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x264 on win32 w/ DirecShow input and fully variable-framerate support. (不含源码,只是插件)-x264 on win32 w/ DirecShow input and fully variable-framerate support.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.97mb Publisher : os

基于DirectShow视频帧实时捕捉的设计与实现 主要针对远程教育等软件系统中现存的􀀂 黑屏 问题提出一种解决方案。运用D irectShow 技术对多媒体文件或多媒体流 中的视频流进行处理, 实现从多媒体文件视频流中进行视频帧的实时捕获, 而后调用W indow s中GDI函数对获取的图像帧进行渲 染, 最后按照M PEG2标准合成AVI视频文件并可以实时重放。-In this pape r, w e present a so lution to reso lve the .. black screen problem occurred in softw are sy stem such as distance education, etc. Firstly, w e imp lem ent the v ideo..fram es rea l..tim e capturing from v ideo stream ofm ultim edia files by using D irectShow technology to dea lw ith mu ltim ed ia files or v ideo stream in mu ltimed ia stream. Then, the GDI function o fW indow s is invoked to render the im ag e fram es, wh ich are captured by the DirectShow. Fina lly, acco rd ing to the standard o fMPEG2 a file is com posed in AVI v ideo fo rm at wh ich is able to replay rea l..tim ely.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.71mb Publisher : zhu

*运行环境 TC2.0下的台球游戏 w,s,a,d控制方向, 逗号和句号控制力量,空格发杆 本来还可用鼠标控制,因为要用一个好(* run environment TC2.0 table tennis game W, s, a, d control direction, comma and period control power, space bar is also controlled by the mouse, because to use a good)
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 7.66mb Publisher : 是的绝代风华
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