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使用QR分解方法计算矩阵特征值的matlab源码-Calculated using the QR decomposition of the matrix eigenvalue matlab source
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 2kb Publisher : 党项南

QR方法是一种变换方法,是计算一般矩阵(中小型矩阵)全部特征值问题的最有效方法之一.-QR method is a transformation method is the calculation of the general matrix (small and medium-sized matrix) eigenvalue problem for all of the most effective methods.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1kb Publisher : 杨红滔

包括使用修正Gram-Schmit算法实现QR分解,自编LU分解、利用幂法和反幂法计算矩阵最大和最小特征值的程序。例外附有使用这些算法的例子供参考。 QR decomposition algorithm based on modified Gram-Schmit LU decomposition algorithm algorithm used to find maximum and minimum eigenvalue based on power and inverse power method and some examples are also included.-Including the use of Gram-Schmit amended QR decomposition algorithm, self-LU decomposition, the use of power law and inverse power method to calculate maximum and minimum matrix eigenvalue procedures. With the exception of the examples of the use of these algorithms for reference. QR decomposition algorithm based on modified Gram-Schmit LU decomposition algorithm algorithm used to find maximum and minimum eigenvalue based on power and inverse power method and some examples are also included.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 4kb Publisher : gogomx

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在对矩阵进行拟上三角化的基础上利用带双步位移的QR分解法求解矩阵的特征值-To be in the upper triangular matrix based on the use of dual-band step-by-step displacement of QR decomposition method for solving matrix eigenvalue
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 2kb Publisher : 李少林

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矩阵全部特征值的QR方法,包括化一般矩阵为上Hessenberg阵,平面旋转阵(Givens变换阵),用 Givens变换对上Hessenberg阵作QR分解,原点平移加速的QR方法等-Eigenvalue matrix of all the QR methods, including the general of the Hessenberg matrix array, planar array rotation (Givens transformation matrix), with the Givens transform Hessenberg array for QR decomposition, the starting point to accelerate the translation of the QR method
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 249kb Publisher : 王强

qr法求特征值和特征向量 QR法能够避免矩阵奇异带来的错误,并能求解特征值有重根的情况-qr France seek eigenvalues and eigenvectors QR method can avoid the matrix singularity caused by errors, and can solve the eigenvalue of the double roots
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1kb Publisher : 张文静

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三种求矩阵特征值的matlab实现:乘幂法、QR算法、yaccbi法求特征值-Eigenvalues of the three Matrix matlab implementation: power method, QR algorithm, yaccbi Eigenvalue Method
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1kb Publisher : 崔深

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qr基本法求解矩阵的特征值 算法说明 [qk,rk]=qr(Ak) Ak+1=rk*qk-qr Basic algorithm for solving the eigenvalue that [qk, rk] = qr (Ak) Ak+1 = rk* qk
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1kb Publisher : yeah

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该程序是QR解矩阵特征值的,matlab程序-The program is the solution matrix eigenvalue QR
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 10kb Publisher : 邹启

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三种求矩阵特征值的matlab实现:乘幂法、QR算法、yaccbi法求特征值-Eigenvalues of the three Matrix matlab implementation: power method, QR algorithm, yaccbi Eigenvalue Method
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 2kb Publisher : luckyboy

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qr变换和householder求特征值的算法,可与matlab结果比对-qr transform and householder eigenvalue algorithm, the results compare with matlab
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1kb Publisher : yan

LAPACK++ 是一种代数数据库,在很多c与matlab的转换中都需要应用此数据库,应用比较广泛.-LAPACK++ is a library for high performance linear algebra computations. This version includes support for solving linear systems using LU, Cholesky, QR matrix factorizations, and symmetric eigenvalue problems.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 607kb Publisher : 李祥宝

特征值与特征向量的计算 339   10.1 特征值问题概述 339   10.1.1 特征多项式 339   10.1.2 特征值范围估计 340   10.2 幂法及反幂法 341   10.2.1 幂法 341   10.2.2 幂法的加速 344   10.2.3 反幂法 350   10.2.4 混合幂法 352   10.3 实对称矩阵的Jacobi法 353   10.3.1 Givens变换 353   10.3.2 基本Jacobi法 358   10.4 Givens法和Householder法 360   10.4.1 Householder变换 360   10.4.2 一般矩阵约化为上Hessenberg矩阵 362   10.4.3 实对称矩阵的三对角化 365   10.4.4 三对角阵特征值与特征向量的求解 367   10.5 QR方法 369   10.5.1 QR分解 369   10.5.2 基本QR方法 370   10.5.3 带原点位移的QR方法 372   10.6 MATLAB自带函数应用 373   10.6.1 hess函数 373   10.6.2 qr函数 374   10.6.3 eig函数 374   10.7 应用案例 376(Eigenvalue and Eigenvector Computation)
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 12kb Publisher : XWLYF
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