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[Delphi VCLvc++2delphi

Description: 利用Delphi的代码在VC中显示JPG图片,不使用动态连接库。 Mail_Report.zip   一个邮件报告程序。 SrcFirstProg.zip   解释了最基本的MFC程序流程。 tabcontrol_demo.zip tabcontrol_src.zip   自定义的标签控件对话框。 Undo_demo.zip undo_src.zip    在VC中实现Undo和Redo功能。 -using Delphi code in VC show JPG picture, the non-use of Dynamic Link Library. Mail_Report.zip a mail reporting procedures. SrcFirstProg.zip explanation of the most basic MFC program flow. Since tabcontrol_demo.zip tabcontrol_src.zip definition of the label dialog controls. Undo_demo.zip undo_src.zip in VC achieve Undo and R edo function.
Platform: | Size: 143353 | Author: 康健 | Hits:

[File Operate我的SDRAM资料收藏

Description: RAM(Random Access Memory)随机存取存储器对于系统性能的影响是每个PC用户都非常清楚的,所以很多朋友趁着现在的内存价格很低纷纷扩容了内存,希望借此来得到更高的性能。不过现在市场是多种内存类型并存的,SDRAM、DDR SDRAM、RDRAM等等,如果你使用的还是非常古老的系统,可能还需要EDO DRAM、FP DRAM(块页)等现在不是很常见的内存-RAM (Random Access Memory) random access memory system performance for the impact of each PC users are very clear, so many of my friends now take advantage of the low prices have memory expansion memory, with a view to get higher performance. But now the market is a mixture of both types of memory, SDRAM, DDR SDRAM, RDRAM, etc. If you use or the very old, may also need to EDO DRAM, FP DRAM (block pages) is now is not very common memory
Platform: | Size: 775018 | Author: 周卫成 | Hits:

[File Operate完全硬件手册

Description: RAM(Random Access Memory)随机存取存储器对于系统性能的影响是每个PC用户都非常清楚的,所以很多朋友趁着现在的内存价格很低纷纷扩容了内存,希望借此来得到更高的性能。不过现在市场是多种内存类型并存的,SDRAM、DDR SDRAM、RDRAM等等,如果你使用的还是非常古老的系统,可能还需要EDO DRAM、FP DRAM(块页)等现在不是很常见的内存-RAM (Random Access Memory) random access memory system performance for the impact of each PC users are very clear, so many of my friends now take advantage of the low prices have memory expansion memory, with a view to get higher performance. But now the market is a mixture of both types of memory, SDRAM, DDR SDRAM, RDRAM, etc. If you use or the very old, may also need to EDO DRAM, FP DRAM (block pages) is now is not very common memory
Platform: | Size: 1052968 | Author: 周卫成 | Hits:

[WEB Codeedo

Description: edo 甘特图
Platform: | Size: 2077494 | Author: lvjianyun | Hits:




三星的S3C44B0X 16/32位RISC处理器被设计来为手持设备等提供一个低成本高性能的方案。
S3C44B0X提供以下配置:2.5V ARM7TDMI 内核带有8Kcache ;可选的internal SRAM;LCD Controller(最大支持256色STN,使用LCD专用DMA);2-ch UART with handshake(IrDA1.0, 16-byte FIFO) / 1-ch SIO 2-ch general DMAs / 2-ch peripheral DMAs with external request pins External memory controller (chip select logic, FP/ EDO/SDRAM controller) 5-ch PWM timers & 1-ch internal timerWatch Dog Timer71 general purpose I/O ports / 8-ch external interrupt source RTC with calendar function 8-ch 10-bit ADC 1-ch multi-master IIC-BUS controller 1-ch IIS-BUS controller Sync. SIO interface and On-chip clock generator with PLL.
S3C44B0X采用一种新的三星ARM CPU嵌入总线结构-SAMBA2,最大达66MHZ。

Platform: | Size: 78690 | Author: ssunshine | Hits:

[File Operate我的SDRAM资料收藏

Description: RAM(Random Access Memory)随机存取存储器对于系统性能的影响是每个PC用户都非常清楚的,所以很多朋友趁着现在的内存价格很低纷纷扩容了内存,希望借此来得到更高的性能。不过现在市场是多种内存类型并存的,SDRAM、DDR SDRAM、RDRAM等等,如果你使用的还是非常古老的系统,可能还需要EDO DRAM、FP DRAM(块页)等现在不是很常见的内存-RAM (Random Access Memory) random access memory system performance for the impact of each PC users are very clear, so many of my friends now take advantage of the low prices have memory expansion memory, with a view to get higher performance. But now the market is a mixture of both types of memory, SDRAM, DDR SDRAM, RDRAM, etc. If you use or the very old, may also need to EDO DRAM, FP DRAM (block pages) is now is not very common memory
Platform: | Size: 775168 | Author: 周卫成 | Hits:

[File Operate完全硬件手册

Description: RAM(Random Access Memory)随机存取存储器对于系统性能的影响是每个PC用户都非常清楚的,所以很多朋友趁着现在的内存价格很低纷纷扩容了内存,希望借此来得到更高的性能。不过现在市场是多种内存类型并存的,SDRAM、DDR SDRAM、RDRAM等等,如果你使用的还是非常古老的系统,可能还需要EDO DRAM、FP DRAM(块页)等现在不是很常见的内存-RAM (Random Access Memory) random access memory system performance for the impact of each PC users are very clear, so many of my friends now take advantage of the low prices have memory expansion memory, with a view to get higher performance. But now the market is a mixture of both types of memory, SDRAM, DDR SDRAM, RDRAM, etc. If you use or the very old, may also need to EDO DRAM, FP DRAM (block pages) is now is not very common memory
Platform: | Size: 1052672 | Author: 周卫成 | Hits:

[Delphi VCLvc++2delphi

Description: 利用Delphi的代码在VC中显示JPG图片,不使用动态连接库。 Mail_Report.zip   一个邮件报告程序。 SrcFirstProg.zip   解释了最基本的MFC程序流程。 tabcontrol_demo.zip tabcontrol_src.zip   自定义的标签控件对话框。 Undo_demo.zip undo_src.zip    在VC中实现Undo和Redo功能。 -using Delphi code in VC show JPG picture, the non-use of Dynamic Link Library. Mail_Report.zip a mail reporting procedures. SrcFirstProg.zip explanation of the most basic MFC program flow. Since tabcontrol_demo.zip tabcontrol_src.zip definition of the label dialog controls. Undo_demo.zip undo_src.zip in VC achieve Undo and R edo function.
Platform: | Size: 143360 | Author: 康健 | Hits:

[Windows Developedown

Description: 《帝国下载系统》是为网站资料下载与在线影视网站提供的解决方案。功能强大,简单易用,全静态页面,完善的会员收费方案,全面满足免费与收费下载或影视网站需求。-" Empire download system" for the website information and online video download site offers solutions. Powerful, easy-to-use, full of static pages, a sound program of membership fees, and charges to meet the full free download, or demand for film and television website.
Platform: | Size: 928768 | Author: 于晓东 | Hits:


Description: Algorithm to resolve some diferential equations using euler metoth
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: DarkDog39 | Hits:


Platform: | Size: 621568 | Author: tuhaihepan | Hits:


Description: program that resolves edo whit metod runge kutta
Platform: | Size: 40960 | Author: ernest | Hits:

[Browser Clientedojs

Description: 类似ExtJS,有界面设计器,而且界面设计器比ExtJS的响应要快的多-Like ExtJS, there are interface design, device, and the interface designer' s response to be faster than the ExtJS multi-
Platform: | Size: 1159168 | Author: 崔盛 | Hits:

[File Formating-edo-financiero

Description: ingenieria economica paper
Platform: | Size: 63488 | Author: ralfi | Hits:


Description: MATLAB code for EDO and RungeKutta methods
Platform: | Size: 49152 | Author: cyber | Hits:


Description: to resolve a differencial equation
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: malikaoudjif | Hits:


Description: edo 的官方 案例说明 包含有案例 这个是之前的版本,有js和相关演示文件-edo official case notes
Platform: | Size: 1410048 | Author: 杨壮 | Hits:

[Mathimatics-Numerical algorithmsEDO

Description: equation differentiel-equation equation differentiel
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: LEKHMISSI | Hits:

[Software Engineeringedo

Description: edogantt.1.1免费的易度甘特图EDOJS核心文件,版本日期-Not easy to find
Platform: | Size: 98304 | Author: lyj | Hits:

CodeBus www.codebus.net