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此程序能将模拟滤波器转变为数字滤波器,在数字信号处理问题上有着广泛的应用-analog filter into digital filters, in digital signal processing problem has wide application
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 1.68kb Publisher : 黄如意

这是用单片机实现的多功能数字钟,通过8255扩展端口,AD0809将模拟信号转换成数字信号进行处理,可以比较精确的测出电压值.-This is the MCU multifunction digital clock, through the 8255 expansion port, AD0809 a conversion of analog signals into digital signal processing, more precise measuring the voltage values.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 1.76kb Publisher : 张春龙

DL : 0
1.了解数字信号处理系统的一般构成; 2.掌握奈奎斯特抽样定理。 为方便实现,实验中更换了一种表现形式,即抽样频率固定(10KHz),通过改变输入模拟信号的频率来展示低通抽样定理。我们可以通过研究抽样频率和模拟信号最高频率分量的频率之间的关系,来验证低通抽样定理。-1. Understanding digital signal processing system of the general composition; 2. Master Nyquist Sampling Theorem. To facilitate the realization of the experiment to replace a form of expression, that is, fixed sampling frequency (10KHz). By changing the input signal frequency to demonstrate low-pass sampling theorem. We can, through research and sampling frequency of the highest frequency analog signal frequency components of the relationship between to verify low-pass sampling theorem.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 3.12kb Publisher : 深蓝

DL : 0
此程序能将模拟滤波器转变为数字滤波器,在数字信号处理问题上有着广泛的应用-analog filter into digital filters, in digital signal processing problem has wide application
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1kb Publisher : 黄如意

DL : 0
这是用单片机实现的多功能数字钟,通过8255扩展端口,AD0809将模拟信号转换成数字信号进行处理,可以比较精确的测出电压值.-This is the MCU multifunction digital clock, through the 8255 expansion port, AD0809 a conversion of analog signals into digital signal processing, more precise measuring the voltage values.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2kb Publisher : 张春龙

DL : 0
1.了解数字信号处理系统的一般构成; 2.掌握奈奎斯特抽样定理。 为方便实现,实验中更换了一种表现形式,即抽样频率固定(10KHz),通过改变输入模拟信号的频率来展示低通抽样定理。我们可以通过研究抽样频率和模拟信号最高频率分量的频率之间的关系,来验证低通抽样定理。-1. Understanding digital signal processing system of the general composition; 2. Master Nyquist Sampling Theorem. To facilitate the realization of the experiment to replace a form of expression, that is, fixed sampling frequency (10KHz). By changing the input signal frequency to demonstrate low-pass sampling theorem. We can, through research and sampling frequency of the highest frequency analog signal frequency components of the relationship between to verify low-pass sampling theorem.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 3kb Publisher : 深蓝

这片是写的数据信号处理可查那个设计的报告,报告包括卷积演示程序、演示采样定理、模拟滤波器设计演示—从模拟低通滤波器到模拟高通、带通、带阻的幅度 特性对比演示、切比雪夫I型低通滤波器、利用凯塞窗设计高通滤波器、使用双线性变换法设计巴特沃斯低通数字滤波器 这几个部分..........用matlab实现 -this piece is written data signal processing design can be found that the report, including the convolution Demonstration Program, Presentations sampling theorem, Analog Filter Design demo-from analog low-pass filter to simulate high-pass, band-pass, with the rate of resistance properties compared demo, I Chebyshev low-pass filter, the use of Kaiser window design high-pass filter, use bilinear transform design Butterworth low-pass digital filter these parts .......... used mat Implementation lab
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 318kb Publisher :

DL : 0
数字信号处理的原理,PPT格式 过去,信号处理一直采用模拟设备来 完成。近代,数字计算机的出现和大规模 集成技术的高速发展,为信号处理提供了 强有力的手段。在电子技术各个领域,例 如雷达、声纳、语言通信、数字通讯等, 正日益广泛的用数字方法替代模拟方法实 现信号处理。因此,从本世纪60年代以来, 逐步形成了一门新的学科——数字信号处 理。 -Digital Signal Processing Principle, PPT format of the past, has been using analog signal processing equipment to complete. In modern times, the emergence of digital computers and large-scale integration technology of rapid development, for the signal processing provides a powerful tool. Electronic technology in various fields, such as radar, sonar, speech communications, digital communications and so on, are becoming increasingly wide range of alternative methods of analog with digital signal processing method. Therefore, since the 60s of this century, and gradually formed a new discipline- Digital Signal Processing.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 826kb Publisher : sdfsjf

DL : 0
摄像头的工作原理大致为:景物通过镜头(LENS)生成的光学图像投射到图像传感器表面上,然后转为电信号,经过A/D(模数转换)转换后变为数字图像信号,再送到数字信号处理芯片(DSP)中加工处理,再通过USB接口传输到电脑中处理,通过显示器就可以看到图像了。 -The working principle of the camera more or less as follows: the scene through the lens (LENS) to generate the optical image projected onto the image sensor surface, and then converted to electrical signals, after A/D (analog-digital conversion) converted into a digital image signal, and then sent to digital signal processing chip (DSP) in the processing, transmission through the USB interface to computer processing, through the display can be seen on the images.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 109kb Publisher :

数字信号处理实践方法,从一到三囊括了数字信号处理的模数变换、DFT变换、Z变换、滤波器设计等-Digital signal processing practices, from 1-3 to include digital signal processing of analog-to-digital transformation, DFT transform, Z transform, filter design, etc.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 9kb Publisher : hbeishang

数字信号处理实践方法,从一到三囊括了数字信号处理的模数变换、DFT变换、Z变换、滤波器设计等-Digital signal processing practices, from 1-3 to include digital signal processing of analog-to-digital transformation, DFT transform, Z transform, filter design, etc.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 16kb Publisher : hbeishang

数字信号处理实践方法,从一到三囊括了数字信号处理的模数变换、DFT变换、Z变换、滤波器设计等-Digital signal processing practices, from 1-3 to include digital signal processing of analog-to-digital transformation, DFT transform, Z transform, filter design, etc.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 12kb Publisher : hbeishang

印度GURUNANAK ENGINEERING COLLEGE数字信号处理实验室的DSP+c+Matlab联合编程手册-DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSING LAB (IV-I SEM) INDEX 1. Architecture of DSP chips-TMS 320C 6713 DSP Processor 2. Linear convolution 3. Circular convolution 4. FIR Filter (LP/HP) Using Windowing technique a. Rectangular window b. Triangular window c. Kaiser window 5. IIR Filter(LP/HP) on DSP processors 6. N-point FFT algorithm 7. Power Spectral Density of a sinusoidal signals 8. FFT of 1-D signal plot 9. MATLAB program to generate sum of sinusoidal signals 10. MATLAB program to find frequency response of analog
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.51mb Publisher : wangjin

观测实时模拟信号(语音)的频谱 用音频设备采集一段语音,将语音存为.wav格式。对wav文件作分段傅里叶变换分析。语音是分音节的,应把它分段分析,而且实际运用中的数字信号处理的FFT的点数是有限的,一般只能达到千点。用傅里叶反变换IFFT,从频域恢复信号。画出频谱图和语音波形图。 -Observing real-time analog signal (voice) of the spectrum collected with the audio devices section of voice, voice saved as. Wav format. Wav file of the sub-Fourier transform analysis to make. Speech is divided into syllables, it should be sub-analysis, and practical application of digital signal processing of the FFT points is limited, generally only reach 1000 points. Fourier inverse transform IFFT, to restore the signal from the frequency domain. Draw the spectrum map and voice waveform.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 62kb Publisher : benny

信号频谱分析 1. 观测已知方波信号、正弦波信号的频谱 分析频率为4KHz、8KHz的占空比为50 的方波信号、正弦波信号的频谱。记录所得频谱图。 2. 观测实时模拟信号(语音)的频谱 用音频设备采集一段语音,将语音存为.wav格式。对wav文件作分段傅里叶变换分析。语音是分音节的,应把它分段分析,而且实际运用中的数字信号处理的FFT的点数是有限的,一般只能达到千点。用傅里叶反变换IFFT,从频域恢复信号。画出频谱图和语音波形图-Signal spectrum analysis 1. Observing a known square-wave signal, sine wave signal frequency spectrum analysis 4KHz, 8KHz for the 50 duty cycle square wave signal, sine wave signal frequency spectrum. The recorded frequency spectrum. 2. Observing real-time analog signal (voice) of the spectrum collected with the audio devices section of voice, voice saved as. Wav format. Wav file of the sub-Fourier transform analysis to make. Speech is divided into syllables, it should be sub-analysis, and practical application of digital signal processing of the FFT points is limited, generally only reach 1000 points. Fourier inverse transform IFFT, to restore the signal from the frequency domain. Draw maps and voice waveform spectrum
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 63kb Publisher : benny

信号频谱分析 1. 观测已知方波信号、正弦波信号的频谱 分析频率为4KHz、8KHz的占空比为50 的方波信号、正弦波信号的频谱。记录所得频谱图。 观测实时模拟信号(语音)的频谱 用音频设备采集一段语音,将语音存为.wav格式。对wav文件作分段傅里叶变换分析。语音是分音节的,应把它分段分析,而且实际运用中的数字信号处理的FFT的点数是有限的,一般只能达到千点。用傅里叶反变换IFFT,从频域恢复信号。画出频谱图和语音波形图-Signal spectrum analysis 1. Observing a known square-wave signal, sine wave signal frequency spectrum analysis 4KHz, 8KHz for the 50 duty cycle square wave signal, sine wave signal frequency spectrum. The recorded frequency spectrum. Observing real-time analog signal (voice) of the spectrum collected with the audio devices section of voice, voice saved as. Wav format. Wav file of the sub-Fourier transform analysis to make. Speech is divided into syllables, it should be sub-analysis, and practical application of digital signal processing of the FFT points is limited, generally only reach 1000 points. Fourier inverse transform IFFT, to restore the signal from the frequency domain. Draw maps and voice waveform spectrum
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 92kb Publisher : benny

Embedded Signal Processing with the Micro Signal Architecture. indispensable reference for anyone involved in the design of systems using this family of processors [Blackfin]. This is a real-time digital signal processing textbook using the latest embedded Blackfin processor Analog Devices, Inc (ADI). 20 of the text is dedicated to general real-time signal processing principles. The remaining text provides an overview of the Blackfin processor, its programming, applications, and hands-on exercises for users. -Embedded Signal Processing with the Micro Signal Architecture. indispensable reference for anyone involved in the design of systems using this family of processors [Blackfin]. This is a real-time digital signal processing textbook using the latest embedded Blackfin processor Analog Devices, Inc (ADI). 20 of the text is dedicated to general real-time signal processing principles. The remaining text provides an overview of the Blackfin processor, its programming, applications, and hands-on exercises for users.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 12.73mb Publisher : rfjaimes

DL : 1
Matlab 仿真技术与应用 MATLAB 是一个工程和科学计算软件,融科学计算、数据图形可视化、信息 处理于一体,广泛应用于数理统计、动态系统仿真、自动控制、信号处理、模拟 与数字通信、模式识别、动力工程、电力系统、雷达与声纳工程等学科领域。本 研究生公共实验课程主要面向全校各专业的研究生。通过统计和评估全校各个专 业上课频率的基础上,制定了该实验教材的综合实验内容,主要包括四个部分, 由上课的四位老师进了实验的编制工作。-Matlab simulation using MATLAB is an engineering and scientific computing software, financial scientific computing, data graphical visualization, information Processing in one widely used in mathematical statistics, dynamic system simulation, automatic control, signal processing, analog Digital communication, pattern recognition, power engineering, power systems, radar and sonar engineering disciplines. This Graduate experimental courses primarily for graduate students in the whole school. Each designed by statistics and assess the whole school Industry on the basis of attendance frequency, the development of a comprehensive experimental content of the experimental teaching materials, consists of four main parts, By four teachers of the school into the preparation of the experiment.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 478kb Publisher : whyscience

It provides an overview of DSP. It starts with a classification of the types of signals encountered in DSP. It then introduces in a heuristic way the characterization of signals in terms of frequency spectrums. The filtering process as a means of transforming or altering the spectrum of a signal is then described. The second half of the chapter provides a historical perspective of the evolution of analog and digital filters and their applications. The chapter concludes with two specific applications that illustrate the scope, diversity, and usefulness of DSP.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 9.24mb Publisher : zaman

Digital signal processing (DSP) is concerned with the representation of discrete time signals by a sequence of numbers or symbols and the processing of these signals. Digital signal processing and analog signal processing are sub fields of signal processing. DSP includes sub fields like: audio and speech signal processing, sonar and radar signal processing, sensor array processing, spectral estimation, statistical signal processing, digital image processing, signal processing for communications, control of systems, biomedical signal processing, seismic data processing,
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 42.93mb Publisher : vel
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