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% PIEFLAB Main Directory % ---------------------- % % .m - files % ---------- % Contents.m : this file % startup.m : startup file: sets Matlab path executed automatically when % Matlab command is performed in this directory % % subdirectories % -------------- % General/ : general matlab commands % MRF/ : Markov Random Field: Bayesian algorithm for images % Noise/ : noise generation, density/distribution functions % Tests/ % Threshold/ : threshold procedures (includes threshold assessment) % WT/ : Wavelet Transform routines % Poisson/ : Poisson intensity estimation routines % Copyright (c) Maarten Jansen % K.U.Leuven - Flanders (Belgium) % % This software is part of PiefLab and is copyrighted material. More info on % copyright policy is available on: % PIEFLAB Main Directory----------------------. M- files---------- Contents.m: this file startup.m: startup file: sets Matlab path executed automatically when Matlab command is performed in this directory subdirectories-------------- General /: general matlab commands MRF /: Markov Random Field: Bayesian algorithm for images Noise /: noise generation, density/distribution functions Tests/Threshold /: threshold procedures (includes threshold assessment) WT /: Wavelet Transform routines Poisson /: Poisson intensity estimation routines Copyright (c) Maarten Jansen KULeuven- Flanders (Belgium) This software is part of PiefLab and is copyrighted material. More info on copyright policy is available on: ~ maarten/software /
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 111kb Publisher : 汪伟

基于傅立叶变换的边缘分布的图象分割方法,这是我的毕业设计,代码很全,可以运行.-Based on the Fourier transform of the marginal distribution of the image segmentation method, this is my graduation project, the code is very wide, you can run.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 135kb Publisher : xulibo

针对夜间动态背景下的行人检测中分割算法受光照条件影响大、误识别多等问题,提出双阈值分割算法和以多目标跟踪为核心的算法框架。新的分割算法解决了行人亮度分布不均时的分割问题,同时在新的框架下可以综合多帧的处理结果进行综合判断,通过将基于支持向量机的识别算法和多目标跟踪算法的融合,降低了系统的计算量,且比一般的系统具有更高的识别率。 -At night the dynamic context of pedestrian detection segmentation algorithm affected by light conditions, and false identification of many other issues, the dual-threshold segmentation algorithm and a multi-target tracking algorithm as the core framework. New segmentation algorithm to solve the uneven distribution of brightness of pedestrians at the time of partition, while in the new framework of an integrated multi-frame can be the result of a comprehensive treatment of the judge, through the support vector machine-based recognition algorithms and multi-target tracking algorithm integration reducing system of calculating the volume, and than a typical system has a higher recognition rate.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 565kb Publisher : jacky1

介绍了视觉颜色空间及其在交互式图像分割中的作用, 实验分析了它的奇异性, 在此基础上, 考虑像素的 空间和色彩分布, 提出了基于区域生长法的多颜色空间、 多度量准则的聚类算法和零碎区域的合并算法, 颜色空间选取HSL 和RGB 两种, 相似性度量包括了种子点、 扩张点和生长区域三个方面, 并用于敦煌壁画图像的分割.-Introduce the visual color space and its application in interactive image segmentation of the role, experimental analysis of its singularity, on this basis, taking into pixel space and color distribution, based on region growing multi-color space, multi-metric criteria clustering algorithm and fragmented region merging algorithm, select the HSL color space and RGB are two similarity measure, including the seed point, the expansion point and the three aspects of regional growth, and for image segmentation in Dunhuang murals.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 340kb Publisher : singro jiang

大津阈值分割法,也称最大类间方差法,利用图像的灰度分布密度函数定义图像的交叉熵。 交叉熵可看作是两个概率系统(即图像背景及目标)的信息量之间的差异。求出的交叉熵越大,则分割效果越好。 -Otsu threshold segmentation method, also known as Otsu method, the use of gray-scale image distribution density function definition images of cross-entropy. Cross-entropy can be seen as both the probability of system (that is, the image background and objectives) the difference between the amount of information. Obtained the greater the cross-entropy, then partition the better.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1kb Publisher : Mingruixia

为了对光线变化的图像进行顺利侵害,提出了一 种利用贝叶斯学习方法来进行视频图像分割的算法,印先在每个像素点处对不断变化的背景建模,同时计算每个像素点 处的颜色直方图,再用这些直方图来表示该像素点处特征向量的概率分布,然后用贝叶斯学习方法来进行判断,以确定在光线缓慢或者突然变化的时候,每个像素点是属于前景还是属于背景。-In order to change the image of light against a smooth, a Bayesian learning approach to the use of video image segmentation algorithms, printed first in each pixel point on the changing context of modeling, at the same time calculated for each pixel point Department of color histogram, and then these pixel histogram to indicate the point of the probability distribution of feature vectors, and then use Bayesian learning method to judge, to determine the slow or sudden changes in light, when each pixel is belonging to the prospect of still belonging to the background.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 192kb Publisher :

《MATLAB7.x图像处理》由作者贺兴华 周媛媛 等编著编写, 人民邮电出版社出版发行, 定价30元.MATLAB7.x图像处理》是基于MATLAB7.0的图像处理工具箱(Image Processing Toolbox)编写的,较全面系统地介绍了图像处理的基本操作(文件I/O操作与几何变换操作)、图像变换、图像增强、图像编码、图像分割、图像复原、数学形态学图像处理及图像滤波等的MATLAB实现函数和调用格式。非常经典!-" MATLAB7.x image processing" by the author, such as周媛媛edited by贺兴华preparation, publication and distribution of Posts & Telecom Press, pricing 30. MATLAB7.x image processing, " is based on MATLAB7.0 Image Processing Toolbox (Image Processing Toolbox) prepared more comprehensive and systematic introduction to the basic image processing operations (file I/O operation and the geometric transform operation), image transform, image enhancement, image coding, image segmentation, image restoration, mathematical morphology image processing and image filtering to achieve the MATLAB function and call format. Very classic!
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 12.76mb Publisher : 苗然

编写实现最优阈值方法。假设目标和背景的分布为高斯分布。程序的输入参数根据公式要求而定。将得到的值作为程序输入的参数,对图像进行分割。-Preparation methods to achieve the optimal threshold. The assumption that the distribution of the target and background for the Gaussian distribution. Procedures in accordance with the formula of the input parameter requirements. The value will be entered as the process parameters, image segmentation.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 59kb Publisher : jhm

图像分割,具体算法参考一下论文 Zhi-Gang Tan, Xiao-Chen Heand Nelson H. C. Yung A Novel Merging Criterion Incorporating Boundary Smoothness and Region Homogeneity for Image Segmentation-Abstract A novel joint region merging criterion combining region homo-geneity and boundary smoothness is proposed. Previous watershed segmentation method which utilizes region homogeneity or edge integrity or both gives good results in some cases. However, for complex scenes such as images of a vehicle with irregular roadside objects reflected on the window panes, it tends to give undesired segmentation results with region boundaries not residing on real physical boundaries. Aiming at improving the segmentation of these complex scenes, we propose the incorporation of an additional measure of boundary smoothness into a new joint criterion. Based on this, an affine transform invariant measure of the smoothness of boundaries is developed, which is the equivalent width of the energy distribution function over frequencies, obtained from Fourier descriptors of the boundary. Experimental results and evaluation are presented in this paper to demonstrate the merits of the proposed method. Key
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 9kb Publisher : Jack Tan

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基于Gabor变换的图像纹理识别。 提出了一种改进的Gabor变换的图像纹理增强算法,将空域的纹理图像变换到联合空间频率域并将联合空间 频率域的能量分布作为掌纹的特征,Gobar滤波器在频域内对子块其主方向上频率能量分布进行滤波,特征向量进行了匹配 识别,增强特征纹线信息并对核心区域进行多方向空间频率能量滤波合成,同时也对滤波算法进行了优化,有效地减少了运 算量。-Gabor transform based image texture recognition. An improved image of the Gabor transform texture enhancement algorithm, the airspace of the texture image transform frequency domain to the joint space and joint space frequency domain characteristics of the energy distribution as a palm, Gobar filter pair in the frequency domain block its the main direction of the energy distribution of the frequency filtering, feature vectors were matched to identify, enhance the features of ridge information as well as the core region of multi-dimensional spatial frequency energy filter synthesis, but also on the filtering algorithm has been optimized, effective in reducing the computational complexity.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 801kb Publisher : 爱学习

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A common method for real-time segmentation of moving regions in image sequences involves “background subtraction,” or thresholding the error between an estimate of the image without moving objects and the current image. The numerous approaches to this problem differ in the type of background model used and the procedure used to update the model. This paper discusses modeling each pixel as a mixture of Gaussians and using an on-line approximation to update the model. The Gaussian distributions of the adaptive mixture model are then evaluated to determine which are most likelyt o result from a background process. Each pixel is classified based on whether the Gaussian distribution which represents it most effectivelyis considered part of the background model.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 182kb Publisher : ajinkya

粒度测定是在不精确分割图像目标的基础上,确定图像中目标的分布情况和大小-Determination of particle size in the imprecise image segmentation based on the objectives, determine the target image and size distribution
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1kb Publisher : zwq

提出了一种适用于视频监控场景的基于物理反射模型的阈值分割算法,该算法主要解决背景颜色识别受 光强非均匀分布、高光效应影响的问题.算法步骤主要包括:首先基于Phong反射模型推导出漫反射分量颜色不 变性并根据这一判定条件计算得到漫反射分量系数;其次,利用微分法则实现对模型镜面反射分量系数和镜面 反射强度指数的估计;最后,根据建立的物理反射模型实现背景阚值分割.大量实验分析结果表明,文中提出的 算法利用视频监控的物理反射模型和大量统计信息,能够更好地解决受光强非均匀分布和高光效应影响的颜色 识别问题.-A Scene for video surveillance physical reflectance model based segmentation algorithm to solve the background color recognition by the major Non-uniform distribution of light intensity, high light effect of the problem. Algorithm steps include: First, based on Phong reflection model is derived diffuse component colors Denaturing conditions according to the judge calculated coefficient of diffuse reflection component Secondly, the use of differential implementation of the model law component coefficients and specular reflection mirror Estimates of reflection intensity index Finally, the establishment of the physical realization of the background reflectance model Kan segmentation. A large number of experimental results show that the proposed Algorithm makes use of video surveillance and a lot of physical reflection model statistical information that can better address the subject of non-uniform distribution of light intensity and color effect of high light Identify the prob
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 392kb Publisher : 郭事业

基于力场分布的图像处理源程序。包括基于力场的图像分割、边缘检测等。-Distribution of image processing based on force field source. Include force field-based image segmentation, edge detection.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 4.64mb Publisher : ccd

关于前景背景分离的论文集,内容涵盖了很多方面,从差分,到高斯分布,到codebook-Background on the prospects of separation proceedings, covers many aspects, from the differential to the Gaussian distribution, the codebook, etc.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 14.18mb Publisher : 张北通

位图图像稳定区域分割的种子点选取条件,区域定义 区域分割 高斯混合模型 高斯分布 种子点选取 阈值选取 灰度范围-Bitmap image stabilization region segmentation of the seed point selection conditions, regional definition Region segmentation Gaussian mixture model Gaussian distribution The seed point selection Threshold selection Gray scale range
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1.05mb Publisher : 黄哲

Mean-shift算法用于彩色图像分割,本人已经用在自己的课题上,效果挺好,该算法对遮挡、变形等情况的鲁棒性比较好,但是在背景及目标颜色的分布相类似时,效果将欠佳。-Mean-shift algorithm for color image segmentation, I have used on their own subject, effect is good, the algorithm robustness of shade, deformation, and so on and so forth is better, but in the background and target color is similar, the distribution of effect is poor.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 210kb Publisher : 小胡

根据概率密度分布,分割前景与背景,附有实验图片-According to a probability density distribution, segmentation foreground and background, experiment with picture
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 47kb Publisher : yadan

DL : 0
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 20kb Publisher : arzehgar

This paper presents a novel active contour model in a variational level set formulation for simultaneous segmentation and bias field estimation of medical images. An energy function is formulated based on improved Kullback-Leibler distance (KLD) with likelihood ratio. According to the additive model of images with intensity inhomogeneity, we characterize the statistics of image intensities belonging to each different object in local regions as Gaussian distributions with different means and variances. Then, we use the Gaussian distribution with bias field as a local region descriptor in level set formulation for segmentation(This paper presents a novel active contour model in a variational level set formulation for simultaneous segmentation and bias field estimation of medical images. An energy function is formulated based on improved Kullback-Leibler distance (KLD) with likelihood ratio. According to the additive model of images with intensity inhomogeneity, we characterize the statistics of image intensities belonging to each different object in local regions as Gaussian distributions with different means and variances. Then, we use the Gaussian distribution with bias field as a local region descriptor in level set formulation for segmentation and bias field correction of the images with inhomogeneous intensities. Therefore, image segmentation and bias field estimation are simultaneously achieved by minimizing the level set formulation)
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 2.33mb Publisher : song86
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