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Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 281.28kb Publisher : xiedengmin

极速通用信息采集系统.NET.exe.不错的net 愿码制作入门教程-Dukes general information acquisition system.NET.exe. Yes the code is ready to produce net portal Guide ...
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 845kb Publisher : hxw001

蜘蛛采集器的php源代码,好不容易从一位高手买来的,花了我100块人民币-Spider Collector
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 281kb Publisher : xiedengmin

外国人写的一个CMS系统,使用vb.net编写,功能完善,有很高的学习价值-Foreigners to write a CMS system, using to prepare, perfect functions and has a high learning value
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 8.87mb Publisher : tmk

Nicewords-Dzend版 Nicewords是由工作在顶级门户网站的几名资深高级工程师利用爬虫技术(蜘蛛机器人,spider)、分词技术和网页萃取技术,结合白帽SEO(规避了一切风险的搜索引擎优化),利用URL重写技术、缓存技术,使用PHP语言开发的一套能根据设置的关键词自动抓取互联网上的相关信息、自动更新的WEB智能建站系统。利用NiceWords智能建站系统,只需要在配置页面上设置几个关键词,NiceWords就能全自动的生成一套能自动更新的网站了。 您要做的仅仅是设置几个关键词,其他的一切交给NiceWords来完成-Nicewords-Dzend version Nicewords by working in several top-level portal, senior engineer using reptiles technology (robot spider, spider), sub-word extraction technology and web technology, combined with white hat SEO (to circumvent all the risk of search engine optimization ), the use of URL rewriting technology, caching technology, the use of PHP to develop a set of language according to settings automatically crawl Keywords relevant information on the Internet, automatic update system WEB Intelligent建站.建站use NiceWords intelligent systems, only need to configure the settings page a few words, NiceWords will be able to generate a set of fully automated web site to automatically update the. All you have to do is set up only a few words to all the other NiceWords to complete
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.05mb Publisher : zhou
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