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Description: 最新版的directshow.net源码(directshow.net是一群牛人用C#重写的directshow所有接口函数的类库,是在C#下实现视频的最好用的东东),里面包括N个例子。绝对值得学习。-directshow.net latest version of the source (directshow.net a group of cattle were rewritten in C# the directshow all interface function library is in C# under the best video of the Eastern), where N including examples. Definitely worth learning.
Platform: | Size: 687218 | Author: 就不说 | Hits:

[TCP/IP stackaresregular209_05022007

Description: Filesharing-Bittorrent p2p client connected to TCP supernode/leaf network and UDP DHT network. Ares features a built-in directshow media player, a powerful library manager, shoutcast radio support and can be used to host p2p Chatrooms. -Filesharing - Bittorrent p2p client conne cted to supernode TCP / UDP leaf network and DHT n etwork. cf features a built-in directshow me dia player, a powerful library manager, shoutcast radio support and can be used to host p 2p gossips.
Platform: | Size: 1153129 | Author: 林晓 | Hits:


Description: 一个用C#编写的DIRECTX媒体播放器,比DIRECTX 9.0的例子简单,适合初学者。-a C# prepared DirectX Media Player, DirectX 9.0 simple example, suitable for beginners.
Platform: | Size: 99328 | Author: 王凡 | Hits:


Description: 最新版的directshow.net源码(directshow.net是一群牛人用C#重写的directshow所有接口函数的类库,是在C#下实现视频的最好用的东东),里面包括N个例子。绝对值得学习。-directshow.net latest version of the source (directshow.net a group of cattle were rewritten in C# the directshow all interface function library is in C# under the best video of the Eastern), where N including examples. Definitely worth learning.
Platform: | Size: 687104 | Author: 就不说 | Hits:

[TCP/IP stackaresregular209_05022007

Description: Filesharing-Bittorrent p2p client connected to TCP supernode/leaf network and UDP DHT network. Ares features a built-in directshow media player, a powerful library manager, shoutcast radio support and can be used to host p2p Chatrooms. -Filesharing- Bittorrent p2p client conne cted to supernode TCP/UDP leaf network and DHT n etwork. cf features a built-in directshow me dia player, a powerful library manager, shoutcast radio support and can be used to host p 2p gossips.
Platform: | Size: 1153024 | Author: 林晓 | Hits:


Description: 现有功能/特点: 1.搜索功能:根据歌词搜索,根据歌名搜索,根据专辑搜索,百度TOP N列表。歌词搜索下载。 2.下载功能:多线程下载,异步存储。 3.所有的缓存都在内存中,在没有下载完成不会做写硬盘操作。 4.仿照QQ音乐2008界面,可以进行主题颜色更改。可以设置自己喜欢的背景图片,它将会和播放器进行ALPHA混合。 5.纯WindowsLess控件,整个窗体只可以看到一个控件TFrmMain。自己开发的一套控件。(可以使用SPY++查看) 6.播放热键支持。 Ctrl + -> 下一曲 Ctrl + <- 上一曲 Ctrl + End 暂停/播放 Ctrl + Home 显示/隐藏播放器 Ctrl + Up 音量增大 Ctrl + Down 音量减小 7.在列表中按下相应字母可进行搜索。比如,搜索“海阔天空”,只需要按下H键就可以进行自动跳转。 8.使用DirectShow播放音乐。 9.支持发送歌曲直接到可移动磁盘。 10.搜索引擎使用的是百度。-Existing functions/features: 1. Search function: According to the lyrics english, according to title search, according to album search, Baidu TOP N list. English lyrics download. 2. Download functions: multi-threaded download, asynchronous storage. 3. All of the cache are in memory, in the absence of the download is complete will not make the hard disk write operation. 4. Modeled QQ Music 2008 interface, you can proceed with the theme color changes. You can set your favorite background image, it will be mixed ALPHA player. 5. WindowsLess pure control, the entire form can only see a control TFrmMain. Developed their own set of controls. (Can use SPY++ to view) 6. Playback hotkey support. Ctrl+-> under a Ctrl+ <- on a Ctrl+ End Pause/Play Ctrl+ Home Show/Hide Player Ctrl+ Up volume increased Ctrl+ Down decreases the volume 7. In the list by pressing the corresponding letter to search. For exampl
Platform: | Size: 2738176 | Author: 王风 | Hits:

[Streaming Mpeg4DVDPlayer2005NET

Description: dirt 视频播放 DirectShow .NET 一个很好的视频播放代码-dirt 视频播放 DirectShow .NET 一个很好的视频播放代码
Platform: | Size: 77824 | Author: cai | Hits:


Description: 最新版的directshow.net源码(directshow.net是一群牛人用C#重写的directshow所有接口函数的类库,是在C#下实现) -The latest version of directshow.net source (directshow.net a group of cattle for human use C# rewrite directshow all the interface functions of the library is to be achieved in C#)
Platform: | Size: 972800 | Author: 赵武 | Hits:

[Multimedia Developchap25

Description: In this chapter, you’ll n get an overview of capture under VFW and DirectShow n understand the internal workings of the sample video capture filter, which wraps any VFW driver and n learn how to access the new capture interfaces from your application-In this chapter, you’ll n get an overview of capture under VFW and DirectShow n understand the internal workings of the sample video capture filter, which wraps any VFW driver and n learn how to access the new capture interfaces from your application
Platform: | Size: 173056 | Author: syamkrishnan | Hits:


Description: DirectShow 的N个例子解析,方便为DirectShow的入门人员提供最好的实例-DirectShow example N-analysis, to facilitate entry for the DirectShow examples provide the best
Platform: | Size: 42734592 | Author: viviChow | Hits:

[Video CaptureVideo

Description: 用DirectShow采集视频 H264压缩 分为服务端和客户端 服务端为多个客户端交流做地址交换 网络采用IOCP模式 可以支持N个连接-DirectShow capture video with H264 compression , The program have a server and a client. The server service for IP address exchange. The server use IOCP .
Platform: | Size: 2203648 | Author: liuweiwei | Hits:


Description: 完整的 DirectShow 接口函数和示例代码。-Complete interface function and sample code of DirectX.
Platform: | Size: 2119680 | Author: Hou | Hits:

[Windows DevelopdDirrectShowLi

Description: 最新版的directshow.net源码(directshow.net是一群牛人用CSHARP重写的directshoow全部接口函数的类库,是在CSHARP下实现视频的最好用的东东),里面包含N个源码实例。绝对值的学习。 -The latest version directshow.net source (directshow.net group of cattle with CSHARP rewrite of directshoow class library of interface functions, CSHARP under video best stuff), which contains the N source instance. The absolute value of learning.
Platform: | Size: 658432 | Author: anticipate | Hits:

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