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这是一个计算一维时间序列盒维数的计算程序,用matlab语言编写,希望对大家有帮助。-This is a calculated one-dimensional time series box dimension of the calculation procedures, using Matlab language. We want to help.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 895byte Publisher : 何忠

这是一个一维时间序列关联维数计算程序,用matlab编写,希望对大家有帮助-This is a one-dimensional time series correlation dimension calculation program, using Matlab prepared, and I hope to be helpful
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 828byte Publisher : 何忠

G-P算法计算关联维的 Matlab 程序(mex版) 没有使用”短暂分离“,使用了关联积分的mex文件,速度较快。 -G-P method to calculate the correlation dimension of Matlab (Mex version) not use "temporary separation," use of the correlation integral Mex documents faster.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 6.69kb Publisher : 杨明

Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 763.03kb Publisher : yjp

计算分形维数,MATLAB Central File Exchange - Calculation of fractal dimension of fractal surfaces using fft
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 2.51kb Publisher : 李晓阳

It contains very useful coding about three dimension spiht, which includes picture compression and video compression without motion-compensationa and motion-estimation.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 7.95kb Publisher : 刘勇

Calculating box dimension, it is programed by matlab. it is useful!
Update : 2010-10-15 Size : 1.58mb Publisher : yhzhu2009

分形图像分析及分形维数计算程序的设计,主要介绍了分形维数的常用计算方法-Analysis of Fractal Image and Design of Fractal Dimension Calculation Program
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 76kb Publisher : 上官婉儿

图像插补,可以使用二维图像达到三维观看的效果,绝对好的很好的-Graphic interpolation could get 3D effect form two-dimension image.It is a good thing absolutly!
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 8.72mb Publisher : 孔晓东

DL : 0
分形维数的估算软件FD3,C++源代码,具有很好的学习价值,是一切分形科学工作的基础。-fractal dimension estimation software FD3, C source code, with good learning value of all fractal science work.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 115kb Publisher : hu

这是一个计算一维时间序列盒维数的计算程序,用matlab语言编写,希望对大家有帮助。-This is a calculated one-dimensional time series box dimension of the calculation procedures, using Matlab language. We want to help.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1kb Publisher : 何忠

这是一个一维时间序列关联维数计算程序,用matlab编写,希望对大家有帮助-This is a one-dimensional time series correlation dimension calculation program, using Matlab prepared, and I hope to be helpful
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1kb Publisher : 何忠

G-P算法计算关联维的 Matlab 程序(mex版) 没有使用”短暂分离“,使用了关联积分的mex文件,速度较快。 -G-P method to calculate the correlation dimension of Matlab (Mex version) not use "temporary separation," use of the correlation integral Mex documents faster.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 6kb Publisher : 杨明

计算分形维数,可以选择参数实现不同分形维数的计算-Calculation of fractal dimension, you can choose different parameters of the fractal dimension calculation
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 20kb Publisher : yingang

计算分形维数,MATLAB Central File Exchange - Calculation of fractal dimension of fractal surfaces using fft-Calculation of fractal dimension, MATLAB Central File Exchange- Calculation of fractal dimension of fractal surfaces using fft
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2kb Publisher : 李晓阳

DL : 0
代码用于估计关联维数。包括G-P算法(corrint.m),高斯核关联算法(gka.m) 和Judd算法(judd.m)-Correlation dimension estimation code. Algorithms for estimating the correlation dimension using the grassberger-Proccacia approach (corrint.m), the Gaussian-Kernel algorithm (gka.m) and Judd s estimator (judd.m) are provided.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 18kb Publisher : 彭跃华

GP算法计算关联维的 Matlab 程序 GP算法计算关联维的 Matlab 程序-GP algorithm for calculating the correlation dimension of the Matlab program GP correlation dimension algorithm of Matlab procedures
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 6kb Publisher : 褚艳旭

计算物理分形维数的计算,分形:羊齿叶。 分形维数的计算-Calculation of fractal dimension
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1kb Publisher : 韩天一

计算图形分形维数,能处理所有格式的图片,简单实用!-Calculation of the fractal dimension graph
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.32mb Publisher : 尹率

嵌入维数自适应最小二乘支持向量机 状态时间序列预测方法 Condition Time Series Prediction Using Least Squares Support Vector Machine with Adaptive Embedding Dimension 针对航空发动机状态时间序列预测中嵌入维数难于有效选取的问题, 提出一种基于嵌入维数自适应 最小二乘支持向量机( L SSVM ) 的预测方法。该方法将嵌入维数作为影响状态时间序列预测精度的重要参 数, 以交叉验证误差为评价准则, 利用粒子群优化( P SO ) 进化搜索LSSV M 预测模型的最优超参数与嵌入维 数, 同时通过矩阵变换原理提高交叉验证过程的计算效率, 并最终建立优化后的L SSVM 预测模型。航空发 动机排气温度( EGT ) 预测实例表明, 该方法可自适应选取适用于状态时间序列预测的最优嵌入维数且预测 精度高, 适用于航空发动机状态时间序列预测。- T o deal wit h the difficulty of selecting an appro pr iate embedding dimension for aeroeng ine co ndition time series predictio n, a metho d based o n least squar es suppo rt vecto r machine ( L SSVM ) with ada ptive em bedding dimension is pro po sed. I n the method, the embedding dimensio n is identified as a parameter that af fects the accuracy o f the aer oengine condition time series predictio n par ticle sw arm o ptimizat ion ( P SO) is ap plied to optimize the hyperpar ameter s and embedding dimension of the L SSV M pr edict ion model cro ssv alida tion is applied to evaluate the perfo rmance o f the L SSVM predictio n mo del and matr ix tr ansfo rm is applied to the L SSVM pr ediction model tr aining to accelerate the crossvalidation evaluation pro cess. Ex periments on an aeroengine ex haust g as t emperatur e ( EGT ) predictio n demonst rates that the metho d is hig hly effective in em bedding dimension selection. In compar ison w ith co nv
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 334kb Publisher :
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