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Description: 离散控制系统设计的MATLAB 代码,学习控制的代码-discrete control system design MATLAB code, learning control code
Platform: | Size: 609207 | Author: 王冰 | Hits:

[Other resourcediscrete_system_simulation

Description: 一个控制系统中离散系统的模拟和结果演示,其中有Matlab运行结果图。-a discrete control system simulation system and the results of the demonstration, including Matlab running results map.
Platform: | Size: 16710 | Author: yeqing | Hits:

[Other resourcehuisePIDcontrol

Description: 灰色PID控制matlab仿真程序:主要包括连续、离散系统-gray PID control Matlab simulation program : including continuous, discrete systems
Platform: | Size: 4892 | Author: 余兵 | Hits:


Description: 离散控制系统设计的MATLAB 代码,学习控制的代码-discrete control system design MATLAB code, learning control code
Platform: | Size: 609280 | Author: 王冰 | Hits:

[2D Graphicdiscrete_system_simulation

Description: 一个控制系统中离散系统的模拟和结果演示,其中有Matlab运行结果图。-a discrete control system simulation system and the results of the demonstration, including Matlab running results map.
Platform: | Size: 16384 | Author: yeqing | Hits:


Description: 灰色PID控制matlab仿真程序:主要包括连续、离散系统-gray PID control Matlab simulation program : including continuous, discrete systems
Platform: | Size: 5120 | Author: 余兵 | Hits:


Description: 先进 PID 控制及其 MATLAB 仿真(教材+相关程序) 刘金琨 著 电 子 工 业 出 版 社 内 容 简 介 本书从 MATLAB 仿真角度系统地介绍了 PID 控制的基本理论、基本方法和应用技术,是作者多年来从事控制系统教学和科研工作的结晶,同时融入了国内外同行近年来所取得的新成果。 全书共分十章,包括连续系统和离散系统的 PID 控制,常用数字 PID 控制,专家 PID和模糊 PID 控制,神经 PID 控制,遗传算法 PID 控制,多变量解耦 PID 控制,几种先进的PID 控制,灰色 PID 控制,伺服系统 PID 控制,PID 实时控制,每种方法都通过 MATLAB 仿真程序进行了说明。本书各部分内容既相互联系又相互独立,读者可根据自己需要选择学习。本书适用于从事生产过程自动化、计算机应用、机械电子和电气自动化领域工作的工程技术人员阅读,也可作为大专院校工业自动化、自动控制、机械电子、自动化仪表、计算机应用等专业的教学参考书。-advanced PID control and MATLAB (materials related procedures) with the electronics industry, Hangzhou Press Description of the book from the perspective of MATLAB simulation system introduced PID control of the basic theory, Basic methods and techniques, is the author of control systems for years to teaching and research work at the crystallization Meanwhile at home and abroad into the peer in recent years has made new achievements. The book is divided into 10 chapters, including discrete and continuous system of PID control system, commonly used digital PID control, Expert PID and fuzzy PID control, neural PID control, genetic algorithm PID control, Multivariable decoupling PID control, several advanced PID control, gray PID control, PID control servo system, PID control in real time, ea
Platform: | Size: 2936832 | Author: 潇耳 | Hits:


Description: 一个数字PID控制的matlab的m文件,希望能够与各位控制领域的朋友多多交流,以求共同进步!-A digital PID control matlab m-files, hoping to control the field with my friends a lot of exchanges, in order to make progress together!
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: cjbchy | Hits:

[Software EngineeringSimulink

Description: 采用simulink和stateflow对ABS模型中的连续控制和离散控制进行仿真-Using simulink and Stateflow model of the ABS control and discrete control of continuous simulation
Platform: | Size: 193536 | Author: 刘娇 | Hits:

[source in ebookPidControlMatlabSimulation

Description: 先进pid控制的matlab仿真程序,全书共分11章,包括连续和离散系统的pid控制,常用数字pid控制,等等,内容全面丰富,适合从事生产过程自动化,计算机应用的工程技术人员和研究生阅读。-Advanced pid control matlab simulation program, the book is divided into 11 chapters, including continuous and discrete-time systems pid control, commonly used digital pid control, and so on, comprehensive and rich, suitable for the production process automation, computer application of engineering and technical staff and graduate students to read .
Platform: | Size: 209920 | Author: 赵啊永 | Hits:

[transportation applicationssliding-mode-control6

Description: 这是关于滑模控制程序设计的最后一个源代码(关于离散跟踪),如果能将这几个程序弄明白,那么设计滑模控制器应该是没有问题的了-This is on the design of sliding mode control procedures for the last source code (on the discrete tracking), if these procedures can be understood, then the design of sliding mode controller should be no problem at all
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 苏是 | Hits:


Description: 在分析无刷直流电机(BLDC)数学模型的基础上,提出了一种无刷直流电机控制系统仿 真建模的新方法。在Matlab/Simulink环境下,把独立的功能模块和S函数相结合,构建了无刷直流 电机系统的仿真模型。系统采用双闭环控制:速度环采用离散PID控制,根据滞环电流跟踪型PWM 逆变器原理实现电流控制。仿真和试验结果与理论分析一致,验证了该方法的合理性和有效性。 此方法也适用于验证其他控制算法的合理性,为实际电机控制系统的设计和调试提供了新的思路。 -Based on the mathematical model of the Brushless DC motor(BLDC),a novel method for modeling and simulation of BLDC control system was proposed.In Matlab/Simulink,by the combination of the isolated functional blocks and S-functions,the model of BLDC could be established.In the double loop of control system,a discrete PID controller was adopted in the speed loop and a current controller was completed in the current loop on the principle of hysteresis current track PWM inverter.The reasonability and validity were testified by the coincidence of the simulation and experimentation results and theory analysis.This novel method is also suitable for verifying the reasonability of other control algorithms and offers a new thinking for designing and debugging actual motors.
Platform: | Size: 587776 | Author: zhanghejun | Hits:


Description: 基于离散趋近率的滑模变结构控制MATLAB程序-Based on the convergence rate of discrete sliding mode variable structure control MATLAB program
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: zelo | Hits:


Description: 《Discrete-Time Speech Signal Processing Principles and Practice》外文经典语音处理书籍,已有中文翻译,可以对照学习。-" Discrete-Time Speech Signal Processing Principles and Practice" classical voice processing foreign language books, has the Chinese translation, you can control study.
Platform: | Size: 15461376 | Author: | Hits:


Description: 书名:现代控制引论教程 Matlab辅助实验 本教材共9章。第1章介绍了经典控制论的主要内容,这是研究控制论问题时最初引入的理论和方法;第2章是现代控制论采用的状态空间描述,包括连续时间和离散时间空间模型;第3章是系统状态分析;第4章介绍了现代控制论的两个标志性的内容.即系统状态的能控性和能观性,以及能控性和能观性的判定等内容;第5章介绍了系统各种稳定性的概念和判别方法;第6章是在前5章分析的基础上,讨论了系统综合问题,如极点配置、镇定等;第7章介绍了最优控制的基本方法——极小值原理和动态规划法;第8章和第9章分别对控制论的两个分支:随机系统的状态滤波与控制和自适应控制方面等内容作了基本介绍。 -Title: Introduction to modern control experiment textbook tutorial of Matlab including 9 Chapters: Chp1 introduces the main content of classical control theory, cybernetics is the study of this problem first introduced the theory and methods in Chp2 of the modern control theory using state-space description, including the continuous time and discrete time space model Chp3 is the system state analysis Chp4 describes the modern control theory, the two iconic content. The state of the system controllability and observability and controllability and observability of the decision, etc. Chp5 introduces the concept of system stability and discrimination of various methods Chp6 is based on the former 5 chapters and discusses the systems integration issues, such as pole placement, stabilization, etc. Chp7 describes the basic method of optimal control- minimum principle and dynamic programming Chp8 and 9, respectively, on control theory The two branches: the state of stochastic
Platform: | Size: 1790976 | Author: 商志远 | Hits:


Description: discrete time control system textbook by Ogata
Platform: | Size: 17752064 | Author: ZHANG Ce | Hits:

[Software EngineeringMatlab-Simulink-and-control-system

Description: 《MATLAB/Simulink与控制系统仿真(第3版)》从应用角度出发,系统地介绍了MATLAB/Simulink及其在自动控制中的应用,结合MATLAB/Simulink的使用,通过典型实例,全面阐述了自动控制的基本原理以及控制系统分析与设计的主要方法。《MATLAB/Simulink与控制系统仿真(第3版)》共分13章,包括自动控制系统与仿真概述、MATLAB计算基础、Simulink仿真、控制系统数学模型、时域分析法、根轨迹分析法、频域分析法、控制系统校正与综合、线性系统状态空间分析、线性系统状态空间设计、非线性系统、离散控制系统、最优控制系统等。各章通过精心设计的应用实例、综合实例和习题帮助读者理解和掌握自动控制原理以及MATLAB/Simulink相关功能和工具的使用。-The MATLAB/Simulink simulation and control system (3rd edition) \ the perspective of application, the MATLAB/Simulink is introduced and its application in automatic control, combined with the use of MATLAB/Simulink, through typical examples, the comprehensive elaborated the basic principle of automatic control and system analysis and design of main control methods. The MATLAB/Simulink simulation and control system (3rd edition) \ is divided into 13 chapters, including the description of automatic control system and simulation, MATLAB calculation basis, Simulink simulation, mathematical model of the control system, the time domain analysis, the root locus method, frequency domain analysis, correction and integrated control system, linear system state space analysis, the design of a linear system state space, nonlinear system, a discrete control system, the optimal control system, etc. Chapters through the elaborate design of application examples, examples and exercises to help readers
Platform: | Size: 7709696 | Author: 张梦 | Hits:

[Othermaglev train control

Description: This file contains Simulink block diagrams and Matlab codes for state and output feedback control of a maglev continuous and discrete mathematical model.
Platform: | Size: 1044480 | Author: MHQ | Hits:


Description: 高压直流输电仿真模型,基于晶闸管控制的12脉波MATLAB/SIMULINK仿真(The example in this section illustrates modeling of a high-voltage direct current (HVDC) transmission link using 12-pulse thyristor converters [1]. Perturbations are applied to examine the system performance. The objectives of this example are to demonstrate the use of SimPowerSystems blocks in combination with Simulink blocks in the simulation of a complete pole of a 12-pulse HVDC transmission system. The Discrete HVDC Controller block is a generic control available in the Discrete Control Blocks library of the SimPowerSystems Extras library. In the same library you can find the Discrete Gamma Measurement block used in the inverter control subsystem.)
Platform: | Size: 15360 | Author: 左上角 | Hits:


Description: matlab滑模控制 滑模变结构控制,连续时间系统,离散时间系统(Matlab sliding mode control sliding mode variable structure control, continuous-time system, discrete-time system)
Platform: | Size: 9004032 | Author: 风,止于秋水 | Hits:
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