notifying the user when an event happens or a condition holds, based on the results of small pieces of kernel code termed filters. A kevent is identified by the (ident, filter) pair -http server kqueue () system call provi des a generic method of notifying the user when a n event happens or a condition holds, based on the results of small pieces of kernel co de termed filters. A kevent is identified by the (ident, filter) pair
Platform: | Size: 805888 | Author: | Hits:

[Crack Hackmac_java

Description: Examples using Message Authentication Codes (MACs) and Message Digests-Examples using Message Authentication Co. des (MACs) and Message Digests
Platform: | Size: 8192 | Author: 刘永恒 | Hits:


Description: JAVA版的DES加密算法,是完整的DES加密算法-JAVA version of the DES encryption algorithm, is the integrity of the DES encryption algorithm
Platform: | Size: 23552 | Author: trilobite | Hits:

[Crack Hack3des-suanfa

Description: 3des算法code,已经通过visual c++编译.比一重des算法更加可靠!-3DES algorithm code, has passed visual c++ Compiler. Than one algorithm more reliable re-des!
Platform: | Size: 222208 | Author: xuzhinan | Hits:

[Crack HackDES

Description: DES算法实现源代码 DES_SourceCode1 DES_SourceCode2 DES_SourceCode3 DES_SourceCode4 DES_SourceCode5 以上5个文件里都包含完整的源代码-DES algorithm source code for more than DES_SourceCode1DES_SourceCode2DES_SourceCode3DES_SourceCode4DES_SourceCode5 document 5 contains the complete source code
Platform: | Size: 2642944 | Author: wj | Hits:

[OS programdcpcrypt2.2009

Description: 加密解密组件 支持版本: Delphi 4, 5, 6, 7 and 2005,2009 and Kylix 1 and 2 开源官方站点:http://www.cityinthesky.co.uk/ -Support for encryption and decryption component version: Delphi 4, 5, 6, 7 and 2005,2009 and Kylix 1 and 2 open the official site: http://www.cityinthesky.co.uk/
Platform: | Size: 621568 | Author: 老夫子 | Hits:

[Windows Developdes_code

Description: des算法源码 DES算法为密码体制中的对称密码体制,又被成为美国数据加密标准,是1972年美国IBM公司研制的对称密码体制加密算法。   其密钥长度为56位,明文按64位进行分组,将分组后的明文组和56位的密钥按位替代或交换的方法形成密文组的加密方法。   DES加密算法特点:分组比较短、密钥太短、密码生命周期短、运算速度较慢。-des algorithm source code for DES algorithm of the symmetric cryptosystem cryptosystem, was to become the United States Data Encryption Standard, is the United States in 1972 developed by IBM Corporation symmetric encryption algorithm cryptosystem. Its key length 56, 64 explicitly grouped according to specific sub-group and after the 56-bit key by an alternative method or exchange group formed ciphertext encryption methods. DES encryption algorithm characteristics: short packet, the key is too short, short life-cycle password, slower speed of operation.
Platform: | Size: 4096 | Author: 李大力 | Hits:


Description: Les progrès réalisés en matière d électronique de puissance, de circuits de commande et en automatique ont contribué à l utilisation grandissante des machines asynchrones dans les systèmes d entraî nements électriques. Le recours aux machines asynchrones est surtout lié à leur robustesse, leur puissance massique et à leur coû t de fabrication. Leur maintenance et leur surveillance permettent de rentabiliser les installations. Il est donc important de développer des outils de diagnostic pour détecter de manière précoce les défauts pouvant apparaî tre dans ces machines. Notre approche est basée sur l utilisation des méthodes de reconnaissance des formes. Un vecteur de paramètres, appelé vecteur forme, est extrait de chacune des mesures effectuées sur la machine. Les règles de décisions utilisées permettent de classer les observations, décrites par le vecteur forme, par rapport aux différents modes de fonctionnement connus avec ou sans défaut.
Platform: | Size: 2124800 | Author: lakhdar | Hits:


Description: Le réseau Internet s est développé considérablement ces dernières décennies, au point de conditionner désormais une part importante de l activité économique. Il fut à l origine conç u comme un réseau reliant diérents organismes de conance et permettant de communiquer à moindre coû t des informations de nature diverse. Mais au l de son évolution, Internet s est avéré vulnérable à de nombreuses attaques.
Platform: | Size: 1014784 | Author: amina | Hits:

[Industry researchHEED

Description: ecent advances in electrical engineering and computer science, esp ecially in micro- electro-mechanical systems (MEMS), very-large-scale integration (VLSI) and op erating system theory, have made wireless sensor network (WSN) technologies an imp ortant and promising research area. As the circuitry b ecame smaller and cheap er, the idea of co op eratively sensing physical or environmental conditions, such as magnetic eld intensity, temp erature, light intensity, sound, vibration, pressure, motion or p ollutants with the help of a network of sensor no des has b ecome feasible.
Platform: | Size: 7168 | Author: ghadi | Hits:

[Technology Managementd4800

Description: Les réseaux électriques représentent des investissements considérables consentis par les compagnies d’électricité pour alimenter leurs clients aux meilleures conditions de coû t et de qualité de service. Pour des raisons techniques et économiques évidentes, il n’est pas possible de construire des réseaux exempts de défauts de fonctionnement ils sont, en particulier, exposés aux agressions naturelles comme la foudre. Les réseaux sont donc affectés de perturbations qui peuvent mettre en cause la pérennité du matériel et la qualité du service rendu et dont il faut chercher à minimiser les conséquences.-Les réseaux électriques représentent des investissements considérables consentis par les compagnies d’électricité pour alimenter leurs clients aux meilleures conditions de coû t et de qualité de service. Pour des raisons techniques et économiques évidentes, il n’est pas possible de construire des réseaux exempts de défauts de fonctionnement ils sont, en particulier, exposés aux agressions naturelles comme la foudre. Les réseaux sont donc affectés de perturbations qui peuvent mettre en cause la pérennité du matériel et la qualité du service rendu et dont il faut chercher à minimiser les conséquences.
Platform: | Size: 347136 | Author: fouzirock | Hits:


Description: java lessentiel du code et des commandes
Platform: | Size: 548864 | Author: san1985med20179999 | Hits:

CodeBus www.codebus.net