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该程序为算法分析中的一个经典问题,可以通过此程序,用动态规划的算法找出一个符序列的最长的升序子序列的并且实现了算法的最低耗费-procedures for the analysis of algorithms a classic problem, through this procedure, use dynamic programming algorithm to find a website of the longest sequence of ascending sequences of the algorithm and achieving the minimum cost
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 42.18kb Publisher : 阳林

这是计算机算法基础中的动态规划的方法的一个例子,多段图是一个很经典的问题!这里的程序用于求解最小成本路径,用类似的思想可以解决最优分配方案的问题!-This is a computer algorithm based on the dynamic programming methods of an example, many of the map is a classic question! Here the procedures for calculating the minimum cost path, with similar ideas can solve the optimal distribution program!
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 5.74kb Publisher : 中国

算法设计于分析中的多段图问题,用VC编写应用动态规划的算法设计方法,利用最优性原理以及所获得的递推关系式求取最优决策序列,通过多段图的定义,找到由源点s到汇点t的最小成本路径,进而可以灵活解决可以用多段图描述的许多实际问题.-algorithm design in the analysis of many of the map, prepared with VC dynamic programming algorithm design, the optimum principle as well as the recursive relation to strike the optimal sequence of decision-making through more of the map defined by the source to find s t point to the Department of the minimum cost paths and further a flexible solution could spend more of the map describes the many practical problems.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 1017byte Publisher : 范铮

这是计算机算法基础中的动态规划的方法的一个例子,多段图是一个很经典的问题!这里的程序用于求解最小成本路径,用类似的思想可以解决最优分配方案的问题!-This is a computer algorithm based on the dynamic programming methods of an example, many of the map is a classic question! Here the procedures for calculating the minimum cost path, with similar ideas can solve the optimal distribution program!
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 5kb Publisher : 中国

DL : 0
算法设计于分析中的多段图问题,用VC编写应用动态规划的算法设计方法,利用最优性原理以及所获得的递推关系式求取最优决策序列,通过多段图的定义,找到由源点s到汇点t的最小成本路径,进而可以灵活解决可以用多段图描述的许多实际问题.-algorithm design in the analysis of many of the map, prepared with VC dynamic programming algorithm design, the optimum principle as well as the recursive relation to strike the optimal sequence of decision-making through more of the map defined by the source to find s t point to the Department of the minimum cost paths and further a flexible solution could spend more of the map describes the many practical problems.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1kb Publisher : 范铮

该程序为算法分析中的一个经典问题,可以通过此程序,用动态规划的算法找出一个符序列的最长的升序子序列的并且实现了算法的最低耗费-procedures for the analysis of algorithms a classic problem, through this procedure, use dynamic programming algorithm to find a website of the longest sequence of ascending sequences of the algorithm and achieving the minimum cost
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 42kb Publisher : 阳林

设平面上有一个m´ n的网格,将左下角的网格点标记为(0,0)而右上角的网格点标记为(m,n)。某人想从(0,0)出发沿网格线行进到达(m,n),但是在网格点(i,j)处他只能向上行进或者向右行进,向上行进的代价为aij(amj =+¥ ),向右行进的代价是bij(bin =+¥ )。试设计一个动态规划算法,在这个网格中为该旅行者寻找一条代价最小的旅行路线。用高级程序设计语言编写程序求解动态规划模型。-Set up a plane m n of the grid, will be the lower-left corner of the grid points marked as (0,0) and the upper right corner of the grid point marked as (m, n). A person from (0,0) along the starting grid to reach the road (m, n), but the grid point (i, j) Department only him right up the road or the road, up the road price for the aij ( amj = ¥), the road to the right price is bij (bin = ¥). Try to design a dynamic programming algorithm, in this grid for travelers to find a minimum cost of travel routes. Advanced programming language used to write programs to solve dynamic programming model.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1kb Publisher : 陆嘉鸣

使用动态规划算法求解汽车加油问题,求得费用的最小值,-The use of dynamic programming algorithm to solve the issue of motor vehicle fuel to obtain the minimum cost,
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2kb Publisher : lands

动态规划-最小代价子母树源码,主要提供参考。-Dynamic Programming- PIP minimum cost tree source, the main reference.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1kb Publisher : gyh

在二分检索树中,为了把动态规划应用于得到一颗最优二分检索树的问题,需要把构造这样的一个数看成是一系列决策的结果,而且要能列出求取最优决策序列的递推式,可以帮助你了解最优成本二叉树的实现-In a binary search tree, dynamic programming is applied in order to get the best question a binary search tree, we need to construct a number such as a result of a series of decisions, but also to be able to strike the optimal decision sequence lists The recursive formula that can help you understand the optimal cost to achieve the minimum cost of a binary tree binary tree
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 54kb Publisher : wanyang

设计用动态规划算法求解旅游预算问题的数据结构和递推程序。一个旅行社需要估算乘汽车从某城市到另一城市的最小费用,沿路有若干加油站,每个加油站收费不一定相同。旅游预算有如下规则: 若油箱的油过半,不停车加油,除非油箱中的油不可支持到下一站;每次加油时都加满;在一个加油站加油时,司机要花费2元买东西吃;司机不必为其他意外情况而准备额外的油;汽车开出时在起点加满油箱;计算精确到分(1元=100分)。编写程序估计实际行驶在某路线所需的最小费用。C++实现-Design algorithm travel budget data structures and recursive procedures using dynamic programming. Travel budget: a travel agency need to estimate the minimum cost by car one city to another city, along a number of stations, each station is not necessarily the same charges. Tourism budget the following rules apply: If the oil tank more than half of non-stop refueling, unless the oil tank can not support to the next are filled every refueling in a gas station, drivers should spend 2 yuan to buy things eat the driver does not have to prepare for other contingencies and extra oil the car out in the beginning fill the tank computing to the minutes (1 yuan = 100 points). Write a program to estimate the actual cost of a route with the minimum required. C++ achieve
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1kb Publisher : kiko

用动态规划算法解决有向直线上最小服务转移费用问题(Using dynamic programming algorithm to solve minimum cost of service transfer in directed straight line)
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 13kb Publisher : Jophy

斐波那契数列问题的递归和动态规划、换钱的最少货币数、换钱的方法数、最长递增子序列、汉诺塔问题、最长公共子序列问题、最小编辑代价、字符串的交错组成等问题的提出与解决。(Recursion and dynamic programming of Fibonacci sequence problems, the minimum number of currencies for money exchange, the number of methods for money exchange, the longest increasing subsequence, hannotta problem, the longest common subsequence problem, the minimum editing cost, the staggered composition of strings and other problems were proposed and solved.)
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 601kb Publisher : 冷小佳
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