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Description: DS18B20测温上、下位机程序VB,实际工程项目中实践过,绝对好用!主要内容 ds18b20vb0文件夹 DS18B20测温上位机源程序文件夹 DS18B20测温下位机源程序文件夹 program文件夹 二极管控制.exe
Platform: | Size: 1146903 | Author: 何小克 | Hits:


Description: DS18B20测温上位机程序 DS18B20测温上位机程序 DS18B20测温上位机程序-DS18B20 measurement procedures DS18B20 temperature PC PC PC measurement procedures DS18B20 procedures
Platform: | Size: 19456 | Author: cekong | Hits:

[MacOS developeasy51

Description: 123456uyygbb温度传感器ds1820 的汇编程序     晶振:12M TEMPER_L EQU 36H TEMPER_H EQU 35H TEMPER_NUM EQU 60H FLAG1 BIT 00H DQ BIT P3.3 AAA:MOV SP,#70H LCALL GET_TEMPER LCALL TEMPER_COV LJMP AAA NOP ------------------读出转换后的温度值 GET_TEMPER: SETB DQ 定时入口 BCD:LCALL INIT_1820 JB FLAG1,S22 LJMP BCD 若DS18B20不存在则返回 S22:LCALL DELAY1 MOV A,#0CCH 跳过ROM匹配------0CC LCALL WRITE_1820 MOV A,#44H 发出温度转换命令 LCALL WRITE_1820-Ds1820 temperature sensor 123456uyygbb the assembler crystal: 12MTEMPER_L EQU 36HTEMPER_H EQU 35HTEMPER_NUM EQU 60HFLAG1 BIT 00HDQ BIT P3.3AAA: MOV SP,# 70HLCALL GET_TEMPERLCALL TEMPER_COVLJMP AAANOP read out the converted temperature value GET_TEMPER: SETB DQ regularly import BCD: LCALL INIT_1820JB FLAG1, S22LJMP BCD if DS18B20 does not exist is returned S22: LCALL DELAY1MOV A,# 0CCH Skip ROM matching 0CCLCALL WRITE_1820MOV A,# 44H issued a temperature conversion command LCALL WRITE_1820
Platform: | Size: 836608 | Author: myyao | Hits:


Description: DS18B20测温上、下位机程序VB,实际工程项目中实践过,绝对好用!主要内容 ds18b20vb0文件夹 DS18B20测温上位机源程序文件夹 DS18B20测温下位机源程序文件夹 program文件夹 二极管控制.exe-DS18B20 temperature, the lower machine process VB, the actual practice of engineering projects, the absolute ease of use! The main contents of the folder ds18b20vb0 temperature DS18B20 PC DS18B20 temperature source folder under the folder-bit machine source diode control program folder. Exe
Platform: | Size: 1146880 | Author: 何小克 | Hits:

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