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该程序为Java开发出基本的GIS最小系统,能够实现基本的图形功能(如缩放,平移等),结合数据库实现查询功能。在此基础上构建了WebServer,提供远程的地图浏览功能。-the procedures for Java to develop minimum basic GIS system to achieve basic graphics functions (such as scaling, translation, etc.), combining database query. On this basis WebServer constructed to provide long-distance map browsing.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 33.17kb Publisher : 李家军

LOD编程实例,在程序中根据视点与对象的距离,以不同的网格来绘制球体。-LOD programming examples, in proceedings under View and the distance between objects, a different grid to map Spheres.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 234kb Publisher : 赵志强

使用边缘跟踪,种子填充等算法提取图像边界,然后使用并行的方法来计算图像的距离图。-using edge tracking and seed filling algorithm to detect the edges of images, then use the parallel approach to the calculation of the distance between the image map.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 38kb Publisher : 方宝玉

该程序为Java开发出基本的GIS最小系统,能够实现基本的图形功能(如缩放,平移等),结合数据库实现查询功能。在此基础上构建了WebServer,提供远程的地图浏览功能。-the procedures for Java to develop minimum basic GIS system to achieve basic graphics functions (such as scaling, translation, etc.), combining database query. On this basis WebServer constructed to provide long-distance map browsing.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 33kb Publisher : 李家军

vb编写的电子地图软件,内附带上海电子地图,拥有常见的放大,测量距离,查询制定地点等功能-vb prepared electronic map software, electronic maps attached to Shanghai, with common amplification, measurement of distance, location of features such as query formulation
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.17mb Publisher : 李健

DL : 0
利用google api开发的电子地图。无刷新放大缩小,测距离,全国各省市都有-Use google api to develop an electronic map. No refresh Zoom measured distance, all provinces have
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 113kb Publisher : falj

1)具体功能为:鼠标绘制折线,给出折线的缓冲区宽度,提取出折线的平行线. 2)本程序是利用地图代数中距离变换的方法(栅格方法),提取折线的平行线.和笔者前一阵子上传的折线的平行线算法(矢量方法)可做对比 3)注:矢量方法中没有考虑垂直的特殊情况,增加个判断条件便可消除. -1) the specific features as follows: the mouse line drawing, broken line give the width of the buffer, to extract the broken line parallel line .2) This procedure is the use of map algebra in the distance transform method (grid method), Extraction of broken parallel lines. and the author of the line long ago From the parallel line algorithm (vector method) can be compared 3) Note: The vector method does not consider the special circumstances of the vertical, increasing the conditions of a judge could be removed.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 46kb Publisher : 许允波

人们之所以能够看到深度,是因为,来自三维世界的不同视角。本程序尝试从一个2D图像映射并计算对应的3D的距离。-People have been able to see the depth, is because the three-dimensional world from different perspectives. This procedure attempts to map from a 2D image and calculate the corresponding 3D distance.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 508kb Publisher : 王拨

本文针对SLAM算法中数据关联过程,提出了一种简单易行的改进方法,将欧氏距离与马氏距离结合用于数据关联。算法不必计算地图所有特征与所有量测之间的马氏距离,而是首先利用相对简单的欧氏距离计算缩小了待关联特征的搜寻范围。利用人工合成数据的仿真结果表明,改进后的数据关联方法可以大幅减少系统计算量,提高关联效率,且不会造成错误关联的增加。-This article SLAM algorithm for data association process, a simple method to Euclidean distance combined with the Mahalanobis distance for data association. Algorithms do not have to calculate all the characteristics of the map with all measurements between the Mahalanobis distance, but the first to use a relatively simple calculation of Euclidean distance to be associated characteristics of narrowing the search. The use of synthetic data simulation results show that the improved methods of data association can significantly reduce the system to calculate the volume and improve the efficiency of association, and will not lead to errors associated with an increase.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 13kb Publisher : liancb

采用各向异性方法 填补一个缺损的轮廓,从而可以得到一个光滑完整的轮廓。- Completed contours correspond to ridges of an extension (ext) of the characteristic function of the uncompleted curve. Anisotropic extension is performed on the characteristic function fbound of an image set given by the binary map boundary to the whole image domain. Extension is initially driven by \xi=(EigVect{1}, EigVect{2}) (which should match with the contour tangent direction) computed as the direction of maximum coherence of the distance map to the contour to close. It is updated every N iterations with DCV over the distance map to the ridges/thinning of the evolved image. Two different stop criteria are supported: Number of Connected Components ( numcomp ). Contour Completion. Stop when the extended contour (curve of level 1) has exactly Ncomp connected components. Difference between two consecutive iterations ( tol ) Speed Stabilizes ( speed_stab ). [extended]=ContourCompletion(BoundCond,f,DCVParam,StopParam,SaveParam)
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 8kb Publisher : yishui pan

求图的任两结点间的距离,(2) 用二维数组存放C和A ,C是原成本矩阵,A 是求出的距离矩阵 (3) 算法采用三重循环,其中最外层的循环变量必须代表中间结点,中层的循环变量代表头结点而内层循环变量代表尾结点。 (4) 试着把三层循环变量的顺序作些改变,最外层的循环变量仍代表中间结点,而中层循环变量代表尾结点,内层循环变量代表头结点。把两种做法所得结果作比较,看结果是否相同 (5) 显示结果要清晰易懂 (6) 本题运行结果 -Order to map any of the distance between two nodes, (2) with two-dimensional array of storage C, A, C is the original cost matrix, A is to find the distance matrix (3) The algorithm uses the triple loop, one of the most outer loop variable must be representative of intermediate nodes, the middle loop variable represents the first node and the inner loop variable represents the end nodes. (4) tried to three-loop order of the variables to make some changes, the most outer loop variables still represent intermediate nodes, while the middle loop variable represents the end nodes, the inner loop variable represents the first node. The two approaches to compare the results to see whether the results the same (5) shows the results must be clear and understandable (6) The question running results
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 933kb Publisher : lixiang

以前做的一个MapX程序框架,用delphi开发,实现了很多mapX功能,并且使用起来很方便,可在此基础上继续开发.现在本人学习Arcgis Engine(arcengine),界面用到了devexpress的几个.本程序实现了: 放大\缩小\漫游 距离,面积丈量, 对象搜索,统计, .... mapx和arcgis engine和arcgis server,AO,MO,google map一样都是GIS开发组件。 -MapX program before doing a framework developed with delphi, achieved many mapX function, and easy to use, can continue to develop on this basis. Now I learn Arcgis Engine (arcengine), the interface used in the devexpress few. This program achieved: Zoom \ narrow \ roaming distance, area measurement, object search, statistics, .... mapx and arcgis engine and arcgis server, AO, MO, google map were all the GIS development components.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 759kb Publisher : 红信

深度图 获取场景中各点相对于摄象机的距离是计算机视觉系统的重要任务之一.场景中各点相对于摄象机的距离可以用深度图(Depth Map)来表示,即深度图中的每一个像素值表示场景中某一点与摄像机之间的距离-Scene depth map for each point the distance relative to the camera computer vision system is one of the important tasks. Scene points relative to the distance between camera depth map can be used (Depth Map) to indicate that the depth map value of each pixel in the scene, a point that the distance between the camera
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 288kb Publisher : 黃聖雄

DL : 0
距离保护R-L模型算法 使用图基滤波器 控制阻抗轨迹显示范围 在阻抗平面画出阻抗圆特性、整定阻抗直线特性和短路阻抗轨迹- RL model algorithm for distance protection using map-based filter control the impedance locus in the impedance plane display range characteristic impedance circle draw, setting characteristics and short-circuit impedance line impedance locus
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1kb Publisher : chao

DL : 0
距离保护傅里叶模型相间阻抗算法 使用图基滤波器 控制阻抗轨迹显示范围 在阻抗平面画出阻抗圆特性、整定阻抗直线特性和短路阻抗轨迹- Impedance phase distance protection Fourier model-based filter algorithm control using the map display range impedance locus in the impedance circle characteristic impedance plane plot, setting characteristics and short-circuit impedance line impedance locus
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1kb Publisher : chao

DL : 0
constructing "meshlab" 3D module using background and foreground image and camera parameter. 1.For the silhouette extracted from each view, construct the chessboard distance transform map using 4-neighbor distance for the extracted silhouette 2.Construct the octree-based visual hull of the object using volume intersection 3. Convert the octree-based volume representation to a triangular mesh surface representation using marching cubes 4. Use the multiple views to attach the object image texture to the 3D object mesh surface
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 16.64mb Publisher : ace

车辆导航离不开导航电子地图,地图匹配方法是连接卫星定位信息与导航电子地图的桥梁,即通过一定 的算法,根据定位信息,在导航电子地图上确定出车辆当前所行驶的道路,并在地图上实时准确地显示车辆 的位置[1]. 一套匹配准确率高、实时性好、易于工程实现的地图匹配算法是优秀车载导航产品的重要保 障[2 - 3]. 目前,大多数导航产品仅采用独立的GPS 定位方式,地图匹配方法也大部分采用基于点的投影算法, 算法简单,没有将道路的网络特征考虑进来,特别在面对复杂道路时,容易出现匹配错误,造成车标漂移的现 象. 本文针对地图匹配面对在复杂交叉路口存在的难点,提出综合考虑距离、航向、车速、道路拓扑关系、历史 轨迹等多类因素,同时根据车辆行驶过程和道路网络特征,将匹配过程分为3 个状态,即初始匹配、交叉路口 匹配和后续点匹配,对交叉路口的匹配过程进行详细分析,通过跑车实验测试和验证了新模型的性能.-The paper designs an improved map matching model just for complex road junctions,which considers many kinds of factors such as distance,course,speed,roadway topology and geometry characteristic, history track,etc. Then it also designs different weight definition and calculating methods for corresponding standard. Finally,the model is tested and validated by many actual driving tests
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 269kb Publisher : 罗杰涛

将图像变换为距离图,已经编译过,可以直接使用-generate Distance map from an image, which has been compiled, you can directly use
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 8.02mb Publisher : sophia

数据结构中的交通图咨询程序,能让旅客咨询从任一城市顶点到另一城市顶点之间的最短路径(里程)或最低花费或最少时间等问题。对于不同咨询要求,可输入城市间的路程或所需时间或所需费用。-Traffic map in the data structures in the consultation process that allows the Visitor Information from the culmination of any one city to another city the shortest path between the vertices (mileage) or minimum spend or at least time. For different consultation requirements, can enter the distance between the cities or the time required or cost.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2kb Publisher : 王龙飞

从厦门大学的平面图中选择11个有代表性的景点,抽象成一个无向带权图,以图中顶点表示景点,边上权值表示两地距离。 本程序目的是为用户提供路径咨询,根据用户指定的始点和终点输出相应路径,或者根据用户指定的景点输出景点信息。-11 representative attractions from a plan view of the Xiamen University, abstracted into a no attractions to vertices in the graph indicates a weighted graph, the edge of the right value represents the distance between the two places. The purpose of this program is the path Consulting to provide users with the appropriate path, the start and end points based on user-specified output, or output based on user-specified attractions attractions information.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2kb Publisher : 张耒
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