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This award winning library is a C library for \"computing the Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) in one or more dimensions, of both real and complex data, and of arbitrary input size.\" -This award winning library is a C library az r "computing the Discrete Fourier Transform (D FT) in one or more dimensions, of both real and complex data. and of arbitrary input size. "
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 2.61mb Publisher : 王云

This award winning library is a C library for "computing the Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) in one or more dimensions, of both real and complex data, and of arbitrary input size." -This award winning library is a C library az r "computing the Discrete Fourier Transform (D FT) in one or more dimensions, of both real and complex data. and of arbitrary input size. "
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 2.61mb Publisher : 王云

DFT(Discrete Fourier Transformation)是数字信号分析与处理如图形、语音及图像等领域的重要变换工具,直接计算DFT的计算量与变换区间长度N的平方成正比。当N较大时,因计算量太大,直接用DFT算法进行谱分析和信号的实时处理是不切实际的。快速傅立叶变换(Fast Fourier Transformation,简称FFT)使DFT运算效率提高1~2个数量级。其原因是当N较大时,对DFT进行了基4和基2分解运算。FFT算法除了必需的数据存储器ram和旋转因子rom外,仍需较复杂的运算和控制电路单元,即使现在,实现长点数的FFT仍然是很困难。本文提出的FFT实现算法是基于FPGA之上的,算法完成对一个序列的FFT计算,完全由脉冲触发,外部只输入一脉冲头和输入数据,便可以得到该脉冲头作为起始标志的N点FFT输出结果。由于使用了双ram,该算法是流型(Pipelined)的,可以连续计算N点复数输入FFT,即输入可以是分段N点连续复数数据流。采用DIF(Decimation In Frequency)-FFT和DIT(Decimation In Time)-FFT对于算法本身来说是无关紧要的,因为两种情况下只是存储器的读写地址有所变动而已,不影响算法的结构和流程,也不会对算法复杂度有何影响。-err
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 58kb Publisher : 吴庆庆

DL : 0
在TMS320C6711DSK硬件开发环境中实现DFT算法-In hardware development environment TMS320C6711DSK realize DFT algorithm
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 7kb Publisher : fl

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DFT程序源代码,用C语言写的,请需要的朋友查收-DFT program source code, written using C language, please find a friend in need
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 2kb Publisher :

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基4的FFT算法程序,它是要通过将长度为N的数据序列转化成大小为4的DFT来实现高速化。从理论上讲,它比执行时间缩短为基2的FFT的3/4。该程序性能优越,可用性很强。下载即可用!-4 FFT algorithm based procedures, it is to be adopted will be a length of N data sequence into a size of 4 to achieve high-speed DFT. In theory, shorter than the execution time of FFT-based 2 of 3/4. The superior performance, availability, very strong. Can be used to download!
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 1kb Publisher : jojocheng

DL : 0
DFT算法的实现的一种C语言源程序,我是在Win—TC上编译的-DFT algorithms realize a C language source code, I was in the Win-TC on the compiled
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 1kb Publisher : Jack

DL : 0
在C++环境下的离散傅里叶变化,我自己运行过的,是可以运行的-In C++, the discrete Fourier changes, I have been running to be able to run
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 1kb Publisher : wang jun chao

一个基于Hash的随机LSB信息隐藏程序 包含波形小幅扰动抗攻击 自己编写的 包含24bitBMP文件的读取与像素分离 快速傅立叶变换 散列LSB等相关算法的头文件 与系统无关 可以通过G++编译 在Win/Linux环境下都可以正常工作 也可以将头文件提取出来应用于其他代码之中-A Hash-LSB steganography source code with randomized DFT anti-RS-attack tech. Coding by myself. Including head files of get 24bit BMP file, FFT, and Hash-LSB, can be compiled by GNU/G++ in both Windows and Linux.
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 1.15mb Publisher : 杜睿

Goertzel DFT implementation in C#. This is Goertzel s style of calculating Discrete Fourier Transform, is a windowed transform similar to STFT. This implementation will need some small modification for your use, but I post because it is rare in C# to find this algorithm!-Goertzel DFT implementation in C#. This is Goertzel s style of calculating Discrete Fourier Transform, is a windowed transform similar to STFT. This implementation will need some small modification for your use, but I post because it is rare in C# to find this algorithm!
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 1kb Publisher : sefstrat

The report contains the detailed study of dft of single sinewave, multiple sinewave and squarewave in C platform..and gud analysis of obtained results and there comparison discusses each line of code with explanation-The report contains the detailed study of dft of single sinewave, multiple sinewave and squarewave in C platform..and gud analysis of obtained results and there comparison discusses each line of code with explanation
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 514kb Publisher : Mak_m

数字信号处理:实现对32点矩形序列和x(n)=n+1序列分别进行DFT,两者线形卷积,原序列补点至63点后的DFT和对DFT乘积的IDFT。显示为数值和坐标轴中的图像。vista系统不能看图。在win-c下编译,c语言-Digital signal processing: to achieve 32 points, rectangular sequence and x (n) = n+1 sequences were carried out DFT, linear convolution between the original sequence of fill points to 63 points, after the DFT and the DFT product of IDFT. Shown as values and axis in the image. vista system can not plug-in. In the win-c compiled, c language
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 4kb Publisher : pirate

musicdsp source code archive-Analysis Beat Detector Class Coefficients for Daubechies wavelets 1-38 DFT Envelope detector Envelope Detector class (C++) Envelope follower with different attack and release Fast in-place Walsh-Hadamard Transform FFT FFT classes in C++ and Object Pascal Frequency response from biquad coefficients Java FFT Look ahead limiting LPC analysis (autocorrelation+ Levinson-Durbin recursion) Magnitude and phase plot of arbitrary IIR function, up to 5th order Measuring interpollation noise QFT and DQFT (double precision) classes Simple peak follower tone detection with Goertzel Tone detection with Goertzel (x86 ASM) Effects 2 Wave shaping things Alien Wah Band Limited PWM Generator Bit quantization/reduction effect Class for waveguide/delay effects Compressor Decimator Delay time calculation for reverberation DIRAC- Free C/C++ Library for Time and Pitch Manipulation of Audio Based on Time-Frequency Transforms dynamic convolution Early echo s with image-mirror techn
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 807kb Publisher : Alan Tang

DFT,傅里叶变换的C程序,使用傅里叶矩阵变化算法-DFT, Fourier transform of C programs, changes in algorithm using Fourier matrix
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 195kb Publisher : zhaoxuefeng

DL : 0
DFT c++ source(in txt file)
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 1kb Publisher : petrus

DFT in one dimensional in visual c++ environment
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 1kb Publisher : amann

DL : 0
DFT算法的C语言实现,可对任意点处理,自适应检测边界。-DFT in C version,for any length.
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 818kb Publisher : 李枫

DL : 0
在C++环境下的离散傅里叶变化,我自己运行过的,是可以运行的-In C++, the discrete Fourier changes, I have been running to be able to run
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 1kb Publisher : thatth

A simple Discrete Fourier Transform Code in C language, it generates a random signal and applies the DFT on it then saves the result in a matlab file
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 1kb Publisher : Khalid

A simple Discrete Fourier Transform Code in C language, it generates a random signal and applies the DFT on it
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 1kb Publisher : Khalid
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