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The tracert tool displays the various IP Addresses in the route of a network packet as it travels to a destination IP address from a source. An article which describes how tracert works and which also presents a C# component to implement tracert functionality in your projects can be found here. In the tool presented in this article, I combine the tracert component, technology to geo-locate based on IP address from and the Virtual Earth API to map the locations of various IP addresses that fall in the route of a network packet when it travels to a user provided destination IP address. Since the tracert component is covered thoroughly in the other article let start by looking at geo-location and the MSN Virtual Earth API.-The tracert tool displays the various IP Ad dresses in the route of a network packet as it tra vels to a destination IP address from a source. A n article which describes how tracert works and which also presents a C# component to implement tracert functionality in your projects can be f is here. In the tool presented in this article , I combine the tracert component, technology to geo-locate based on IP address fr om and the Virtual Earth API to map t he locations of various IP addresses that fall i n the route of a network packet when it travels to a user provided destination IP address. Since t he tracert component is covered thoroughly in t he let other article start by looking at geo-loc ation and the MSN Virtual Earth API.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 39.81kb Publisher : 尹向东

flash版GoogleMap&MsnMap的聚合地图-flash version of the polymerization GoogleMap
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 42kb Publisher : seamcker

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The tracert tool displays the various IP Addresses in the route of a network packet as it travels to a destination IP address from a source. An article which describes how tracert works and which also presents a C# component to implement tracert functionality in your projects can be found here. In the tool presented in this article, I combine the tracert component, technology to geo-locate based on IP address from and the Virtual Earth API to map the locations of various IP addresses that fall in the route of a network packet when it travels to a user provided destination IP address. Since the tracert component is covered thoroughly in the other article let start by looking at geo-location and the MSN Virtual Earth API.-The tracert tool displays the various IP Ad dresses in the route of a network packet as it tra vels to a destination IP address from a source. A n article which describes how tracert works and which also presents a C# component to implement tracert functionality in your projects can be f is here. In the tool presented in this article , I combine the tracert component, technology to geo-locate based on IP address fr om and the Virtual Earth API to map t he locations of various IP addresses that fall i n the route of a network packet when it travels to a user provided destination IP address. Since t he tracert component is covered thoroughly in t he let other article start by looking at geo-loc ation and the MSN Virtual Earth API.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 40kb Publisher : 尹向东

于丹论语心得讲稿 共包括: 《论语》心得(一)《天地人之道》 《论语》心得(二)《心灵之道》 《论语》心得(三)《处世之道》 《论语》心得(四)《君子之道》 《论语》心得(五)《交友之道》 《论语》心得(六)《理想之道》 《论语》心得(七)《人生之道》 -Yu Dan learned the script of The Analects of Confucius, including: " The Analects of Confucius" experience (1) " Heaven and Earth should live" " The Analects of Confucius" experience (b) " Mind of the Road" " The Analects of Confucius" experience (c) " life skills" " The Analects of Confucius" experience (d ) " gentleman" " The Analects of Confucius" study (e) " friends of the Road" " The Analects of Confucius" experiences (f) the " ideal way" " The Analects of Confucius" study (7) " Life' s Road"
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 71kb Publisher : cc

坐标系统的介绍 1.1 WGS—84坐标系统 WGS—84坐标系是目前GPS所采用的坐标系统,是由美国国防部制图局建立,于1987年取代了当时GPS所采用的坐标系统(WGS—72坐标系统)而成为GPS目前所使用的坐标系统。 WGS—84坐标系的坐标原点位于地球的质心,Z轴指向BIHl984.0定义的协议地球极方向,X轴指向BIHl984.0的起始子午面和赤道的交点,Y轴与X轴和Z轴构成右手系。WGS—84系所采用椭球参数为:a=6378138m;f=1/298.257223563。 -Coordinate system introduced 1.1 WGS-84 coordinate system WGS-84 coordinate system is used by GPS coordinate system is established by the U.S. Defense Mapping Agency in 1987, was replaced by the coordinate system used by GPS (WGS-72 coordinates system) and a GPS coordinate system currently in use. WGS-84 coordinate system origin is at the center of mass of the Earth, Z-axis earth pointing BIHl984.0 very definition of the direction of the agreement, X-axis starting point BIHl984.0 the intersection of the meridian and the equatorial plane, Y axis and X axis and Z axis constitute a right-handed system. Department of WGS-84 ellipsoid parameters are used: a = 6378138m f = 1/298.257223563.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 23.12mb Publisher : zhuxinyong

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past when the sample data was collected, the future predictions can also be expected to be right. Application of machine learning methods to large databases is called data mining. The analogy is that a large volume of earth and raw material is extracted from a mine, which when processed leads to a small amount of very precious material similarly in data mining, a large volume of data is processed to construct a simple model with valuable use, for example-past when the sample data was collected, the future predictions can also be expected to be right. Application of machine learning methods to large databases is called data mining. The analogy is that a large volume of earth and raw material is extracted from a mine, which when processed leads to a small amount of very precious material similarly in data mining, a large volume of data is processed to construct a simple model with valuable use, for example
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1kb Publisher : nikhilhhh

此文档是摘要 针对预警卫星测量方程的非线性 利用传统方法 如EKF 不可避免地会带来线 性化误差.该文提出了几何定位 卡尔曼滤波 GL - KF 方法 在主动段弹道位于过地心 平面的假设下 根据2 颗卫星的角度测量解算出导弹位置 将测量方程转化为线性模-The t r adi ti onal met hod EKF Woul d 1ri ng a1out t he li neari Zati on err or of t he meaSur e ment eGuati on . BaSed on t he aSSu mpti on t hat t he t r aJ ec- t or y i n 1ooSt phaSe i S i n a pl ane vi a t he eart h S cor e a GL- KF Geomet r y Lo- cati on and F il t er met hod i S pr eSent ed . W i t h t hi S aSSu mpti on t he m i SSil e poSi- ti on WaS cal cul at ed on t he 1aSi S of t he Sat elli t e angl e o1Ser vati onS and t hen t he nonli near meaSur e ment eGuati on i S t r anSf or med i nt o t he li near eGuati on Whi ch r educed t he li neari Zati on er r or of meaSur e ment eGuati on .
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 164kb Publisher : zhanglong

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flash源代码——月亮绕地球旋转,非常逼真-the flash source code- the moon rotating around the earth, very realistic
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 68kb Publisher : 陈子韩

在压缩源激发下,真空-弹性表面的精确二维响应。(Garvin问题) 英文描述中有相关参考文献,对于做波场模拟的同学很有用。-THIS FORTRAN PROGRAM CALCULATES THE EXACT SEISMIC 2D RESPONSE FROM A COMPRESSIONAL POINT SOURCE IN AN ELASTIC HALFSPACE WITH A FREE SURFACE. ALL GREEN S FUNCTIONS ARE CALCULATED ANALYTICALLY BY CAGNIARD-DE HOOP TECHNIQUE. CONVOLUTIONS WITH A GIVEN SOURCE TIME HISTORY ARE PERFORMED NUMERICALLY. References: de Hoop, A.T., 1960. A modification of Cagniard s method for solving seismic pulse problems, Appl. Sci. Res., B8, 349-356. Berg, P., If, F., Nielsen, P. and Skovgaard, O., 1994. Analytical reference solutions, in Modeling the earth for oil exploration, ed. Helbig, K., Pergamon Press, 421-427. Reference with example: Komatitsch, D. and Vilotte, J.P., 1998. The Spectral Element Method: En Efficient Tool to Simulate the Seismic Response of 2D and 3D Geological Structures, Bull. Seis. Soc. Am., Vol. 88, No.2, 368-392.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 29kb Publisher : skyey

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利用12阶12次勒让德球谐函数准确计算地球表面及近地空间的地磁场信息,输入参数:三维地理位置(纬度、经度、海拔高度(以千米为单位))和时间(小数年),输出:地磁场的7个量,包括:地磁场总强度F、地磁场水平分量H、北向分量X、东向分量Y、垂直分量Z以及地磁偏角D和磁倾角I。-The use of the order of 12 12 Legendre spherical harmonics geomagnetic information to accurately calculate the Earth s surface and near-Earth space, the input parameters: three-dimensional location (latitude, longitude, altitude (in kilometers)) and time (decimal years ), output: 7 amount of the geomagnetic field, including: geomagnetic total intensity F, the horizontal component of the geomagnetic field H, northward component X, east component Y, Z, and the vertical component of magnetic declination D and inclination I.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 731kb Publisher : 丁伟

质量为m1和m2的两个物体之间的引力F为 F=G*m1*m2/r^2 这里G为引力常量(6.672*10^-10N*m^2/kg^2)m1和m2是单位为千克的物体质量,r是两个物体之间的距离。编写一个函数计算给定质量和相互距离的两个物体的引力。通过计算在地球38000km处的轨道上运行的1000kg的人造卫星和地球之间的引力来测试所编程序。(地球的质量为5.98*10^24kg)(The gravitational F between the two objects of mass M1 and M2 is F=G*m1*m2/r^2 Here G is gravitational constant (6.672*10^-10N*m^2/kg^2) M1 and M2 is the mass of a unit kilogram, and R is the distance between two objects. Write a function to compute the gravitational attraction of two objects of given mass and distance. Test the program by calculating the gravitational force between the 1000kg satellite and the earth running on the orbit at the earth's 38000km. (the mass of the earth is 5.98*10^24kg))
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1kb Publisher : 慕冷
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