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This site include optimized H.264 baseline codec, SF IP Box Binary. PC version and TI DM6437 version. Directshow Filter
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 5.15mb Publisher : 王光

ffdshow是一个很多音频视频格式(如DivX, Xvid 和 H.264)的DirectShow滤波器和VFW编码器。目前编码器已经更新,支持了不少新的格式,并且支持Vista。可以说,它是目前功能非常齐全的编码解码器,支持DivX,Xvid,H.264,MP3,AC3,MPEG4,MPEG2,WMV等等视频、音频解码。 ffdshow is a DirectShow filter and VFW codec for many audio and video formats, such as DivX, Xvid and H.264. Over 70 bugs have been fixed, codecs have been updated, and support for a few new formats has been added in the tryouts. Vista is now supported.
Update : 2009-04-20 Size : 36.54mb Publisher : pepper6681747

AnyChat音视频互动开发平台(SDK)是一套跨平台的即时通讯解决方案,基于先进的H.264视频编码标准、AAC音频编码标准与P2P技术,整合了佰锐科技在音视频编码、多媒体通讯领域领先的开发技术和丰富的产品经验而设计的高质量、宽适应性、分布式、模块化的网络音视频互动平台。 AnyChat音视频互动开发平台(SDK)包含了音视频处理模块(采集、编解码)、流媒体管理模块(丢包重传、抖动平滑、动态缓冲)、流媒体播放模块(多路混音、音视频同步)以及P2P网络模块(NAT穿透、UPnP支持)等多个子模块,封装了底层的硬件操作(音视频采集、播放)、封装了流媒体处理(编解码、网络传输)等非常专业和复杂的技术,为上层应用提供简单的API控制接口,可以在极短的开发周期,以及极少的人力资源投入下为客户的现有平台增加音视频即时通讯、多方会议的功能。 AnyChat SDK分为客户端SDK和服务器SDK两大部分,其中客户端SDK用于实现语音、视频的交互以及其它客户端相关的功能,而服务器SDK主要实现业务层逻辑控制,以及与第三方平台的互联等。客户端SDK和服务器SDK均支持C++、C#、VB.Net以及Delphi等开发语言。 通过AnyChat音视频互动开发平台(SDK),可以开发具有企业特色的即时通讯系统、视频游戏系统、视频会议系统、网络教学系统、语音视频聊天系统、专家咨询平台以及政府应急指挥平台等,系统的功能、界面完全由企业定制。
Update : 2010-12-13 Size : 4.22mb Publisher :

用来捕捉正在播放的视频文件的图像窗口内容,比如使用Media Player。这个功能使用DirectX and DirectShow可能很容易就实现了,当时我没有看到相关的文章或者源代码,据我所知,HyperSnap-DX好像是捕捉播放的视频图像的一个工具。 我做了一个示例程序,当你使用播放器播放视频文件的时候,运行这个程序,在“Option”菜单中选择“Start Caputre”即可进行捕捉,在“File”菜单可以选择“Save...”菜单可以保存捕捉的图像为bmp文件。-is used to capture video broadcast images of the document window, for example the use of Media Player. This function using DirectX and DirectShow may be very easy to achieve. At that time, I did not see the article or source code, as far as I know, HyperSnap- DX is like to catch the broadcast of a video image tools. I have done a sample procedure, when you use players to play video files, the operating procedures, "Option" menu, select "Start Caputre" of catching, in the "File" menu select "Save ..." menu can be saved as image capture bmp document.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 55kb Publisher :

DirectShow设计开发指南,是公司内部资料呀,很难得,顶-DirectShow design and development guidelines, the company
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 98kb Publisher : suiyi

Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 5.15mb Publisher : 王光

MPEG4复用和解复用代码,被封装成DirectShow控件。-The GDCL Mpeg-4 Demultiplexor and Multiplexor filters are now freely available for download in source form. You can re-use them in your projects, commercial or otherwise [provided that you don t pretend that you wrote them] or use them as sample code when starting on your own project. Of course support and documentation are somewhat limited. This initial release is being made available because of the insolvency of a customer. As I get time, I intend to enhance these filters. For now, they support ISO Mpeg-4 files containing Mpeg-4 and H.264 video and a variety of audio formats. The files created by the multiplexor will work with QuickTime and the iPod.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 596kb Publisher : wolf

配套书信息:http://product.dang .com/product.aspx?product_id=20507035 一线音/视频开发工程师8年沉淀的经验奉献。9大经典案例全面剖析应用开发技术,学有所用。配套工程原型代码,快速构建用户应用程序。   音/视频工程师兼培训讲师8年经验的倾情奉献;本书剖析了DirectSound、DirectShow的功能与特性,以案例详细讲解技术开发过程;本书重点对主流的视频算法MPEG-4/h.264进行介绍,从编码原理、工程实践、算法优化、技术效果等出发介绍最实用的开源算法XviD、CODEC、X264编码;本书内容丰富而且翔实,一书在手,Visual C++音/视频开发、算法优化无忧;全程9大经典案例引导学习,目标更加明确,学习效率更高;源于实践,贴近应用,案例为主,内容生动,深入浅出,通俗易懂;配套代码光盘,免去烦琐输入代码的工作,提高学习效率。-Book Info
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 21.94mb Publisher : 霍炎

H.264解码器ffmpeg完整优化代码包括PC和WindowsMobile版本-ffmpeg WindowsMobile directshow mux implement
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 353kb Publisher : gan yong

用directshow写的一个简单的MFC的dialog界面,可以播放多种格式的电影,如avi,rmvb,h.264-mfc dialog based on directshow,can play various kinds of muvie such as avi,mpeg,rmvb,h.264,etc.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 6.64mb Publisher : hu lu

visual c++音频视频处理技术及工程实践一书中的源码。主要内容包括DirectSound开发音频、DirectShow/VFW开发视频、MMX/SSE进行多媒体汇编编程、DM642 DSP进行音/视频算法优化和主流视频算法MPEG-4/H.264的编码原理及工程实践- sourse code of the book-processing technology and engineering on audio and video.including directshow development,current algorithm aboat audio and video
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.05mb Publisher : guoli

• MP4 recording support reimplementation (Directshow) o Recording behaves just like AVI capture (before conversion AVI->MP4 is needed to produce mp4 file) o Only x264vfw – H.264/MPEG-4 AVC and XVid MPEG-4 codec are the known video codecs to support MP4 recording o Most audio codecs supports MP4 recording (tested only those codecs ship along with Windows OS) -• MP4 recording support reimplementation (Directshow) o Recording behaves just like AVI capture (before conversion AVI->MP4 is needed to produce mp4 file) o Only x264vfw – H.264/MPEG-4 AVC and XVid MPEG-4 codec are the known video codecs to support MP4 recording o Most audio codecs supports MP4 recording (tested only those codecs ship along with Windows OS)
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 17.95mb Publisher : softweb

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使用DirectShow打开视频,ffmpeg解码(Use DirectShow to open the camera and use ffmpeg to decode H.264)
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 20kb Publisher : MikeGuo
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