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这是一款很早的DirectX控件,原作者(日本人)在2000年7月后就没更新过了。当时只支持DX7 for Delphi5,无硬件加速,3D功能不全,但经众多使用者的改进,目前非官方版本已支持DX8 for Delphi5、6、7、2005,可硬件加速,本人制作的《长沙三打哈》使用了这款控件。本控件特点如下: 1)简单易用,例程丰富。这是当时使用者众多的原因。 2)加速性能不是太好,特别是使用ALPHA效果时速度奇慢,不支持反锯齿。 3)支持图片库和声音库集成,支持精灵(Sprite),对中文的支持较好 4)非官方版本很多,单独控件的改进和游戏例程也较多,但非官方版本之间不全兼容-This one of the early DirectX Controls authorship (the Japanese) in July 2000 after a no updated. It was only support for DX7 Delphi5 without hardware acceleration, 3D dysfunction, But many users of the improvements, the current unofficial version has support for DX8 Delphi5, 6,7, 2005, hardware acceleration, I produced "Changsha Sandaha" This use of the controls. Control of the following features : a) easy to use, rich routines. This was the reason many users. 2) Acceleration performance is not very good, particularly the use of ALPHA effect speed alarmingly and does not support anti-aliasing. 3) support for pictures and the voices of integration, support genies (Sprite), Chinese support for the better 4) many unofficial version, a separate component of the game and improve t
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 872.42kb Publisher : 袁方成

主要研究和探讨了基于DirectX的真实感地形实时渲染技术。文章在规则格网DEM基础之上,采用基 于LOD的DEM多分辨率动态构网技术和多层纹理贴图方法,生成比较真实的地面景观,同时添加了天空、烟雾等 效果,使显示效果更加真实。生成的三维地形的渲染速度达到了20~30帧,基本上满足了实时显示的要求。转载,只供参考!谢谢!-major research and exploration based on the realistic terrain DirectX real-time rendering technology. Based on the grid DEM basis, LOD based on the DEM Multi-resolution structural dynamic network technology and multi-texture mapping, Generating more about the real landscape, but added the sky, smoke and other effects, effects, more real. Generation of 3D terrain rendering speed reached 20 ~ 30, basically meeting the needs of real-time display requirements. Reproduced for reference! Thank you!
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 487.16kb Publisher : 缪宁

DL : 0
奇妙的屏幕变形效果, 不使用DirectX, 速度仍然不错-deformation amazing screen effects, non-use of DirectX, speed is still good
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 7.89kb Publisher : xdl2000

directx开发图形显示技术,高速显示视频。此源代码是我修改后的可以播放yuv数据的代码-DirectX graphics technology development, high-speed video shows. This source code is modified, I can play the YUV data code
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 27.74kb Publisher : wdh

DL : 0
奇妙的屏幕变形效果, 不使用DirectX, 速度仍然不错-deformation amazing screen effects, non-use of DirectX, speed is still good
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 8kb Publisher :

directx开发图形显示技术,高速显示视频。此源代码是我修改后的可以播放yuv数据的代码-DirectX graphics technology development, high-speed video shows. This source code is modified, I can play the YUV data code
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 27kb Publisher : wdh

客户端GSLIB\GSLIB.DSW包含含游戏客户段代码、图形引擎代码和资源工具代码) GSLIB是一个以D3D渲染为主的2d引擎,是作者多年的工作经验积累写成的引擎,引擎效率应该不错,整合了游戏中大量常用的技术,作者认为经过优化以提高至少一倍以上的速度.-client GSLIB \ GSLIB.DSW included with the game of the client code, graphics engine source code tools and resources) is a GSLIB D3D based 2d rendering engine, is the author of many years of work experience accumulated written engines, engine efficiency should be true that the integration of large quantities of used games the technology, the authors believe optimized to increase at least double the speed.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2.37mb Publisher : 大灰熊

一款非常经典的3D赛车游戏,从一个老外的个人网站上得到的,绝对值得收藏,和极品飞车的效果差不多,直接就可编译成功,无任何三方控件-one of the very classic 3D racing game, from a foreigner's personal website to be, definitely worth collecting, and the effect of Need for Speed almost directly compiler can be successful without any tripartite Control
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 762kb Publisher : 小强

这是一款很早的DirectX控件,原作者(日本人)在2000年7月后就没更新过了。当时只支持DX7 for Delphi5,无硬件加速,3D功能不全,但经众多使用者的改进,目前非官方版本已支持DX8 for Delphi5、6、7、2005,可硬件加速,本人制作的《长沙三打哈》使用了这款控件。本控件特点如下: 1)简单易用,例程丰富。这是当时使用者众多的原因。 2)加速性能不是太好,特别是使用ALPHA效果时速度奇慢,不支持反锯齿。 3)支持图片库和声音库集成,支持精灵(Sprite),对中文的支持较好 4)非官方版本很多,单独控件的改进和游戏例程也较多,但非官方版本之间不全兼容-This one of the early DirectX Controls authorship (the Japanese) in July 2000 after a no updated. It was only support for DX7 Delphi5 without hardware acceleration, 3D dysfunction, But many users of the improvements, the current unofficial version has support for DX8 Delphi5, 6,7, 2005, hardware acceleration, I produced "Changsha Sandaha" This use of the controls. Control of the following features : a) easy to use, rich routines. This was the reason many users. 2) Acceleration performance is not very good, particularly the use of ALPHA effect speed alarmingly and does not support anti-aliasing. 3) support for pictures and the voices of integration, support genies (Sprite), Chinese support for the better 4) many unofficial version, a separate component of the game and improve t
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 872kb Publisher : 袁方成

使用VC+directx实现的在GPU下的海水的模拟,效果逼真,显示清晰。通过编译。请下载试用-Use VC+ Directx achieved in the GPU under water simulation, the effect of realistic, show clear. Through the compiler. Please download the trial
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.4mb Publisher : 神和龙

vc+directx9实现的粒子系统,界面很漂亮,可以选择粒子的数量和速度.-vc+ directx9 achievable particle system, the interface is very beautiful, you can choose the number and speed of particles.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 333kb Publisher : liuqinghua

DL : 0
一个d3d实现的光照图,可参考 挺好看的,速度下载-D3D achieve an illumination map, may refer to very good looking, speed download
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 346kb Publisher : 小风

不是微软开发的一套API,比DirectX简单,并且支持多个平台,包括windows和linux等操作系统。SDL是Simple DirectMedia Layer的缩写。对于初学编写游戏非常的游泳,并且可以作为嵌入式GUI开发的一个基础平台。-another API not written by Microsoft that is simpler than DirectX and is supported on a number of platforms, including Windows and Linux. The name of the API/SDK is the Simple DirectMedia Layer, or SDL for short. The cool thing about SDL is that if you use standard ANSI C/C++ along with it, you can port your games and applications to other platforms in a matter of hours or a day at most. This is the real power of SDL—portability. Focus On SDL will get you up and running with the SDL system almost immediately. This book will bring you up to speed with this elegant and clear API in no time.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 7.46mb Publisher : xpcodin g

微软公司于1996年为PC开发的API,与Windows 95 、Windows NT和Power Mac操作系统兼容性好,可绕过图形显示接口(GDI)直接进行支持该API的各种硬件的底层操作,大大提高了游戏的运行速度,而且目前基本上是免费使用的。由于要考虑与各方面的兼容性,DirectX用起来比较麻烦、在执行效率上也未见得最优,在实际3DS MAX的运用中效果一般,还会发生显示错误,不过总比用软件加速快-Microsoft in 1996 for the PC development API, and Windows 95, Windows NT operating system compatibility and Power Mac, and can bypass the graphical display interface (GDI) API directly support the operation of a variety of underlying hardware, greatly improving the game speed, but now is basically free. Due to consider the compatibility with various aspects, DirectX is too much trouble with it, also might not be in the implementation of the optimal efficiency in the use of the actual effect on 3DS MAX general, an error will occur, but faster than software acceleration
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 464kb Publisher : chang

改程序是用C++编程,能够用C++ DirectX画出直线,并能测出画直线的速度,该程序很经典。-The program is written in c++ programming, can use c++ DirectX draw a straight line, and can measure the draw a line speed, this program is very classical.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 3.52mb Publisher : Guoshuhua

一个高手用纯VB编程打造的极速3D游戏引擎,没有采用DirectX加速技术以及OpenGL技术,本程序非常流畅的模拟了用热跟踪导弹拦截UFO的情景。-A master speed 3D game engine programming to create pure VB does not use DirectX acceleration technology, and OpenGL, the process is very smooth to simulate the thermal tracking missile to intercept the UFO scene.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 153kb Publisher : sunjunyu

摄像头视频采集控件用于在Web编程中辅助您完成摄像头图像采集功能,控件基于微软DirectX技术,支持几乎所有的USB外置摄像头及内置摄像头,通过在Web项目中引用该控件,可以简化您的摄像头图像采集过程,加快您的项目开发进度。 摄像头图像采集控件(以下简称控件)工作在客户端浏览器中,支持多种服务器端编程技术及部署环境,支持asp、jsp、php、asp.net等常见的服务器端编程技术,图像采集结果支持按照多种图像数据保存及导出使用。(Camera video capture control used in Web programming to assist you to complete the camera image acquisition function, control based on Microsoft DirectX technology, almost all support USB external camera and built-in camera, by reference to the control in the Web project, you can simplify the camera image acquisition process, speed up your project schedule. Camera image acquisition control (hereinafter referred to as control) work in the client browser, support a variety of server-side programming technology and deployment environment, server-side programming technology to support ASP, JSP, PHP, and other common image acquisition, results support according to a variety of image data storage and use of export.)
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.71mb Publisher : 纳米黑科技
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