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DistMesh giving a singular FEM matrix?-Hi Anyone here with some experience of using DistMesh in finite element code? I m solving the scalar Helmoltz equation in an annular region in 2D: rho_1 < rho < rho_2 where rho_1 is the radius of a Perfect Electric Conducting cylinder and rho_2 is where the mesh is truncated using an Absorbing Boundary condition. Now, I ve written code to mesh the region myself (by dividing the region into annular rings and picking a fixed number of points on each ring) and I ve written another program which uses DistMesh to mesh the region. I get a nice solution using my own meshing code but the FEM matrix becomes singular when I use DistMesh. This is the DistMesh Code I used: Circle with hole rABC=1.5 rCyl=0.5 fdstring=sprintf( ddiff(dcircle(p,0,0, f),dcircle(p,0,0, f)) ,rABC,rCyl) fd=inline(fdstring, p ) box=[-2,-2 2,2] [p,N]=distmesh2d(fd,@huniform,0.04,box,[]) I tried changing box and the 0.04 value (initial edge length). But every time, the matrix becomes sin
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 37kb Publisher : skypigr

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Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 83kb Publisher : sk03
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