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文中简述了汽车随车诊断技术和车外诊断技术的功能、优点及发展方向,并就未来汽车诊断技术的发展方向作了预测。-text outlined a car attendant diagnostic techniques and vehicle diagnostic technology functions, advantages and direction of development, and future automotive diagnostic technology development direction was forecast.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 12kb Publisher :

Network diagnostic Utility -Network diagnostic Utility
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 202kb Publisher :

BMW车用诊断软体,可以读取故障码,及清除故障码,机油保养灯归零,支援LIVE DATA..等多种功能.适用于WINDOWS系统.此转体包含介面.-BMW car with diagnostic software can read Fault Code, and removal of fault codes, oil lamps zero maintenance, LIVE DATA support .. so on. apply to the Windows system. This includes rotary interface.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 784kb Publisher : 陈明裕

BMW诊断软体,可以对DME供由系统晶片作修改,也可以修改哩程数,也可以读取故障码及清除故障码,是一款功能不错的诊断软体.适用于WINDOWS作业系统.软体包含介面.-BMW diagnostic software, DME can be right for the system chip to make modifications can also modify a few miles. Fault can also read codes and removal of fault codes, A function is a good diagnostic software. apply to the Windows operating system. Software includes interface.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 616kb Publisher : 陈明裕

Communication and Diagnostic Protocol of Control System on Heavy-duty Vehicle 你可以了解各种和汽车通讯的协议-Communication and Diagnostic Protocol of Control System on Heavy-duty Vehicle you can all understand and Automobile communications agreement
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 96kb Publisher : 包文

OBD的认证程序,做汽车OBDII 研究的朋友可能会有用,目前OBDII是汽车诊断的发展趋势-OBD certification procedures, to do research OBDII Automotive Friend may be useful, the current OBDII automotive diagnostic trends
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 292kb Publisher : 叶子

Bosch CAN BUS OBD2 Protocol Diagnostic
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 266kb Publisher : Boris

Road vehicles -Diagnostic systems-Keyword Protocol 2000 (ISO 14230-2)-Road vehicles-Diagnostic systems-Keyword Protocol 2000 (ISO 14230-2)
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 328kb Publisher : Stefa

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课程 1028 VBS: 汽车上的串行通信总线系统 课程简介 汽车的网络化时代已经到来了,我们也要紧跟潮流。本课程将为您深入讲解当前最流行的二大串行通信总线协议—— CAN 和LIN。内容包括一般网络拓扑知识,CAN和LIN总线的基本原理,二种总线的物理层和数据链路层协议内容, 控制器的编程和诊断,也有系统开发工具的演示。-Course 1028 VBS: vehicle serial communication bus system Course Description Automobile network era has come, we must closely follow the trend. This course will provide you in depth on the current two most popular serial communication bus protocol- CAN and LIN. Include general knowledge of network topology, CAN and LIN bus the basic principles of two kinds of bus physical layer and data link layer protocol content, programming and diagnostic controller, but also a demonstration of system development tools.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 3.78mb Publisher : lajie

主要介绍 tcpip_illustrated_protocol 的 文档-This book describes the TCP/IP protocol suite, but from a different perspective than other texts on TCP/IP. Instead of just describing the protocols and what they do, we ll use a popular diagnostic tool to watch the protocols in action. Seeing how the protocols operate in varying circumstances provides a greater understanding of how they work and why certain design decisions were made. It also provides a look into the implementation of the protocols, without having to wade through thousands of lines of source code. When networking protocols were being developed in the 1960s through the 1980s, expensive, dedicated hardware was required to see the packets going "across the wire." Extreme familiarity with the protocols was also required to comprehend the packets displayed by the hardware. Functionality of the hardware analyzers was limited to that built in by the hardware designers. Today this has changed dramatically with the ability of the ubiquitous workstation to monitor a loc
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 975kb Publisher : 伍俊丞

汽车通讯协议iso9141文档,是开发汽车诊断仪的必备-Iso9141 vehicle communication protocol document, is to develop the necessary motor vehicle diagnostic apparatus
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 3.79mb Publisher : 徐壬六

串口通信,汽车诊断程序 ODB2标准!-Serial communication, automotive diagnostic procedures ODB2 standards!
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 152kb Publisher : 王凯勋

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在診斷汽車的故障應用上,可以以can協議跟汽車通信,診斷汽車存在的問題,且通信高速.-Fault diagnosis of motor vehicles in the application, can be car can deal with communications, automotive diagnostic problems, and high-speed communications.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1kb Publisher : adward

用asp.net编写的一个小型故障诊断专家系统,采用故障树诊断方法,适当修改可用于精度不高的汽车发动机或其它故障诊断。 prepared with a small fault diagnosis expert system using fault-tree diagnostic method, with appropriate modifications can be used for high precision non-automotive engines or other fault diagnosis.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 28.61mb Publisher : yyy

ISO 14229标准文档,Road vehicles — Unified diagnostic services (UDS) — Specification and requirements-ISO 14229 standard document,Road vehicles — Unified diagnostic services (UDS) — Specification and requirements
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 4.97mb Publisher : zhangjian

ISO 14229 Road vehicles — Unified diagnostic services
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 701kb Publisher : song

网上竟然没有一个汽车诊断协议kwp2000的实现。本人写了一个kwp2000-3(数据链路层)的实现,希望对开发汽车诊断协议的人员有帮助。-Online there is not even a car diagnostic protocol kwp2000 implementation. I wrote a kwp2000-3 (data link layer) the realization of the hope that an agreement on the development of automotive diagnostic staff helpful.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2kb Publisher : laye

KWP2000最初是基于K线的诊断协议,由于K线物理层和数据链路层在网络管理和通讯速率上的局限性,使得K线无法满足日趋复杂的车载诊断网络的需求。而CAN网络(Controller Area Network)由于其非破坏性的网络仲裁机制、较高的通讯速率(可达1M bps)和灵活可靠的通讯方式,在车载网络领域广受青睐,越来越多的汽车制造商把CAN总线应用于汽车控制、诊断和通讯-KWP2000 initial diagnosis is based on K-line protocol, as K line physical layer and data link layer in the network management and communication speed on the limitations, making K lines can not meet the increasingly complex vehicle diagnostic networks. The CAN network (Controller Area Network) network because of its non-destructive arbitration mechanism, the higher the communication rate (up to 1M bps) and the flexible and reliable means of communication, in-vehicle networking is widely popular, more and more cars manufacturers to CAN bus used in automotive control, diagnosis and communication
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 68kb Publisher : 张敏

K-Line Adapter for Car Diagnostic Project SCH&PCB - ORCAD 9.2
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 34kb Publisher : Vlad

Seagate,Diagnostic,Commands for Seagate hard disk repairing
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 252kb Publisher : elalfey
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