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[Other resourceVBfenceng

Description: 摘 要:VB程序设计的教学可分为设计程序界面和编写程序代码两大部分,教学目标是学生能够利用VB语言设计简单、实用的可视化应用程序,培养学生的编程兴趣和编程能力,为今后学习其他课程打下良好的基础。我所带班级主要是5年制大专班的学生,从现状来看,这些学生存在着好、较好和一般三个层次。在教学过程中应把握住这三个层次,根据学生的心理特点和个别差异,进行分层教学,做到有的放矢,充分调动每个学生的学习积极性。 -Abstract : VB program design can be divided into the teaching program interface design and programming code two majority, Teaching students goal is to use VB language designed to be simple, practical visualization applications, train students interested in the programming and programming capabilities for future study and other courses to lay a good foundation. I brought five main classes - year undergraduate students from the current situation, there is a good student, good and the general level. In the process of teaching should seize this three levels, according to the children's psychological characteristics and individual differences, stratified teaching, achieve targeted, fully mobilize every student's learning.
Platform: | Size: 59537 | Author: 嵇辉辉 | Hits:


Description: 从表面上看,保护模式和实模式并没有太大的区别,二者都使用了内存段、中断和设备驱动来处理硬件,但二者有很多不同之处。我们知道,在实模式中内存被划分成段,每个段的大小为64KB,而这样的段地址可以用16位来表示。内存段的处理是通过和段寄存器相关联的内部机制来处理的,这些段寄存器(CS、DS、 SS和ES)的内容形成了物理地址的一部分。具体来说,最终的物理地址是由16位的段地址和16位的段内偏移地址组成的。用公式表示为:物理地址=左移4位的段地址+偏移地址。-On the surface, protected mode and real mode is not much difference between the two are the use of the memory, Drivers interruption and equipment to deal with the hardware, but there are many differences. We know that in real mode which has been divided into memory, each the size of 64 KB. and the addresses of 16 can be used to express. Memory of the handling of the adoption and register linked to the internal mechanisms to deal with, of these registers (CS, DS, SS and ES) with the formation of a part of the physical address. Specifically, the ultimate physical address is 16 of the 16 addresses and the addresses of migration within the composition. The use of the formula is expressed as : physical address = 4 bits of the address offset address.
Platform: | Size: 129778 | Author: zlhhlz | Hits:

[Successful incentiveVBfenceng

Description: 摘 要:VB程序设计的教学可分为设计程序界面和编写程序代码两大部分,教学目标是学生能够利用VB语言设计简单、实用的可视化应用程序,培养学生的编程兴趣和编程能力,为今后学习其他课程打下良好的基础。我所带班级主要是5年制大专班的学生,从现状来看,这些学生存在着好、较好和一般三个层次。在教学过程中应把握住这三个层次,根据学生的心理特点和个别差异,进行分层教学,做到有的放矢,充分调动每个学生的学习积极性。 -Abstract : VB program design can be divided into the teaching program interface design and programming code two majority, Teaching students goal is to use VB language designed to be simple, practical visualization applications, train students interested in the programming and programming capabilities for future study and other courses to lay a good foundation. I brought five main classes- year undergraduate students from the current situation, there is a good student, good and the general level. In the process of teaching should seize this three levels, according to the children's psychological characteristics and individual differences, stratified teaching, achieve targeted, fully mobilize every student's learning.
Platform: | Size: 59392 | Author: 嵇辉辉 | Hits:


Description: 从表面上看,保护模式和实模式并没有太大的区别,二者都使用了内存段、中断和设备驱动来处理硬件,但二者有很多不同之处。我们知道,在实模式中内存被划分成段,每个段的大小为64KB,而这样的段地址可以用16位来表示。内存段的处理是通过和段寄存器相关联的内部机制来处理的,这些段寄存器(CS、DS、 SS和ES)的内容形成了物理地址的一部分。具体来说,最终的物理地址是由16位的段地址和16位的段内偏移地址组成的。用公式表示为:物理地址=左移4位的段地址+偏移地址。-On the surface, protected mode and real mode is not much difference between the two are the use of the memory, Drivers interruption and equipment to deal with the hardware, but there are many differences. We know that in real mode which has been divided into memory, each the size of 64 KB. and the addresses of 16 can be used to express. Memory of the handling of the adoption and register linked to the internal mechanisms to deal with, of these registers (CS, DS, SS and ES) with the formation of a part of the physical address. Specifically, the ultimate physical address is 16 of the 16 addresses and the addresses of migration within the composition. The use of the formula is expressed as : physical address = 4 bits of the address offset address.
Platform: | Size: 129024 | Author: zlhhlz | Hits:

[File Format4

Description: 运动会分数统计 参加运动会的n个学校编号为1~n。比赛分成m个男子项目和w个女子项目,项目编号分别为1~m和m+1~m+w。由于各项目参加人数差别较大,有些项目取前五名,得分顺序为7,5,3,2,1;还有些项目只取前三名,得分顺序为5,3,2。写一个统计程序产生各种成绩单和得分报表-Games Score Statistics to participate in the Games n school No. 1 ~ n. Competition is divided into m men and a woman w projects numbered 1 ~ m and m 1 ~ m w. As a result of differences in the number of participants larger projects, some projects from the top five scores in order of 7,5,3,2,1 also some of the items, only the top three scores in order of 5,3,2. Statistical procedures to write a variety of transcripts and scores statements
Platform: | Size: 59392 | Author: 有点坏 | Hits:


Description: 参加运动会的n个学校编号为l~n。比赛分成m个男子项目和w个女子项目, 项目编号分别为l~m和m+1~m+w。由于各项目参加人数差别较大,有些项目 取前五名,得分顺序为7,5,3,2,1;还有些项目只取前三名,得分顺序为5, 3,2。设计一个统计系统按名次产生各种成绩单、得分报表。 -To participate in the Games n school numbered l ~ n. Competition is divided into m men and a woman w projects numbered l ~ m and m 1 ~ m w. As a result of differences in the number of participants larger projects, some projects from the top five scores in order of 7,5,3,2,1 also some of the items, only the top three scores in order of 5,3,2. Design a statistical system rankings produced by a variety of report card, scoring statements.
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: lvxin | Hits:

[Windows DevelopKey_Pusher

Description: 源码是一组自动化操作的封装,分为Host和CE两大模块,对比了在电脑中和在CE中模拟键盘操作的共同与差异,并可根据该技术改装为虚拟键盘。-Source is a set of automation of the package, divided into two modules Host and CE, as compared with the computer simulation and in the CE keyboard in common and differences, and in accordance with the technology to be converted into a virtual keyboard.
Platform: | Size: 41984 | Author: gbcgbc | Hits:


Description: Source Code Archive An Introduction to Numerical Analysis with Applications to the Physical, Natural and Social Sciences-neville.C Neville s algorithm divdiff.C calculate the coefficients of the Newton form of the interpolating polynomial using divided differences nf_eval.C evaluate the Newton form of the interpolating polynomial cubic_nak.C construct the cubic spline interpolant with "not-a-knot" boundary conditions cubic_clamped.C construct the cubic spline interpolant with clamped boundary conditions spline_eval.C evaluate a spline interpolant (works with the output from cubic_nak.C and cubic_clamped.C) hermite.C calculate the coefficients of the Hermite interpolating polynomial cubic_herm.C evaluate the Hermite cubic interpolant
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: 范姜 | Hits:


Description: calculate the coefficients of the Newton form of the interpolating polynomial using divided differences
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: katore vishal | Hits:

[Mathimatics-Numerical algorithmsinterpol

Description: This little programs compares the stability and the complexity for the computation of the Lagrange interpolation of a given function for the following three methods: 1) Aitken-Neville-scheme 2) Divided differences and Horner-scheme 3) Barycentric coordinates -This little programs compares the stability and the complexity for the computation of the Lagrange interpolation of a given function for the following three methods: 1) Aitken-Neville-scheme 2) Divided differences and Horner-scheme 3) Barycentric coordinates
Platform: | Size: 12288 | Author: 王洪 | Hits:


Description: 《程序员的SQL金典》主要介绍SQL的语法规则及在实际开发中的应用,并且对SQL在MySQL、MS SQL Server、Oracle和DB2中的差异进行了分析。《程序员的SQL金典》分为3部分:第1部分为基础篇,主要讲解数据库对增、删、改、查等SQL的支持,给出了这些SQL的应用案例;第2部分为进阶篇,讲解了函数、子查询、表连接、不同DBMS中的SQL语法差异、SQL调优、NULL值处理、事务、开窗函数等高级技术;第3部分为案例篇,对前两部分的知识进行了综合运用-" Golden SQL programmers," introduces the SQL syntax rules and in the actual development of applications, and SQL in MySQL, MS SQL Server, Oracle, and DB2 the differences were analyzed. " Golden SQL programmer" is divided into 3 parts: Part 1-based articles, mainly on the database, delete, change, search and other support for SQL, SQL, application of those given case Part 2 to carry Order articles to explain the function, sub-queries, table joins, SQL syntax is different in different DBMS, SQL tuning, NULL value processing, transactions, and other high technology window function Part 3 for the case of articles, the first two parts of the integrated use of knowledge
Platform: | Size: 1152000 | Author: 泽桦 | Hits:


Description: Code gauss_seidel, Jacobi and Sor, differences in the implementation of numerical methods divided.
Platform: | Size: 14336 | Author: mich | Hits:


Description: SCCB协议和I2C协议的区别 SCCB是简化的I2C协议,SIO-l是串行时钟输入线,SIO-O是串行双向数据线,分别相当于I2C协议的SCL和SDA。SCCB的... -SCCB protocol and I2C protocol differences SCCB is to simplify the I2C protocol, SIO-l is the serial clock input line, SIO-O is a bidirectional serial data line, respectively, equivalent to the I2C protocol SCL and SDA. SCCB and I2C bus timing is basically the same, the response signal ACK is called a transmission unit of the first nine, divided into Don t care and NA. Don t care bits generated by the slave NA bits generated by the master, the SCCB does not support multi-byte read and write, NA bit must be high. In addition, SCCB did not repeat the initial concept, so the SCCB read cycle, when the host sending the on-chip register address, you must send a bus stop conditions. Otherwise, send the read command, the slave will not respond to signals generated Don t care. SCCB as I2C and some nuances, so the use of GPIO analog SCCB bus way. SCL pin is always connected to the output mode is set, and the SDA pin is connected to the data transfer process, by setting the value of IODIR
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: herry_lee | Hits:


Description: 主要介绍SQL的语法规则及在实际开发中的应用,并且对SQL在MySQL、MS SQL Server、Oracle和DB2中的差异进行了分析。《程序员的SQL金典》分为3部分:第1部分为基础篇,主要讲解数据库对增、删、改、查等SQL的支持,给出了这些SQL的应用案例;第2部分为进阶篇,讲解了函数、子查询、表连接、不同DBMS中的SQL语法差异、SQL调优、NULL值处理、事务、开窗函数等高级技术;第3部分为案例篇,对前两部分的知识进行了综合运用。-SQL syntax rules and the actual development, and SQL in MySQL, MS SQL Server, Oracle and DB2 difference. Programmers SQL Golden "is divided into three parts: Part 1 based articles, mainly on the database to add, delete, change, check SQL support, given these SQL Applications Part 2 Advanced articles, explain the function, sub-queries, table joins, senior technical SQL syntax differences in different DBMS, SQL tuning, NULL values ​ ​ handling affairs, windowing function part 3 for the case papers, the knowledge of the first two parts the integrated use of.
Platform: | Size: 1485824 | Author: 杨喆 | Hits:


Description: 《程序员的SQL金典》主要介绍SQL的语法规则及在实际开发中的应用,并且对SQL在MySQL、MS SQL Server、Oracle和DB2中的差异进行了分析。《程序员的SQL金典》分为3部分:第1部分为基础篇,主要讲解数据库对增、删、改、查等SQL的支持,给出了这些SQL的应用案例;第2部分为进阶篇,讲解了函数、子查询、表连接、不同DBMS中的SQL语法差异、SQL调优、NULL值处理、事务、开窗函数等高级技术;第3部分为案例篇,对前两部分的知识进行了综合运用。-Programmers SQL Golden introduces SQL syntax rules and in the actual development of applications, and SQL in MySQL, MS SQL Server, Oracle and DB2 difference. SQL programmers Golden divided into three parts: Part 1 is a foundation piece, mainly on the SQL database to add, delete, change, check the support given to these SQL Applications Part 2 Advanced articles, explain the function, sub-queries, table joins, SQL syntax differences in the different DBMS, SQL tuning, NULL value processing, transaction, windowing function and other advanced technology part 3 of the case papers, the first two parts of the knowledge the integrated use of.
Platform: | Size: 1485824 | Author: 杨喆 | Hits:


Description: 为了了解和掌握轴心受压柱特征值屈曲和非线性屈曲差异,以及考虑在屈曲分析中划分不同单元数量对分析结果的影响,选取适当的单元数量,利用有限元软件ANSYS对结构进行分析。初步了解特征值屈曲与非线性屈曲所得结果差异。在此基础上进行了多例轴心受压柱的仿真模拟分析,同时考虑不同长细比对屈曲分析结果的影响,掌握了长细比变化对轴心受压柱特征值屈曲和非线性屈曲的计算结果的影响规律。提出工程中应尽量采取非线性屈曲分析,并在分析中采取正确的分析方法。-In order to understand and master the axial compression column buckling and nonlinear buckling eigenvalue differences and consider the buckling analysis is divided into different number of units the impact on the analysis results, select the appropriate number of units, using the finite element software ANSYS structural analysis. A preliminary understanding of the eigenvalue buckling and nonlinear buckling difference between the results obtained. In a number of cases on the basis of axial compression column simulation analysis, taking into account different slenderness ratio for buckling analysis of the impact of the results, mastered the slenderness ratio change on axial compression column buckling and nonlinear buckling eigenvalue The calculated results were investigated. Proposed project should be taken nonlinear buckling analysis, and the analysis to take proper method of analysis.
Platform: | Size: 179200 | Author: zhangxiaolei | Hits:


Description: 地震信号处理,虚同相轴方法预测层间多次波,将数据分成上下两部分,利用相关和褶积的原理预测出层间多次波。预测信号和原始信号在相位和振幅上存在差异,用L1范数匹配法进行匹配,其中,提供了两种方法解病态方程,分别为高斯-赛德尔方法和正则化方法。-Seismic signal processing, predicte internal multiples by construct virtual events .The data is divided into two parts, using the principle of correlation and convolution to predicte multiples. There are differences between the prediction signal and the original signal on the phase and amplitude, so we use the L1 norm method to match the singal.We provide two methods for solving ill equation, respectively Gauss- Seidel method and regularization method.
Platform: | Size: 5120 | Author: 刘璐 | Hits:


Description: 模拟两级复制算法,引入了将系统进行分级的思想。该算法充分考虑了典型的移动计算环境中可信部分和移动部分的性能差异,将整个移动计算环境分为两级,第一级是通过固定网络保持连接的基结点,每个基结点维护数据库的一个副本,且这个基结点是大部分数据对象的结点,此级复制是基结点之间的复制。第二级为时常处于断连状态的移动结点,它们有时候通过无线网络与基结点相连接,有时处于断接状态,也存有数据库的部分副本,此级复制是指移动结点与基结点之间的复制。这样,可信部分总能保持传统分布计算环境下的若干特征,而不会因为移动计算的引入对系统性能产生不良的影响。 两级复制机制的主要研究目的在于保证所有结点的数据在经过一些临时状态的改变后能够趋于一致。 -Analog two replication algorithm, introduced the grading system of thought. The algorithm takes into account the typical mobile computing environments trusted part of the performance differences and moving parts, the entire mobile computing environment is divided into two stages, the first stage is the base nodes remain connected via the fixed network, each base node maintain a copy of the , and the group node is the node most of the data object, this base-level replication is replicated between nodes. The second level is often in a state of disconnection mobile nodes, they are sometimes connected through a wireless network to the base node, sometimes in a disconnected state, there are also part of the copy of the , this level refers to the mobile node replication and Copy groups between nodes. Thus, to maintain a credible part of the total number of feature traditional distributed computing environment, and not because of the introduction of mobile computing adverse effect on system p
Platform: | Size: 9216 | Author: aha | Hits:

CodeBus www.codebus.net