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Description: 简单登陆系统 挺简单的,就不用多说了!非要20个字符!-this is a asp code asd lfkja sdfa sfd asdf sads fa s dfa s df
Platform: | Size: 10240 | Author: 加薪 | Hits:

[Game Hook Crackdf-2010

Description: [透视修复完毕:] 点开透视功能进入游戏后F9开启!(若透视无效,请退出360) .............................................................. [无后坐说明] 游戏中F8开启,枪无后坐力,指哪打哪. .............................................................. [自动开枪说明] 改变核心文件,减少杀软误报情况 准心对准敌人自动开枪 暴头率增加75 启动成功后,f3开启,f4关闭。 .............................................................. [瞬移(说明)不支持电脑直接接猫上网的用户] 启动此功能后,断线为t,连线为f 进入游戏后,在你需要瞬移的时候按下t,此时别人已看不到不到你移动 (最好是在别人看不到你的时候就按下t),等你走到别人身边后按f, 超过7秒程序会自动连线。如退出程序后电脑掉线,打开大飞瞬移。点连线即可 (此功能加过壳。有些杀软会误报病毒,这是误报,请放心使用。) 问题反馈:http://www.qiuque26.cn/thread-htm-fid-80.html-chuangyuehuoxianwaigua
Platform: | Size: 1024000 | Author: 谢兵 | Hits:


Description: empirical formula with kaiser clc clear all fs=1000 fc=250 df=50 r=0.001 f=fc/fs dw=2*pi*(df/fs) a=-20*log(r) n=floor(((a-8)/(2.285*dw))+1) if a>50 b=0.1102*(a-8.7) elseif a>=21 && a<=50 b=0.5842*((a-21)^0.4)+0.07886*(a-21) elseif a<21 b=0.0 end w=kaiser(n,b) for i=1:n if i~=(n-1)/2 hd(i)= (2*f*sin((i-((n-1)/2))*2*pi*f))/((i-((n-1)/2))*2*pi*f) elseif i==(n-1)/2 hd(i)=2*f end end for j=1:n h(j)=w(j)*hd(j) end subplot(3,1,1), plot(w) subplot(3,1,2), plot(h) subplot(3,1,3), plot(h,n) - empirical formula with kaiser clc clear all fs=1000 fc=250 df=50 r=0.001 f=fc/fs dw=2*pi*(df/fs) a=-20*log(r) n=floor(((a-8)/(2.285*dw))+1) if a>50 b=0.1102*(a-8.7) elseif a>=21 && a<=50 b=0.5842*((a-21)^0.4)+0.07886*(a-21) elseif a<21 b=0.0 end w=kaiser(n,b) for i=1:n if i~=(n-1)/2 hd(i)= (2*f*sin((i-((n-1)/2))*2*pi*f))/((i-((n-1)/2))*2*pi*f) elseif i==(n-1)/2 hd(i)=2*f end end for j=1:n h(j)=w(j)*hd(j) end subplot(3,1,1), plot(w) subplot(3,1,2), plot(h) subplot(3,1,3), plot(h,n)
Platform: | Size: 81920 | Author: rezwan | Hits:


Description: empirical formula with kaiser clc clear all fs=1000 fc=250 df=50 r=0.001 f=fc/fs dw=2*pi*(df/fs) a=-20*log(r) n=floor(((a-8)/(2.285*dw))+1) if a>50 b=0.1102*(a-8.7) elseif a>=21 && a<=50 b=0.5842*((a-21)^0.4)+0.07886*(a-21) elseif a<21 b=0.0 end w=kaiser(n,b) for i=1:n if i~=(n-1)/2 hd(i)= (2*f*sin((i-((n-1)/2))*2*pi*f))/((i-((n-1)/2))*2*pi*f) elseif i==(n-1)/2 hd(i)=2*f end end for j=1:n h(j)=w(j)*hd(j) end subplot(3,1,1), plot(w) subplot(3,1,2), plot(h) subplot(3,1,3), plot(h,n) - empirical formula with kaiser clc clear all fs=1000 fc=250 df=50 r=0.001 f=fc/fs dw=2*pi*(df/fs) a=-20*log(r) n=floor(((a-8)/(2.285*dw))+1) if a>50 b=0.1102*(a-8.7) elseif a>=21 && a<=50 b=0.5842*((a-21)^0.4)+0.07886*(a-21) elseif a<21 b=0.0 end w=kaiser(n,b) for i=1:n if i~=(n-1)/2 hd(i)= (2*f*sin((i-((n-1)/2))*2*pi*f))/((i-((n-1)/2))*2*pi*f) elseif i==(n-1)/2 hd(i)=2*f end end for j=1:n h(j)=w(j)*hd(j) end subplot(3,1,1), plot(w) subplot(3,1,2), plot(h) subplot(3,1,3), plot(h,n)
Platform: | Size: 541696 | Author: rezwan | Hits:

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