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驱动开发向导 I came across an article QuickSYS which implements an NT driver framework. That article demonstrates a MFC application that gets a project name as a parameter and creates Visual C++ workspace with NT driver framework. I decided to copy the NT driver framework source and to put it in the Visual Studio project wizard as seen above. This is simpler rather than running an external executable application that generates the code for you.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 16.86kb Publisher : 周惠

驱动开发向导 I came across an article QuickSYS which implements an NT driver framework. That article demonstrates a MFC application that gets a project name as a parameter and creates Visual C++ workspace with NT driver framework. I decided to copy the NT driver framework source and to put it in the Visual Studio project wizard as seen above. This is simpler rather than running an external executable application that generates the code for you.-Wizard-driven development I came across an article QuickSYS which implements an NT driver framework. That article demonstrates a MFC application that gets a project name as a parameter and creates Visual C++ Workspace with NT driver framework. I decided to copy the NT driver framework source and to put it in the Visual Studio project wizard as seen above. This is simpler rather than running an external executable application that generates the code for you.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 17kb Publisher : 周惠

这是一个在LabVIEW下展示如何操作USB摄像头的范例代码,需要预装LabVIEW Vision Module和USB Camera Driver,请到下载-This is a display of how to operate under LabVIEW camera USB example code, the need for pre-installed LabVIEW Vision Module and USB Camera Driver, please visit Download
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.82mb Publisher : 张晶

自己设计的SAA7113H摄像头驱动源码-Of their own design-driven source camera SAA7113H
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 182kb Publisher : 齐巍

给出Linux 环境下USB驱动的模块层次结构,包括主控制器驱动、USB 核心驱动和USB设备驱动程序组成,以及USB 接口摄像头驱动模块的层次结构,对底层usbvideo 模块进行分析,对usbvideo 中的函数进行了分类,修正其设计上的一个缺 陷,给出上层微型驱动的实现,最后通过移植USB 摄像头驱动程序到三星公司的SMDK2410 开发板的试验成功,使该驱动成 功应用在基于Linux 的嵌入式系统上。-Given Linux environment USB drive module hierarchy, including the host controller driver, USB core driver and USB device drivers, as well as camera USB interface drive module hierarchy of the underlying module usbvideo analysis, in usbvideo function of classification, to amend the design of a defect, given the realization of the upper micro-drive, and finally through the transplantation driver USB camera to Samsung SMDK2410 development board of the experiments are successful, so successful application of the driver in the Linux-based embedded systems.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 130kb Publisher : 陈天葆

本文介绍了嵌入式Linux 系统中USB 设备驱动程序开发的基本原理, 通过分析USB 驱动程序开发的程序框架和重要数据结构, 实现了USB 摄像头的嵌入式Linux 驱动程序, 并在S3C2410 的平台上实现了图像采集。-This paper introduces embedded Linux system, USB device driver development of the basic principles, through the analysis of USB driver development process framework and an important data structure, the realization of a USB camera embedded Linux drivers, and S3C2410 platform to achieve the image acquisition.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 70kb Publisher : 陈天葆

基于intel xscale下的linux系统camera驱动程序-Intel xscale based linux system under the camera driver
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 314kb Publisher : 刘志杰

陕西微视公司系列相机驱动程序,示例程序及其说明书-Shaanxi micro-series cameras, as the company driver, sample procedures and manuals
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 19.45mb Publisher : 尚可可

《LM3S系列CPU高性能串口驱动程序》 现在很多ARM7芯片已经使用了Cotex-M3内核,我开始接触这东西是从周立功的LM3S1138开始的。周立功提供的1138串口例程基本不具有实用性…… 该驱动程序在利用LM3S系列CPU自身FIFO的同时,利用环形缓冲区构建了软件层的Buffer,采用中断方式进行Buffer读写,效率高,运行稳定,可用于透传、网关等各种大数据流量的场合。程序包含头文件,注释详尽;基于Stellaris外设驱动库编写,方便移植。并支持485通信,串口初始化数据自动解析等功能。-" LM3S series of high-performance CPU serial port driver" A lot of ARM7 chips have been used Cotex-M3 core, I came into contact with this thing from the ZLG the LM3S1138 began. ZLG provided by the 1138 serial routines do not have the availability of basic ... ... the driver in the use of LM3S series CPU' s own FIFO, while the use of circular buffer to build a software layer Buffer, used to interrupt Buffer read and write, high efficiency, stable operation can be used to pass through, gateways and other large data traffic occasions. Program contains header files, comments, details Stellaris peripheral driver library based on the preparation, to facilitate migration. And to support the 485 communications, serial port initialization functions such as automatic data analysis.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 12kb Publisher : Jerry.H

老马翻译的Microsoft Windows驱动程序模型设计(第一版),给对英文并不是太熟练的开发人员或爱好者提供方便的阅读环境;本资料整合了随书附带的CD文档,免去读者到处搜索随书资料的不便。-ShaoHua Ma translation of the Microsoft Windows Driver Model Design (first edition), to the English is not very skilled developers, or fans of great help this information integrated with the documentation CD that came with the book, readers everywhere without having to search required information for the inconvenience.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 6.45mb Publisher : 王锐

DL : 0
该软件为经过调试可用的OMAP3530 数字camera驱动-OMAP3530 camera driver
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 74kb Publisher : 文东国

:热电阻在工业生产中常用于中低温区测温,是温度测量中应用较为普遍的测温元件.通过对其测 温原理的研究,设计了基于MSP430FI69单片机的热电阻测温仪.本设计采用恒流源驱动三线制热电 阻,配合信号平移、放大电路,利用片内A/D转换器,通过分时采样将热电阻对应的电压信号采集进来. 经过一阶插值拟合运算程序处理后显示温度值并由D/A转换器输出电压信号,再经过V-1变换实现 4—20 mA变送输出功能.-: Thermal resistance often used in industrial production in the low temperature zone temperature, the temperature measurement of more general use of temperature measurement devices. Through its temperature measurement principles of research, design microcontroller based MSP430FI69 thermal resistance thermometer. The design uses a constant current source driver RTD three-wire system, with the signal translation, amplification circuit, the use of on-chip A/D converter, sampling the thermal resistance through the time-corresponding voltage signal acquisition came. After fitting a first-order interpolation processing operation program displays the temperature value by D/A converter output voltage signal, and then transform through the V-1 4-20 mA transmitter output.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 145kb Publisher : nnnn

过TP读写驱动加载模块 研究游戏人员专用读写模块-Load driver came tp, speaking, reading and writing
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.93mb Publisher : 王小庆
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