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三维动态云彩的绘制,采用动态纹理贴图的技术来实现,效果不错-clouds of the three-dimensional dynamic mapping, dynamic texture mapping technology to achieve good results
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 25.25kb Publisher : 了了

本程序是使用DirectShow实现的视频纹理获取的dll,可以将视频文件转换为OpenGL纹理数据,实现动态视频纹理效果,还带声音。由本人修改自网上一强人的源码,扩展了功能。外壳程序请参考本人发的程序。-this procedure is the use of DirectShow video access the dll texture, video files can be converted to OpenGL texture, texture dynamic video effects, but also with voices. I have since revised by the online source of a strong, expanding its functionality. Please refer to the shell I made the procedure.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2.18mb Publisher : qianqian

三维动态云彩的绘制,采用动态纹理贴图的技术来实现,效果不错-clouds of the three-dimensional dynamic mapping, dynamic texture mapping technology to achieve good results
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 25kb Publisher : 了了

基于单目视觉割草边的视觉检测.本算法采用最新的边缘检测算法,来检测动态纹理-Monocular vision based on cutting edge of visual inspection. The algorithm using the latest edge detection algorithm to detect the dynamic texture
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 4.81mb Publisher : 姚庆杏

按钮贴图源码!实现了动态贴图!图片转换!是一个学习贴图的好例子!希望大家能用上!-Button mapping source! Realize the dynamic texture! Picture conversion! Mapping is a good example of learning! I hope everyone can be on!
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 46kb Publisher : 林令

又一个利用动态纹理模拟出的类似水面运动的特效,效果很炫。-Another simulated using the dynamic texture similar surface movement effects, the effect很炫.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 179kb Publisher : 王涛

_(室外自然场景模拟) MapGen.exe: 这是一个地图数据文件的生成程序 MapToBmp.exe 地图数据文件转化成位图,可以导入到Photoshop一类工具中修改 BmpToMap.exe 把一个8位的位图转化成一个地图数据文件 Glvideo.exe 这是一个动态纹理的例子,能播放各种视频文件。原来准备用它来做天空的。但是速度太慢。-_ (Outdoor natural scenes of simulated) MapGen.exe: This is a map data files generated procedures MapToBmp.exe map data file into a bitmap, can be imported into Photoshop for a class of tools to modify a BmpToMap.exe of 8-bit map into a map data file Glvideo.exe This is an example of the dynamic texture, can play a variety of video files. Originally planned to use it as the sky. But too slow.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.63mb Publisher : ast

DL : 0
OpenGL方面的论文。文章介绍了一种利用较小的存储空间和计算时间,实现在大面积网格数据上动态贴纹理的方法。利用此方法使用适当的纹理函数.结合OpenGL的自动纹理扩展可在动画过程中自动的生成纹理贴图。-OpenGL papers. This paper presents a use of a smaller storage space and computing time, implementation in a large area grid data dynamic texture paste method. The use of this method using the appropriate texture function. OpenGL' s automatic texture combined with the expansion in the animation process to generate an automatic texture mapping.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 130kb Publisher : LiMing

三维实时水面的模拟是近年来三维游戏以及虚拟现实领域积极探索的问题,真实 感强的水面可以大大提高游戏以及仿真系统的沉浸感。本文基于OpenGL函数 库,利用多重纹理、动态纹理技术实现了对实时水面效果的模拟,其中包括水面 流动效果和水面Caustics效果。为减轻系统的绘制压力,水面仅由两个三角单元 构建,这将大大提高游戏和仿真系统的帧速率。 -Real-time three-dimensional simulation of the surface in recent years are three-dimensional virtual reality games, and actively explore the field of the question, realistic strong surface can greatly enhance the game, as well as a sense of immersion simulation system. Based on the OpenGL library, using multi-texture, dynamic texture technology to achieve real-time simulation of surface effects, including effects and surface water flows Caustics effect. In order to alleviate the pressure mapping system, the water only by the two triangular units constructed, which will greatly enhance the game and simulation system frame rate.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 686kb Publisher : 寒冬

这是我写的动态的纹理图像,没有错误,都已调通,供大家参考。-This is what I write dynamic texture images, there are no errors, have been transferred pass for your reference.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 73kb Publisher : wangpengda

This sample demonstrates how to create dynamic textures // through off-screen rendering. // // As a demonstration, a spinning textured cube is rendered // to an off-screen surface, which is in turn, used to create // a dynamic texture. The dynamic texture is then used to // texture a second spinning cube, which will be rendered to // the application s window.-This sample demonstrates how to create dynamic textures // through off-screen rendering. // // As a demonstration, a spinning textured cube is rendered // to an off-screen surface, which is in turn, used to create // a dynamic texture. The dynamic texture is then used to // texture a second spinning cube, which will be rendered to // the application s window.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 35kb Publisher : George

DL : 0
Running this funciton each time to compute the LBP-TOP distribution of one video sequence. Reference: Guoying Zhao, Matti Pietikainen, "Dynamic texture recognition using local binary patterns with an application to facial expressions," IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 2007, 29(6):915-928.-It is 3D LBP, which is publised in IEEE TPAMI, a top journal of computer vision and pattern recognition. After unzipping the package, you can find a project coded in C++. After complied it, you can use it directly. Some tested images are also attached in the package.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.74mb Publisher : zhang hong

Higher Order SVD Analysis for Dynamic Texture Synthesis
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 45.66mb Publisher : leedong

顶级会议CVPR上发表的基于动态纹理的视频分类的论文,提出了基于核函数的方法,具有很高的参考价值。-Published in top-level meeting CVPR video classification based on dynamic texture paper, presented a method based on kernel function, has high reference value.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 429kb Publisher : 苏航

工业浮选的动态纹理,分类,识别,预测。实现了矿物浮选的在线控制。-a dynamic texture based virtual sensor for the prediction of froth speed in the unsampled period, tested with industrial data.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 4kb Publisher : 飞飞

DL : 0
本代码是一个利用D3D固定流水线和可编程流水线一起使用的一个粒子。进入之后是一个3D场景,天空盒还加了动态纹理效果。程序中还加入了一个小球,按下1键后,可模拟抛物线运动。-This code is a fixed-line and programmable using D3D for use with a particle line. Followed by a 3D scene into the sky box also added a dynamic texture. Program also added a small ball, press the 1 key, can simulate the parabolic movement.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 12.37mb Publisher : 文海涛

DL : 0
vega中进行纹理操作,包括纹理删除、动态纹理等-vega in the texture operations, including the texture removed, the dynamic texture
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 175kb Publisher : min

功能:用OPENGL实现火焰动态纹理的合成-Features: dynamic texture with OPENGL to achieve the synthesis of the flame
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.6mb Publisher : 寻梦

Dynamic texture recognition using local binary patterns with an application to facial expressions-Dynamic texture recognition using local binary patterns with an application to facial expressions.pdf
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 643kb Publisher : joe

最新国际顶级期刊PAMI2011关于文理识别的文章-Dynamic Texture Recognition based on Distributions of Spacetime Oriented Structure PAMI2011
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.54mb Publisher : qyh
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