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Current version
+ added confirmation reading for TfrxMailExport
+ added TimeOut field to TfrxMailExport form
- fixed bug whih PDF export in Delphi4 and CBuilder4
- fixed bug with some codepage which use two bytes for special symbols (Japanese ans Chinese codepages)
- fixed bug when engine delete first space from text in split Memo
+ added ability to use keeping(KeepTogether/KeepChild/KeepHeader) in multi-column report
- fixed bug in multi-column page when band overlap stretched PageHeader
- fixed bug with using ReprintOnNewPage
+ added ability to split big bands(biggest than page height) by default

version 4.7
+ CodeGear RAD Studio (Delphi/C++Builder) 2009 support
+ [enterprise] enchanced error description in logs
+ added properties TfrxHTMLExport.HTMLDocumentBegin: TStrings,
TfrxHTMLExport.HTMLDocumentBody: TStrings, TfrxHTMLExport.HTMLDocumentEnd: TStrings
+ improved RTF export (with line spacing, vertical gap etc)
+ added support of Enhanced Metafile (EMF) images in Rich Text (RTF), Open Office (ODS), Excel (XLS) exports
+ added OnAfterScriptCompile event
+ added onLoadRecentFile Event
+ added C++ Builder demos
+ added hot-key Ctrl + mouseWheel - Change scale in designer
+ added TfrxMemoView.AnsiText property
- fixed bug in RTF export with EMF pictures in OpenOffice Writer
- fixed some multi-thread isuues in engine, PDF, ODF exports
- [enterprise] fixed integrated template of report navigator
- [enterprise] fixed bug with export in Internet Explorer browser
- fixed bug with font size of dot-matix reports in Excel and XML exports
- fixed bug in e-mail export with many addresses
- fixed bug in XLS export (with fast export unchecked and image object is null)
- [enterprise] fixed bug in TfrxReportServer.OnGetVariables event
- fixed bug in Calcl function
- fixed memory leak in Cross editor
- fixed progress bar and find dialog bug in DualView
- fixed bug in PostNET and ean13 barcodes
- fixed bug with TruncOutboundText in Dot Matrix report
- fixed bugs with break points in syntaxis memo
- improved BeforeConnect event in ADO
- fixed bug in inhehited report with internal dataset
- fixed bug in TfrxPanelControl with background color(Delphi 2005 and above)

经查证后,这个是最新的 FastReport.v4.7.49

Update : 2009-01-02 Size : 2.85mb Publisher : gzhubin

利用VB加算法所生成的EAN13码,该条码为商品编码!请各位多多支持!-Increase the use of VB algorithm generated EAN13 code, the barcode for commodity coding! Please a lot of support!
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 15kb Publisher : 吴安顺

DL : 0
EAN-13的VB源代码,请有需要的,-EAN-13 of the VB source code, please necessary
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 23kb Publisher : steven

条码打印程序: 本程序用VC++6编写,是一个一维条码的打印演示程序,目的是为了验证和学习各种条码的编码算法。本程序可以打印各种一维条码如:code39,code93,code128,EAN13,交叉25码I2of5,codabar码。里面打包了dll可以在任何windows环境下解压运行。 目前二维条码的开发正在进行中,有兴趣的大虾们欢迎加入共同学习,共同进步。由于程序源代码比较大,有需要的可以给我发邮件: 或者QQ:280751327-Barcode printing procedure: This procedure prepared using VC++6 is a one-dimensional bar code printing demonstration program aimed at validation and in order to study a variety of bar code encoding algorithm. The program can print a variety of one-dimensional bar code such as: code39, code93, code128, EAN13, cross 25 yards I2of5, codabar code. Can be packaged inside the dll in any windows environment running decompression. At present, the development of two-dimensional bar code is in progress, there is interest in the shrimp are welcome to join the study and seek common progress. Source code because of relatively large, there is need to give my e-mail: or QQ: 280751327
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 391kb Publisher : luhang
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