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[Windows DevelopFile and Directory Picker Control

Description: File and Directory Picker Control
Platform: | Size: 28702 | Author: 望界 | Hits:

[Windows Developquery directory

Description: 递归查询指定目录的所以文件。-recursive directory inquiries so designated documents.
Platform: | Size: 61799 | Author: chengjr | Hits:

[Windows Developdirectory

Description: 一个通讯录,对数据库-a directory, the database
Platform: | Size: 868895 | Author: 王丰平 | Hits:


Description: 类似打开文件对话框的目录选择对话框-Directory selecting dialog box similar to file dialog box
Platform: | Size: 21504 | Author: wanhuihua@21cn.com | Hits:


Description: 一个遍历文件系统目录结构的程序并能够将其结构用字符打印出来-A traverse file system directory structure of the program and its structure can be printed with characters
Platform: | Size: 49152 | Author: 站长 | Hits:


Description: 一个使用目录浏览对话框的例子-A dialog box using the directory browser example
Platform: | Size: 36864 | Author: 站长 | Hits:

[assembly languageBOOM网站宝贝 v2.0

Description: 功能介绍:  强大的网站文件目录在线管理工具!弥补FTP工具的不足。是PHP网站站长的必备! ·列出服务器上的文件和目录。 ·测试文件是否可以读写。1为可,0为否。 ·在可读的情况下,能查看文件的内容。包括该文件里的敏感信息。 ·在可写的情况下,能【上传文件】、【修改属性】、【文件改名】、【编辑文件】、【新建文件】、【新建目录】。 ·【批量删除文件和目录】、【批量修改文件和目录属性】。 ·[MD5加密字符]、[批量代码生成]、[UNIX时间戳换算]。 ·另外还可返回系统环境信息。 ·管理员登陆功能。 ·以后会增加更多所能想到的实用功能。-Features: powerful site management tools directory online! FTP tools to make up for deficiencies. Is an essential PHP Webmaster! Listed on the server files and directories. Test documents can be read and write
Platform: | Size: 18432 | Author: 李刚 | Hits:

[Windows DevelopFile and Directory Picker Control

Description: File and Directory Picker Control
Platform: | Size: 28672 | Author: 望界 | Hits:

[Windows Developquery directory

Description: 递归查询指定目录的所以文件。-recursive directory inquiries so designated documents.
Platform: | Size: 61440 | Author: chengjr | Hits:

[Windows Developdirectory

Description: 一个通讯录,对数据库-a directory, the database
Platform: | Size: 868352 | Author: 王丰平 | Hits:

[File Operatetestcfindfileext

Description: 大家经常需要对指定目录下的所有文件进行搜索或其它相同操作。若文件数很多,逐一对每个文件手工操作,很费时。这里提供一个搜索或处理指定目录下的所有文件的C++类。作者用基于层次遍历的非递归算法(以减少运行时的时间和空间开销)实现了一个 CFileFind 的扩展类 CFileFindExt,该类可以对指定目录下的所有文件进行搜索或相同的处理操作。-designated directories on the search for all documents or other similar operations. If the document number many, one by one for each document manually, a very time-consuming. Search here for a designated directory or processing of all documents under the C category. Based on the author traverse the level of non- recursive algorithm (to reduce the running time and space costs) achieved a CFileFind CFileFindExt the extension of the class, such right can be specified directory of all documents or search for the same handling operations.
Platform: | Size: 59392 | Author: lbq | Hits:

[Delphi VCLmonitoringthechangeoffile

Description: delphi 做的监控文件,可监控文件的变动、更改、目录的更改等情况-delphi do control document, the document can monitor changes in the changes, such as changes in the directory of
Platform: | Size: 10240 | Author: | Hits:


Description: The Microsoft® Active Directory™ Service Interfaces (ADSI) Software Development Kit (SDK) is a client-side product, based on the Component Object Model (COM), that defines a directory service model and a set of COM interfaces that enables Microsoft Windows NT® /Windows® 2000 and Windows 95 client applications to access several network directory services. -The Microsoft ? Active Directory
Platform: | Size: 1559552 | Author: zy | Hits:


Description: 该程序可以监控指定目录下的文件变化,包括增加、删除、重命名、修改等。开发平台为vc++.net 2005-The program can monitor the specified directory of the document changes, including add, delete, rename, modify, etc.. Development platform for vc++. Net 2005
Platform: | Size: 1179648 | Author: 何磊 | Hits:


Description: 递归法遍历磁盘目录,采用Visual C++ 6.0开发-Disk directory traversal recursive method, using Visual C++ 6.0 Development
Platform: | Size: 1847296 | Author: dddd | Hits:


Description: Java编写的目录监视器(DirectoryWatcher)源码 如果对C#等微软语言比较熟悉的话,DirectoryWatcher是大家比较熟悉的组件。但在Java里却没有现成的类似组件。由于项目需要,需要在JAVA里用到这个目录监视器。发现老外写了这么一个包,非常的实用,给大家分享一下。 该组件对服务器端系统目录变化通知进行监听,并在目录或目录内的某个文件发生变化时激发事件等,功能挺强大的。监视目录的文件读写很有用-Java Monitor the preparation of the directory (DirectoryWatcher) source code for C
Platform: | Size: 6144 | Author: cb | Hits:

[Program doccy3654_and_cy3654_po2_18

Description: The floppy disk included with distribution contains the cyasm.exe and sample source files. Copy the executable file to a working directory, or to a directory included in your search path.
Platform: | Size: 166912 | Author: josen | Hits:


Description: TestAD is an example for active directory
Platform: | Size: 23552 | Author: gongxue | Hits:


Description: I built the Superlist control whilst developing an RSS reader called FeedGhost. Although there are plenty of commercial grouped list controls available I wanted to have total control over the code and of course its usability. Superlist supports drag drop column customisation, grouping as well as handling thousands of entries smoothly. It s also highly customisable if you want to change its look and feel. In this article I ll explain how to use and extend the control in a demo project. If you download the source, you can find demo project under the Tests/SuperListTest directory. -I built the Superlist control whilst developing an RSS reader called FeedGhost. Although there are plenty of commercial grouped list controls available I wanted to have total control over the code and of course its usability. Superlist supports drag drop column customisation, grouping as well as handling thousands of entries smoothly. It s also highly customisable if you want to change its look and feel. In this article I ll explain how to use and extend the control in a demo project. If you download the source, you can find demo project under the Tests/SuperListTest directory.
Platform: | Size: 131072 | Author: 吴清 | Hits:


Description: 天空网络电影系统PHP V2.1正式免费版 运行环境:php4/5 + MYSQL4/5 + GD2 + ZendOptimizer 2.6 程序构造: PHP + MYSQL + Smarty + AJAX + JSON + XML + DIV + CSS + XHTML 注意事项: 1.本程序需要特定运行环境,使用前请先安装好底层系统环境。 2.上传upload文件夹到你的网站根目录,然后运行install/index.php 3.根据提示安装程序。 4.使用专用播放器,请到http://www.skyuc.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=3下载SkyucPlayer播放器并放置于自己的网站download目录下,文件名为SkyucPlayer.exe 免费版限制: 1.仅限制只能添加一千个视频节目,其它功能均无限制。 2.仅在论坛中提供友情帮助服务,不直接提供技术支持服务。-Sky Network film system officially free PHP V2.1 runtime environment: php4/5+ MYSQL4/5+ GD2+ ZendOptimizer 2.6 Construction procedures: PHP+ MYSQL+ Smarty+ AJAX+ JSON+ XML+ DIV+ CSS+ XHTML Notes: 1. This procedure requires a specific operating environment, the use of before the underlying system environment installed. 2. Upload upload folder to your web site root directory and then run install/index.php3. According to prompt the installation process. 4. Using a dedicated player, please download http://www.skyuc.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=3 player SkyucPlayer and placed in its own website download directory, file name SkyucPlayer.exe free restrictions: 1. only to limit it only to add 1000 video programming and other features are unlimited. 2. Only in the forum to provide friendship to help the service does not directly provide technical support services.
Platform: | Size: 4912128 | Author: xiaohe | Hits:
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