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这是一本讲解DirectX的shader方面的书。对使用shader技术开发高级图形渲染的具有很好的借鉴意义。-This is a DirectX shader on the book. The use of shader technology development senior graphics rendering is a good reference.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 10.76mb Publisher : 睢小龙

DirectX + shader 实现,模拟草及草随风而动的效果,非常好的研究案例!
Update : 2009-10-24 Size : 1.09mb Publisher : coolwater2008
Update : 2012-05-12 Size : 47.79mb Publisher : tzhye87

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We have our classes ready, time to start writing the actual code. Point primitives are not much different from the other primitive types available (triangle strips, lists, etc.). We can still choose what vertex shader we use. A vertex shader tells DirectX about what type of vertices it can expect - such as whether they are already transformed, if they have a diffuse color, and so on. Since I m mainly aiming this tutorial at 2D gaming, I m going to use slightly customized TL vertices. This stands for Transformed and Lit, which means the vertices already are transformed and that the lighting color has already been computed. So an X of 300 will be 300 on the screen, and the vertex color will be the final color.-We have our classes ready, time to start writing the actual code. Point pri mitives are not much different from the other pr imitive types available (triangle strips, lists, etc.). . We can still choose what we vertex shader use. A vertex shader tells DirectX about what ty pe of vertices it can expect- such as whether the y are already transformed. if they have a diffuse color, and so on. Since I m mainly aiming this tutorial a t 2D gaming, I m going to use slightly customized TL vertices . This stands for Transformed and Lit. which means the vertices are already transform ed and that the lighting color has already been c omputed. So an X of 300 will be 300 on the screen. and the vertex color will be the final color.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 158kb Publisher : wangzhe

现在市面上流行的3D游戏画面越来越炫目,不过也有一些为了营造一种特殊的效果而使用了卡通渲染技术,比如PC游戏中的《杀手XIII》,《忍者神龟》;PS2游戏中的《真红之泪》,《犬夜叉》等等。这些游戏的画面看上去很像漫画,感觉比较有趣。下面就介绍一种简单的实现方法。 所谓用卡通渲染技术绘制的三维物体一般都有两个明显的特征,一个特征是物体表面覆盖着大块的单调颜色,而且光影变化比较剧烈;另一个特征是物体拥有粗重的边缘效果。如果能自己控制光照和阴影,就可以达到目的。而DirectX 9.0 中的顶点渲染(Vertex Shaders)提供了这样一个途径,使我们可以实现自己的想法。 顶点渲染与以前的T&L在渲染流程中处于二选一的地位,一段代码最多只能有128条指令,而且不能有循环,判断和跳转指令,全是线性执行指令。每次只能有一个Shader程序是激活的,Vertex Shaders让我们可以实时地控制模型的空间变换,光照处理以及像素渲染。 那么现在先来解决第一个问题。我们可以用光线的亮度值作为物体的纹理坐标,这就产生一种带状纹理的效果,然后再调整相应的颜色即可。-now the fashion for 3D games more compelling picture, But there are also some in order to create a special effect and the use of the cartoon rendering technology, PC games such as the "killer XIII," "Turtles"; PS2 game of "truth red tears," "two characters." These games comic picture looks like, I feel more interesting. Now, on a simple method. Using the so-called cartoon rendering of 3D rendering objects normally have two obvious feature a surface characteristics of an object covered with chunks of dull colors, but more dramatic changes in the Universe; Another characteristic is heavy objects have the edge effect. If the ability to control their own light and shadow, we can achieve the aim. DirectX 9.0 vertex Rendering (Vertex Shaders) provide such
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 647kb Publisher : 倪明

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D3D学习文档 第一部分 必备的数学知识 第二部分 Direct3D基础 第二章 渲染管线 第三章 在Direct3D中绘制 第四章 色彩 第五章 灯光 第六章 纹理 第七章 混合 第八章 模版 第九章 字体 第十章 网格模型I 第十一章 网格模型II 第十二章 创建灵活的摄像机类 第十三章 地形渲染基础 第十四章 粒子系统 第十五章 选取 第十六章 高级着色器语言入门 第十七章 顶点着色器入门 第十八章 像素着色器入门 第十九章 效果架构-Display study documents the first part of the necessary mathematical knowledge of Direct3D based on the second chapter outlet with the third chapter in the pipeline Direct3D Drawing fourth chapter V color lighting texture Chapter VI Chapter VII of the 8th Mixed Chapter IX font template Chapter 10 Mesh I Chapter XI Mesh II Chapter 12 to create a flexible camera Category Chapter 13 Terrain Rendering based particle system Chapter 14 Chapter 15 Chapter 16 selected senior shader language portal Chapter 17 Vertex shader introductory chapter 18 pixel shader effects portal framework for chapter 19
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 4.09mb Publisher : zhouyinye

这是一本讲解DirectX的shader方面的书。对使用shader技术开发高级图形渲染的具有很好的借鉴意义。-This is a DirectX shader on the book. The use of shader technology development senior graphics rendering is a good reference.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 10.76mb Publisher : 睢小龙

用DirectX 9 简单实现的着色器模型示例
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 2.03mb Publisher : 流氓

Direct3D游戏编程入门教程 本书基于DirectX 9.0,是介绍Direct3D技术的入门教程,详细介绍了Direct3D的背景、基本知识以及3D程序设计的相关概念与技术。全书由浅入深,分为四个部分,第一部分介绍Direct3D的发展历史和基本知识,对3D程序设计中的术语、概念进行了深入讲解;第二部分着重讨论纹理映射技术,包括多重纹理等;第三部分通过多个示例来探讨高级shader编程,并对.MD3文件格式做了详细分析;第四部分是附录,对本书中用到的概念和技术知识背景进行了简单补充。本书适用于略有DirectX基础的C/C++程序员学习Direct3D游戏开发,也适用于具有Direct3D开发经验的程序员参考。
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 15.83mb Publisher : 张敏

MultiAnimation  Sample这个例子展示了使用高级shader语言、蒙皮技术和D3DX动画控制器的多动画集的Mesh动画。动画控制器用来混合动画集,以确保从一个动画到另一个动画的平滑转换。<IMG onmouseover="if(this.title) { }" onclick="if(this.title) { }" src="" onload="if(this.width>screen.width-333) {this.width=screen.width-333 this.title=open new window }" border=0 >Path源代码:  (SDK  root)\Samples\C++\Direct3D\MultiAnimation  可执行文件:  (SDK  root)\Samples\C++\Direct3D\Bin\x86  or  x64\MultiAnimation.exe  Overview这个例子展示如何利用D3DX动画支持,在应用程序中渲染3D动画。D3DX的API函数处理动画Mesh的装载,混合多个动画。动画控制器的功能是支持动画轨,允许从一个动画到另一个动画的平滑转换。这个例子分为2部分:动画类库和应用程序。动画类库是一个多用途库,逻辑上它在应用程序与D3DX之间。为后面的
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 672kb Publisher : 林庆富

基于微软 DirectX 9.0c SDK 的LOD算法所谓地形渲染的例子,使用 Shader 技术-Microsoft DirectX 9.0c SDK based on the LOD terrain rendering algorithm for the so-called example, the use of Shader technology
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 750kb Publisher : JimGreen

directx 下实现的shader water-directx under the shader water
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 8.58mb Publisher : hady

《精通DirectX3D图形与动画程序设计》——18_第十八章 HLSL顶点渲染,经过测试可以运行- DirectX3D proficient in graphics and animation program design - Chapter 18_ eighteenth HLSL vertex shader, after test run
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1.49mb Publisher :

《精通DirectX3D图形与动画程序设计》——19_第十九章 HLSL像素渲染,经过测试可以运行- DirectX3D proficient in graphics and animation program design - Chapter 19_ nineteenth HLSL pixel shader, after test run
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 800kb Publisher :

《精通DirectX3D图形与动画程序设计》——22_第二十二章 ASM顶点渲染,经过测试可以运行- DirectX3D proficient in graphics and animation program design - the twenty-second Chapter 22_ vertex shader ASM, after test run
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 2mb Publisher :

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Introduction to 3D Game Programming with DirectX 9.0c—A Shader Approach 第二版哦-Introduction to 3D Game Programming with DirectX 9.0c—A Shader Approach
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 6.31mb Publisher : dzw

学习directx的图形变换源程序, 使用 Vertex shader,在directx8环境下编译-Directx graphics transform learning source, the use of Vertex shader, compiled in an environment directx8
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 29kb Publisher : john

一个在DirectX下开发游戏的游戏引擎,包括视角系统,输入系统,字体系统,材质系统,光效系统,纹理系统,音效系统,顶点渲染都有相应的章节,是个人初写3D游戏的一个好工具。-It s a DirectX game engine, including the perspective system, input system, font system, material system, light system efficiency, texture systems, audio systems, the corresponding vertex shader.It s a good game tool for the beginning to code an individual 3D programe.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 26kb Publisher : psychic

DL : 0
程序运用VC++结合DirectX技术实现了3D模型导入、声音、billboard。运行该程序须装有dx9 SDK,vc6.0或vs2005-Procedures for the use of VC++ combined with DirectX technology into a 3D model, sound, billboard. Run this program shall be fitted with dx9 SDK, vc6.0, or vs2005
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 34.56mb Publisher : Alice Lee

本书是一本描述Directx 9.0可编程渲染管线,Shader技术的入门书籍。作者是Frank D. Luna,有丰富的DirectX程序经验,已出版过多本DirectX相关书籍。书中讲解由浅入深,且配合大量实例,是游戏入门书籍的精品!-This book is a description of Directx 9.0 programmable pixel pipelines, Shader technology introduction to books. The author is Frank D. Luna, has a wealth of DirectX programming experience, has published books over the DirectX. The book explain the progressive approach, and with the large number of instances, the game started fine books!
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 6.31mb Publisher : leilei
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