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Differentiation of the Gaussian pulse
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1kb Publisher : 冉阳

瞬时频率的解释和瞬时频率估计算法的介绍,回顾目前存在的一些瞬时频率估计算法以及作者提出的新的算法-This paper, which addresses the important issue of estimating the instantaneous frequency (IF) of a signal, is a sequel to the paper which appears in this issue, and dealt with the concepts relating to the IF. In this paper the concept of IF is extended to be able to cope with discrete time signals. The specific problem explored is that of estimating the IF of frequency modulated (FM) discrete-time signals imbedded in Gaussian noise. There are many well established methods for estimating the IF-these methods include differentiation of the phase and smoothing thereof adaptive frequency estimation techniques such as the phase locked loop (PLL), and extraction of the peak from time-varying spectral representations. More recently methods based on a modeling of the signal phase as a polynomial have been introduced. All of these methods are reviewed, and their performances are compared on both simulated and real data. Guidelines are given as to which estimationmethodshould be used for
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 2.07mb Publisher : sunrong

Wilson H.B., Turcotte L.H., Halpern D. Advanced Mathematics and Mechanics Applications Using MATLAB 3. Linear Algebra. 4. Differentiation and numerical interpolation 5. gaussian integration 6. Fourier series and FFT 7. Dynamic response of second order systems 8. Integration of nonlinnear initial value problems. 9. Boundary value problems 10. Eigenvalue problems. 11. Bending analysis of beams 12. Application of analytic functions
Update : 2023-03-15 Size : 4.69mb Publisher : diego_velasquez
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