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绘制不同函数曲线的用户界面,可操作要绘制的函数曲线-different mapping function curve of the user interface, operable to draw the function curve
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 4kb Publisher : 蓝景

1) 已知x=[1:15], y=[12 34 56 78 99 123 165 198 243 277 353 345 303 288 275], 用多项式进行拟合,给出拟合多项式,(所选拟合多项式阶数不同,拟合结果不同,请你选择适当的阶数进行拟合),并绘出原始数据点、拟合曲线和95%置信区间(confidence bounds)的图形 . 2) 根据下面数学模型建立仿真模型,并在一个示波器中把它们的波形仿真出来。 -1) are known to x = [1:15], y = [12 34 56 78 99 123 165 198 243 277 353 345 303 288 275], with polynomial fitting, given the polynomial fitting, (the election order polynomial fitting different fitting results to differ, please select the appropriate order of fit), and draw original data points, fitting curve and 95 confidence interval (confidence bounds) graphics .2 ) In accordance with the following mathematical model for the establishment of simulation model, and in an oscilloscope waveform in their simulation out.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 6kb Publisher : wangshujuan

对M=16的PSK系统仿真,分析系统的误码率,画出仿真误码率曲线,与理论误码率曲线进行比较。(MATLAB语言实现)-M = 16 of the PSK system simulation, analysis of system error rate, BER simulation draw curve, with the theoretical BER curves were compared. (MATLAB language)
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1kb Publisher : 高小飞

DL : 0
有一平面镜和曲率半径为 的凹面镜,画出光束发散角与腔长 的关系曲线。 设计要求:(1)具有友好输入输出界面; (2)可输入不同凹面镜曲率半径值,查看结果变化情况。 -Plane mirror and one has a radius of curvature of the concave mirror, draw the beam divergence angle and cavity length curve. Design requirements: (1) friendly input and output interface (2) may enter a different value of the radius of curvature concave mirror to see the results of the changes.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 2kb Publisher : zj

DL : 0
对但自由度阻尼体系进行模拟,在体系振动的同时,画出阻尼衰减曲线-However, damping of the system degree of freedom simulation, vibration in the system at the same time, draw damping attenuation curve
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1kb Publisher : zhanggao

用matlab绘制bezier曲线,逼近一个n形状。-Matlab draw with Bezier curve, approaching a n shape.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 2kb Publisher : happynoom

自适应滤波器。自适应滤波器为11个权系数的FIR结构。(1)不同的方差σ2(2)LMS算法画出一次实验的误差平方收敛曲线,训练长度为500,给出滤波器系数;进行20次独立实验,给出平均收敛曲线。不同步长值的比较。(3)RLS算法,LMS和RLS算法的比较 -Adaptive filter. Adaptive filter weights for 11 of the FIR structure. (1) different variance σ2 (2) LMS algorithm for an experiment to draw square error convergence curve, the training length is 500, given filter coefficient conduct 20 independent experiments, given the average convergence curve. Are not synchronized long value comparison. (3) RLS algorithm, LMS and RLS Algorithms
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 5kb Publisher : 梁上泉

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8单径瑞利信道中的四发四收V-BLAST: (1) 请设计一种具体的导引辅助的信道估计方法,用Simulink进行仿真,测量16QPSK调制时的误码率性能。画出比特信噪比与信道估计均方误差的关系曲线,画出比特信噪比与误码率的关系曲线。 (2) 计算所设计方案的频谱效率是多少,单位为bit/Hz/s。-8 Single-Path Rayleigh Channel Four received four V-BLAST: (1) Please design a specific guide-assisted channel estimation method, using Simulink simulation, measurement 16QPSK modulation BER performance. Draw-bit signal to noise ratio and channel estimation mean square error curve, draw-bit signal to noise ratio and bit error rate curve. (2) calculate the design of spectrum efficiency is the number of units of bit/Hz/s.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 10kb Publisher : haohao

在单径瑞利信道中,设计一种时分的导引辅助的信道估计方法,用Simulink进行仿真,测量BPSK的误码率性能,画出比特信噪比与误码率的关系曲线.-In a single Path Rayleigh channel, the design of a guided night-assisted channel estimation method, using Simulink simulation, measurement BPSK BER performance, draw-bit signal to noise ratio and bit error rate curve.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 146kb Publisher : 华建

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这是一个用鼠标划光滑曲线的函数,利用matlab编写-This is a smooth curve with the mouse draw a function of the preparation of the use of matlab
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 2kb Publisher : 刘栋

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计算太阳黑子的活动周期,分别利用周期图法,Lenvinson-Durbin法和Burg法求得其功率谱,并画出曲线,观察得到活动周期-Calculation of sunspot activity cycle, namely the use of periodogram, Lenvinson-Durbin and Burg obtained the power spectrum, and draw curve, observation cycle
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 2kb Publisher : fengjinhua

DL : 0
提供技术平台,以供用户绘制不同的类型曲线。-Provide technical platform for users to draw different types of curves.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1kb Publisher : zhugespike

病态线性方程组的计算题,涉及Gauss消元法、雅可比迭代法、高斯-赛德尔迭代法、最速下降法和共轭梯度法。每一个方法,都编写一个m文件,封装成函数的形式。然后通过总的HilbLineEquSet.m文件来调用执行,画出误差曲线图,得到运行结果。总的Matlab程序流程,如下所示: 病态方程组的计算包括:HilbLineEquSet.m、gauss.m、jacobi.m、gauss_seidel.m、fastest_descend.m和conjugated_grad.m六个文件。 程序执行结果包括:求解结果、迭代次数、迭代误差数据、误差曲线图等。 -Morbid Linear Equations calculation problems involving Gauss elimination method, Jacobi' s iterative method, Gauss- Seidel iterative method, steepest descent method and conjugate gradient method. Each method, all the preparation of an m file, packaged in the form of a function. Then the total HilbLineEquSet.m file to invoke the implementation of draw error curve, to be running results. General Matlab program flow, as follows: the calculation of morbid equations include: HilbLineEquSet.m, gauss.m, jacobi.m, gauss_seidel.m, fastest_descend.m and conjugated_grad.m six documents. Procedures for implementation of the findings include: solving a result, the number of iterations, iterative error data, error curve and so on.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 6kb Publisher : 陈永恒

使用matlab繪製Bezier curve的程式-Draw Bezier curve using matlab program
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 2kb Publisher : Dorian Huang

DL : 0
一个很好的matlab编程绘制B样条曲线,-Matlab program to draw a good B-spline curve,
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1kb Publisher : wq

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lms算法演示,自适应信号处理授课内容,画出学习曲线,MATLAB程序-lms algorithm presentation, adaptive signal processing lectures, to draw the learning curve, MATLAB program
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1kb Publisher : 景飒

matlab绘制多种二维数据曲线图,三维曲线图,图像处理及动画制作。-matlab draw a variety of two-dimensional data graph, 3D graph, image processing and animation.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 11kb Publisher : desfate

把在MATLAB中绘制的公式曲线、曲面上所有的点坐标数据都提取出来,若能让AutoCAD正确识别,那么我们就可以在AutoCAD中精确地绘制这些曲线、曲面了。 本文介绍了一种快速、精确地绘制各种公式曲线、曲面的方法,即在AutoCAD中通过调用经过Excel处理的MATLAB数据实现。 -Draw in MATLAB of formula curve, curved face up allly order to sit to mark datas to all withdraw, if can make AutoCAD correct to identify, so we can by the square draw these curve, curved faces in AutoCAD.This text introduced a kind of method that is rapid and by the square draws various formula curve, curved face and passed to adjust to use the MATLAB data realization of passing by the Excel processing in AutoCAD.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 150kb Publisher : 宋方佳

基于matlab平台的,用鼠标画光滑曲线matlab程序代码m文件-Based on matlab platform, use the mouse to draw a smooth curve matlab code m file
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 2kb Publisher : juzi

在汽车理论中,利用Matlab图形用户界面对汽车动力学性能进行了计算。可绘制驱动力-阻力平衡图、爬坡图、加速度曲线图、动力系数图和功率平衡图。(The Matlab GUI interface is used to calculate the vehicle dynamic performance in automobile theory. It can draw driving force resistance balance diagram, climbing slope diagram, acceleration curve diagram, dynamic factor diagram and power balance diagram.)
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 86kb Publisher : pixc
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