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信息资源管理(Information Resources Management,IRM)是20世纪70年代末、80年代初在西方发达国家(首先是在美国)兴起的一个新学科领域。虽然来自不同领域的研究者对信息资源管理有不同的理解和阐释,但实质都是将信息看做一种重要的资源,对其进行规划、预算、组织、协调、控制和开发,以实现最大效用。-information resources management (Information Resources Management in t, IRM) of the 20th century, the late 1970s, in the early 1980s, the Western developed countries (primarily the United States) the rise of a new subject areas. Although they came from different areas of researchers Information Resources Management had a different understanding and explanations but the real message is seen as an important resource, its planning, budgeting, organizing, coordinating, controlling and development, to achieve the greatest impact.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 5.24kb Publisher : chasesh

From helping to assess the value of new medical treatments to evaluating the factors that affect our opinions and behaviors, analysts today are finding myriad uses for categorical data methods. In this book we introduce these methods and the theory behind them. Statistical methods for categorical responses were late in gaining the level of sophistication achieved early in the twentieth century by methods for continuous responses. Despite influential work around 1900 by the British statistician Karl Pearson, relatively little development of models for categorical responses occurred until the 1960s. In this book we describe the early fundamental work that still has importance today but place primary emphasis on more recent modeling approaches. Before outlining
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 4.28mb Publisher : 苏苏

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信息资源管理(Information Resources Management,IRM)是20世纪70年代末、80年代初在西方发达国家(首先是在美国)兴起的一个新学科领域。虽然来自不同领域的研究者对信息资源管理有不同的理解和阐释,但实质都是将信息看做一种重要的资源,对其进行规划、预算、组织、协调、控制和开发,以实现最大效用。-information resources management (Information Resources Management in t, IRM) of the 20th century, the late 1970s, in the early 1980s, the Western developed countries (primarily the United States) the rise of a new subject areas. Although they came from different areas of researchers Information Resources Management had a different understanding and explanations but the real message is seen as an important resource, its planning, budgeting, organizing, coordinating, controlling and development, to achieve the greatest impact.
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 5kb Publisher : chasesh

Symbol Timing Tracking Using Early-Late Techniques by matlab-Symbol Timing Tracking Using Early-Late T echniques by Matlab
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 6kb Publisher : yangzq

是我编写的一个考勤机管理系统,用于计算某员工某段时间以来的迟到与早退等情况.-I prepared an attendance machine management system, used to calculate an employee a certain period of time since the late and leave early and so on.
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 597kb Publisher : idplayer

考勤机管理软件,用于统计某段时间某个部门或者某个员工在某段内迟到与早退次数.-Attendance machine management software, for a certain period of time statistics in a department or a staff at a certain time period the number of late and leave early.
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 741kb Publisher : idplayer

From helping to assess the value of new medical treatments to evaluating the factors that affect our opinions and behaviors, analysts today are finding myriad uses for categorical data methods. In this book we introduce these methods and the theory behind them. Statistical methods for categorical responses were late in gaining the level of sophistication achieved early in the twentieth century by methods for continuous responses. Despite influential work around 1900 by the British statistician Karl Pearson, relatively little development of models for categorical responses occurred until the 1960s. In this book we describe the early fundamental work that still has importance today but place primary emphasis on more recent modeling approaches. Before outlining-From helping to assess the value of new medical treatments to evaluating thefactors that affect our opinions and behaviors, analysts today are findingmyriad uses for categorical data methods. In this book we introduce thesemethods and the theory behind them.Statistical methods for categorical responses were late in gaining the levelof sophistication achieved early in the twentieth century by methods forcontinuous responses. Despite influential work around 1900 by the Britishstatistician Karl Pearson, relatively little development of models for categoricalresponses occurred until the 1960s. In this book we describe the earlyfundamental work that still has importance today but place primary emphasison more recent modeling approaches. Before outlining
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 4.28mb Publisher : 苏苏

一个delphi编写的考勤系统小程序,功能有出入,员工信息,请假,迟到早退等-Delphi prepared a small attendance system procedures, functions differ, staff information, leave, leave early and so late
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 4.4mb Publisher : 六朝

高斯平滑滤波实例,高斯滤波实质上是一种信号的滤波器,其用途是信号的平滑处理,我们知道数字图像用于后期应用,其噪声是最大的问题,由于误差会累计传递等原因,很多图像处理教材会在很早的时候介绍Gauss滤波器,用于得到信噪比SNR较高的图像(反应真实信号)。-Examples of Gaussian filtering, Gaussian filtering is essentially a signal of the filter, its use is smoothing the signal, we know that the late application for digital image noise is the greatest problem, because of transmission errors and other reasons will be accumulated , a lot of image processing pack will introduce at an early stage when the Gauss filter, used to get a higher signal to noise ratio SNR of the images (response to the real signal).
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 137kb Publisher : 冯董

analysts today are finding myriad uses for categorical data methods. In this book we introduce these methods and the theory behind them. Statistical methods for categorical responses were late in gaining the level of sophistication achieved early in the twentieth century by methods for continuous responses. Despite influential work around 1900 by the British statistician Karl Pearson, relatively little development of models for categorical responses occurred until the 1960s. In this book we describe the early fundamental work that still has importance today but place primary emphasis on more recent modeling approaches. Before outlining-From helping to
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 3.04mb Publisher : li shenggang

This paper describes an approach of implementing software based GPS receiver acquisition and tracking for L1 C/A signal on ADSP SHARC. The main objective of this paper is bring out fast GPS signal tracking method using which more number of channels(satellites) can be tracked on a fixed and limited resources DSP platform. Further, GPS acquisition, Carrier Pull-in and C/A Code prediction modules are discussed.All the processing for the algorithms are done using sign bit of the ADC.A time domain based approach without early and late codes is used for Tracking GPS signal.
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 266kb Publisher : zohreh

关键路径法,求最早开始、最晚开始和工期,求出关键路径-Critical path method, find the early start, late start and duration, find the critical path
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 3kb Publisher : kelly

关键路径法,求最早开始、最晚开始和工期,求出关键路径-Critical path method, find the early start, late start and duration, find the critical path
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 2kb Publisher : kelly

关键路径法,求最早开始、最晚开始和工期,求出关键路径-Critical path method, find the early start, late start and duration, find the critical path
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 2kb Publisher : kelly

关键路径法,求最早开始、最晚开始和工期,求出关键路径-Critical path method, find the early start, late start and duration, find the critical path
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 21kb Publisher : kelly

设停车场是一个可以停放n辆汽车的狭长通道,且 只有一个大门可以供车辆进出。车辆按到达停车场时间的早、晚依次从停车场最里向大门口处停放(最先到达的第一辆车放在停车场的最里面)。 如果停车场已放满n辆车,那么,后面进入停车场的车只能在停车场大门外的便道上等待,一旦停车场内有车开走,则排在便道上的第一辆车就进入停车场。 停车场内如有某辆车要开走,在它之后进入停车场的车都必须先退出停车场为它让路,待其开出停车场后,这些车辆再依原来的次序进场。每辆车在离开停车场时,都应根据它在停车场内停留的时间长短交费。 如果停留在便道上的车未进停车场就要离去,允许其离去,不收停车费,并且在便道上等待的车辆依然保持原有次序不变。 设计一个程序,模拟此停车场管理。 -Parking lots can be accommodated is a narrow channel n cars, and Only one door can be used for vehicle access. Car Vehicles reach the parking lot at the time of the early and late to turn from the parking lot where most Parked at the gate (the first arrival of the first car on the parking lot The innermost). If car parking has been filled with n, then back into the car park Only large cars in the parking lot waiting on the sidewalk outside, once the parking lot There are drive away, then came in on the first car on the sidewalk into the parking Field. Parking lot where a car to drive away, into the parking lot after it Must first exit the car parking to make way for it, wait until out of parking Field, these vehicles and then by order of the original approach. Vehicle away from the Open parking lot, it should be based on time spent in the car park long Short pay. If you stay in the car on the sidewalk into the parking lot would not leave, to allow The lef
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 292kb Publisher : 唐俊华

第二卷涵盖的基本原则和技术的具体制度和语言。它涉及的建模符号(语用,语义和语法的系统和语言) ,空间造型和简单的时间现象,而且这种专门题目为模块化(包括uml类图), petri网,活出序列图,状态图,和颞逻辑学,其中包括持续计算。最后,本书介绍的技术翻译和编译器开发的功能性,势在必行,模块化和并行编程语言。 -The second volume covers the basic principles and techniques of specifying systems and languages. It deals with modelling the semiotics (pragmatics, semantics and syntax of systems and languages), modelling spatial and simple temporal phenomena, and such specialized topics as modularity (incl. UML class diagrams), Petri nets, live sequence charts, statecharts, and temporal logics, including the duration calculus. Finally, the book presents techniques for interpreter and compiler development of functional, imperative, modular and parallel programming languages. This book is targeted at late undergraduate to early graduate university students, and researchers of programming methodologies. Vol. 1 of this series is a prerequisite text.
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 31.02mb Publisher : Hwang

用matlab通过将txt中的数据,最终画出来一副图像,用于实验的先期和后期处理。-Matlab by comparing the data in TXT, finally draw a image, early and late processing used in the experiment. figure
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 1kb Publisher : lytao

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用户需要输入用户名和密码进入人事考勤管理系统,对人事考勤管理系统的部门、员工的基本信息进行维护和管理。在考勤管理模块中录入员工当天的考勤信息,同时可对年、月、员工进行查询。还可通过考勤汇总查询对员工某月的考勤记录进行汇总,计算出员工月工作天数、早退、迟到的天数等。-Users will need to enter a user name and password to enter the personnel attendance management system, department personnel attendance management system, employee basic information for maintenance and management. Employee attendance information entered in the day' s attendance management module, while for the year, month, employee inquiries. Also through attendance summary queries a month for employees attendance records aggregated to calculate the number of employees working month, leave early, and so a few days late.
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 6.92mb Publisher : jane

《傲慢与偏见》(Pride and Prejudice)是英国女小说家简·奥斯汀的代表作。小说讲述了乡绅之女伊丽莎白·班内特的爱情故事。这部作品以日常生活为素材,以反当时社会上流行的感伤小说的内容和矫揉造作的写作方法,生动地反映了18世纪末到19世纪初处于保守和闭塞状态下的英国乡镇生活和世态人情。并多次被改编成电影和电视剧。- Pride and Prejudice (Pride and Prejudice) is the British female novelist Jane Austen s masterpiece. The novel tells the story of the gentleman s daughter Elizabeth Bennett s love story. This work is based on daily life as a material, to anti-popular society at the time of the popular sentimental novel content and artificial writing methods, vividly reflects the late 18th century to the early 19th century in a conservative and occluded state of the British town life and world. And has been adapted into movies and TV series many times.
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 426kb Publisher : 杜莹
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