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达芬奇DM6446的DVR方案,原理图、PCB图、BOM表,使用PADS可以打开PCB文件。-DM6446 DaVinci' s DVR program, Schematic, PCB plans, BOM tables, use PADS to open PCB document.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.68mb Publisher : pingping

客户端SDK是嵌入式网络硬盘录像机、视频服务器、IP设备的配套产品,用于设备远程访问及远程控制软件的开发,适用于以下产品型号: DS-95xx、DS-96xxNVR; DS-90xx混合型硬盘录像机; DS-91xx、DS-81xx、DS-80xx、DS-70xx、DS-71xx、DS-7116、DS-72xx硬盘录像机; DS-60xx、DS-61xx视频服务器、编/解码器; IDS6002-HF/B双摄像机跟踪、IDS6101-HF/B智能设备(行为分析)、IDS52xx智能分析仪、IDS90XX、IDS91XX; DS630x_D多路解码器; IP摄像机(以下简称“IPC”):DS-2CD71xx、DS-2CD81xx、DS-2CD7xx、DS-2CD8xx、DS-2CD9xx; 其他IP设备:包含IP模块、、IP快球等。 -Client SDK is an embedded network hard disk video recorders, video servers, IP equipment, ancillary products, for equipment, remote access and remote control software for the following Product Model: DS-95xx, DS-96xxNVR DS-90xx mixed DVR DS-91xx, DS-81xx, DS-80xx, DS-70xx, DS-71xx, DS-7116, DS-72xx DVR DS-60xx, DS-61xx video server, encoder/decoder IDS6002- HF/B dual-camera tracking, IDS6101-HF/B intelligent devices (behavior analysis), IDS52xx intelligent analyzer, IDS90XX, IDS91XX DS630x_D multi-decoder IP camera (hereinafter referred to as " IPC" ): DS-2CD71xx, DS- 2CD81xx, DS-2CD7xx, DS-2CD8xx, DS-2CD9xx other IP devices: includes IP module,, IP fast ball.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.17mb Publisher : 胡成

DL : 0
ALPU加密芯片历经ALPU-04,-05,-B,-E,-MT/MR几个系列的发展,加密性能以及相关技术参数已经趋于完善,可以足够程度的满足客户各类需求。  公司产品使用AES-128对称加密技术,具有很强的加密性能以操作上的灵活性。 相比其他公司的加密芯片,ALPU加密芯片有很高的技术优势。 公司现行推出的产品主要有ALPU-MT,ALPU-MR,ALPU-P以及ALPU-M几款,不同型号的产品在市场定位以及操作模式上有很大出入,具体如下: 供应Neowine专业加密芯片,芯片可实现手机驱动芯片、机顶盒加密,游戏机加密,学习机加密,DVR加密,PMP加密,DVD加密,DMB加密,GPS加密。欢迎致电0755-86299369,Q,1472007603-ALPU encryption chip after ALPU-04,-05,-B,-E,-MT/MR the development of several series, encryption performance, and related technical parameters have been perfected, would be sufficient to meet our customers various levels of demand
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 5.06mb Publisher : 黄顺正

Linux development environment, user guide, DVR usage data development board [HiFB-API.rar] - Hisilicon Framebuffer (hereinafter referred to as HiFB) is Hass digital media processing platform provides image overlay management module, which is b
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 5.9mb Publisher : dwain taykor
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