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Description: REALmagic DirectShow interface REALmagic DirectShow 接口 VB C++ 详细说明-REALmagic DirectShow interface REALmagi c DirectShow interface VB C details
Platform: | Size: 134232 | Author: ken | Hits:

[Multimedia programVB5_AVI_Creator

Description: 利用VB和directshow编写的avi的创建和播放程序
Platform: | Size: 147305 | Author: kewen | Hits:


Description: AnyChat音视频互动开发平台(SDK)是一套跨平台的即时通讯解决方案,基于先进的H.264视频编码标准、AAC音频编码标准与P2P技术,整合了佰锐科技在音视频编码、多媒体通讯领域领先的开发技术和丰富的产品经验而设计的高质量、宽适应性、分布式、模块化的网络音视频互动平台。 AnyChat音视频互动开发平台(SDK)包含了音视频处理模块(采集、编解码)、流媒体管理模块(丢包重传、抖动平滑、动态缓冲)、流媒体播放模块(多路混音、音视频同步)以及P2P网络模块(NAT穿透、UPnP支持)等多个子模块,封装了底层的硬件操作(音视频采集、播放)、封装了流媒体处理(编解码、网络传输)等非常专业和复杂的技术,为上层应用提供简单的API控制接口,可以在极短的开发周期,以及极少的人力资源投入下为客户的现有平台增加音视频即时通讯、多方会议的功能。 AnyChat SDK分为客户端SDK和服务器SDK两大部分,其中客户端SDK用于实现语音、视频的交互以及其它客户端相关的功能,而服务器SDK主要实现业务层逻辑控制,以及与第三方平台的互联等。客户端SDK和服务器SDK均支持C++、C#、VB.Net以及Delphi等开发语言。 通过AnyChat音视频互动开发平台(SDK),可以开发具有企业特色的即时通讯系统、视频游戏系统、视频会议系统、网络教学系统、语音视频聊天系统、专家咨询平台以及政府应急指挥平台等,系统的功能、界面完全由企业定制。
Platform: | Size: 4423948 | Author: 839788402@qq.com | Hits:

[Video CaptureMC_Caiji

Description: 基于Directshow的多摄像头usb采集程序-Directshow based on the multi-camera usb Acquisition
Platform: | Size: 13841408 | Author: 李啸 | Hits:


Description: REALmagic DirectShow interface REALmagic DirectShow 接口 VB C++ 详细说明-REALmagic DirectShow interface REALmagi c DirectShow interface VB C details
Platform: | Size: 134144 | Author: ken | Hits:

[Multimedia programVB5_AVI_Creator

Platform: | Size: 147456 | Author: kewen | Hits:

[Video CaptureFrameseriesGrabber

Description: 利用微软提供的directshow从视屏流中每隔0.3秒连续抓取图像帧,并自动按顺序保存成BMP格式。-The use of Microsoft DirectShow stream from the screen every 0.3 seconds for crawling image frame, and automatically in order to preserve into BMP format.
Platform: | Size: 4085760 | Author: zhangchuanbin | Hits:

[Special EffectsVBDemo

Description: 利用VB和DIRECTSHOW制作的一个小DEMO-DirectShow using VB and produced a small DEMO
Platform: | Size: 7168 | Author: sa | Hits:

[Video CaptureVBVideo

Description: VB摄像头程序,不用任何控件就可以实现摄像头的显示和简单的抓取图片并保存到电脑!-VB camera procedure, without any control can be achieved on the camera display and simple crawl picture and save to your computer!
Platform: | Size: 72704 | Author: 谭震 | Hits:

[Video Capturedxvidcap

Platform: | Size: 7168 | Author: Mudianfeng | Hits:


Description: 利用VB寫的DirectShow看影片的源碼,利用Filter建置完成-Using VB to write to see the DirectShow video source, use Filter to build complete
Platform: | Size: 814080 | Author: FOX | Hits:

[source in ebookVB_NE

Description: 介绍了使用VB.NET为开发工具,结合Directshow技术开发出的一款可配合各厂家(Olympus,Leica,Nikon,Zeiss等)的普通或荧光 显微镜使用,适用于各种显微镜数字图像采集设备的实时显示、采集显微图像的软件。该软件具有较强的通用性和更广泛的适用性。 -Introduced the use of VB.NET for development tools, combined with Directshow technology developed in collaboration with various manufacturers can be a (Olympus, Leica, Nikon, Zeiss, etc.) of the ordinary or the use of fluorescent microscope, digital microscope for a variety of real-time image acquisition devices showed microscopic image acquisition software. The software has a strong versatility and a wider range of applicability.
Platform: | Size: 41984 | Author: tomatoprincess | Hits:


Description: 可以透过VB操控DirectShow,透过此控件可以任意组合DirectShow Filter动态连结库-DirectShow can be manipulated through the VB
Platform: | Size: 71680 | Author: 黃建秋 | Hits:


Description: 图片动态切换效果,例如淡入淡出、水平展开、垂直展开、对角线展开、中心向四周扩散等10多种效果,基于directshow editing service-implement more than ten kinds of transition effect on a group of pictures, completely based on the directshow editing service sdk.
Platform: | Size: 225280 | Author: pengweizhi | Hits:

[VOIP programVB.NET_Directshow_cameraCapture

Description: VB.NET_Directshow 关于视频采集的,测试过用-VB.NET_Directshow on the video capture, and tested with the
Platform: | Size: 218112 | Author: 夏小飞 | Hits:

[Multimedia programVBDirectMovie

Description: Classic Directshow example in VB. If you want to make MediaPlayer,it is a must-have example.
Platform: | Size: 6144 | Author: Jonney | Hits:


Description: DirectShow 捕捉视频 使用VB开发。-DirectShow
Platform: | Size: 12288 | Author: william | Hits:


Description: DirectShow做的播放器,采用vb.net系统-DirectShow player to do, using vb.net system
Platform: | Size: 195584 | Author: tony | Hits:

[Video Capturevb.net-cam

Description: 摄像头开发运用DirectShow开发的-this a camer in directshow(Dshow) paly
Platform: | Size: 98304 | Author: leewj | Hits:

[Video Capturevb.net-_DirectShow

Description: vb.net 用DirectShow控制摄像头的代码-DirectShow control the camera using vb.net code
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: sun | Hits:
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