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the simulation provides computation of target reflectivity data in the deficient elevation domain. Simulations are implemented to test the decoupled least-squares technique for high resolution spectral estimation of target reflectivity. all seven (7)files should be downloaded for the simulation to work. (dls3D.m,estimate.m,get2S1Data.m,getConstraints.m, getImageData.m,getPixelData.m, getSLICYData.m)
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 3kb Publisher : shadi rasmi

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the simulation provides computation of target reflectivity data in the deficient elevation domain. Simulations are implemented to test the decoupled least-squares technique for high resolutionspectral estimation of target reflectivity.all seven (7)files should be downloaded for the simulation to work.(dls3D.m,estimate.m,get2S1Data.m,getConstraints.m, getImageData.m,getPixelData.m, getSLICYData.m)
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 1kb Publisher : shadi rasmi

the simulation provides computation of target reflectivity data in the deficient elevation domain. Simulations are implemented to test the decoupled least-squares technique for high resolutionspectral estimation of target reflectivity.all seven (7)files should be downloaded for the simulation to work.(dls3D.m,estimate.m,get2S1Data.m,getConstraints.m, getImageData.m,getPixelData.m, getSLICYData.m)
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 1kb Publisher : shadi rasmi

the simulation provides computation of target reflectivity data in the deficient elevation domain. Simulations are implemented to test the decoupled least-squares technique for high resolutionspectral estimation of target reflectivity.all seven (7)files should be downloaded for the simulation to work.(dls3D.m,estimate.m,get2S1Data.m,getConstraints.m, getImageData.m,getPixelData.m, getSLICYData.m)
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 1kb Publisher : shadi rasmi

the simulation provides computation of target reflectivity data in the deficient elevation domain. Simulations are implemented to test the decoupled least-squares technique for high resolutionspectral estimation of target reflectivity.all seven (7)files should be downloaded for the simulation to work.(dls3D.m,estimate.m,get2S1Data.m,getConstraints.m, getImageData.m,getPixelData.m, getSLICYData.m)
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 1kb Publisher : shadi rasmi

the simulation provides computation of target reflectivity data in the deficient elevation domain. Simulations are implemented to test the decoupled least-squares technique for high resolutionspectral estimation of target reflectivity.all seven (7)files should be downloaded for the simulation to work.(dls3D.m,estimate.m,get2S1Data.m,getConstraints.m, getImageData.m,getPixelData.m, getSLICYData.m)
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 465kb Publisher : shadi rasmi

DL : 0
the simulation provides computation of target reflectivity data in the deficient elevation domain. Simulations are implemented to test the decoupled least-squares technique for high resolutionspectral estimation of target reflectivity.all seven (7)files should be downloaded for the simulation to work.(dls3D.m,estimate.m,get2S1Data.m,getConstraints.m, getImageData.m,getPixelData.m, getSLICYData.m)
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 465kb Publisher : shadi rasmi

the simulation provides computation of target reflectivity data in the deficient elevation domain. Simulations are implemented to test the decoupled least-squares technique for high resolutionspectral estimation of target reflectivity.all seven (7)files should be downloaded for the simulation to work.(dls3D.m,estimate.m,get2S1Data.m,getConstraints.m, getImageData.m,getPixelData.m, getSLICYData.m)
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 465kb Publisher : shadi rasmi

the simulation provides computation of target reflectivity data in the deficient elevation domain. Simulations are implemented to test the decoupled least-squares technique for high resolutionspectral estimation of target reflectivity.all seven (7)files should be downloaded for the simulation to work.(dls3D.m,estimate.m,get2S1Data.m,getConstraints.m, getImageData.m,getPixelData.m, getSLICYData.m)
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 466kb Publisher : shadi rasmi

the simulation provides computation of target reflectivity data in the deficient elevation domain. Simulations are implemented to test the decoupled least-squares technique for high resolutionspectral estimation of target reflectivity.all seven (7)files should be downloaded for the simulation to work.(dls3D.m,estimate.m,get2S1Data.m,getConstraints.m, getImageData.m,getPixelData.m, getSLICYData.m)
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 466kb Publisher : shadi rasmi

SKYPLOT for a given receiver position Y=skyplot(X,PRN,C,O) draws the skyplot for the receiver position. The required inputdata for the calculation of the skyplot X is N-by-3*M matrix, where N are the timesteps and M is the number of the Satellites. The 1st colomn is the elevation, the second colomn the azimuth and the 3rd colomn is the geometric distance between sv and rx [° ° m]. The output Y is the same matrix als X, the only difference is that the satellites below the cutoffangle are marked (number 9999 is written instead the Elevation, Azimuth and distance. The numbers of the satellites are listet in the voctor PRN (M-by-1), C is the cutoffangle for the satellite elevation (default = 5°). The skyplot displays only satellites who are visible for more then 10 times.- SKYPLOT for a given receiver position Y=skyplot(X,PRN,C,O) draws the skyplot for the receiver position. The required inputdata for the calculation of the skyplot X is N-by-3*M matrix, where N are the timesteps and M is the number of the Satellites. The 1st colomn is the elevation, the second colomn the azimuth and the 3rd colomn is the geometric distance between sv and rx [° ° m]. The output Y is the same matrix als X, the only difference is that the satellites below the cutoffangle are marked (number 9999 is written instead the Elevation, Azimuth and distance. The numbers of the satellites are listet in the voctor PRN (M-by-1), C is the cutoffangle for the satellite elevation (default = 5°). The skyplot displays only satellites who are visible for more then 10 times.
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 2kb Publisher : Anuron

ELEVAT calculation for elevation, zenit angle and spatial distance e_az_s=elevat(D,RHO) computes the elevation, the zenit angle and the spatial distance between a satellite(j) and a receiver(i). The receiver position (D) is a 3-by-3 matrix [n e u] and the distance between the sv and rx (RHO=X(j)-X(i)) is a N-by-3 vector with N satellite postitions calculated from spatial coordinates in m. The output e_az_s is a N-by-3 vector and contains the elevation angle [°], the zenit angle [°] and the spatial distance [m] from the rx to the sv.- ELEVAT calculation for elevation, zenit angle and spatial distance e_az_s=elevat(D,RHO) computes the elevation, the zenit angle and the spatial distance between a satellite(j) and a receiver(i). The receiver position (D) is a 3-by-3 matrix [n e u] and the distance between the sv and rx (RHO=X(j)-X(i)) is a N-by-3 vector with N satellite postitions calculated from spatial coordinates in m. The output e_az_s is a N-by-3 vector and contains the elevation angle [°], the zenit angle [°] and the spatial distance [m] from the rx to the sv.
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 1kb Publisher : Anuron

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这个程序可以计算给定点处的小区信号范围覆盖。-is program computes a map of visibility from a selected point on a topography. It has been written to help the search for radio relay best location. Because it considers only direct line of sight, it gives a good estimation for possible radio link for short distances only (less than 10 km), neglecting curvature of the Earth, Fresnel zone and atmospheric refraction on radio waves propagation. The program computes the relative elevation angle of the mask for each point (the angle is null or negative if the point is visible). The function needs a digital elevation model Z and associated (X,Y) vectors or matrices of coordinates (same unit as Z), position of the point (X0,Y0), the antenna height H0 (for instance 4 m), and the hypothetic antenna height Ha on each topography points (for instance 3 m). When no output argument is given, the function plots a map of the results (color map of mask angles, and blank for visible points, see example screenshot). The script is not fully optimize
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 424kb Publisher : ken

The actual version requires the following MATLAB toolboxes: - Mapping toolbox (for elevation()) - Image Processing Toolbox (for imshow()) A providing of toolbox independent functions would be greatly acknowledged. You may tweak the sourcecode to adjust the following information: - Receiver Position - Receiver Time offset to GMT - Path of ephemerides file - Path for satellite track recordings Ephemerides are taken from and should be updated from time to time The satellite position calculation (calc_satposition_ecef.m) is based on a program from the Institute of Systems Optimization (ITE) at the University of Karlsruhe, Germany (
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 87kb Publisher : Józef

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从高程图(digital elevation map)读取地形高度数据,将地形数据组织成均匀三角网格,通过OpenGL绘制三维地形,并进行地形纹理贴图。同时要求实现地形的漫游,即可以前后左右移动视点来观察地形。-From the elevation map (digital elevation map) to read the terrain elevation data, terrain data will be organized into a uniform mesh, through the OpenGL rendering terrain and the terrain texture map. Terrain also asked roaming, you can view past and move around to observe after the terrain.
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 16.26mb Publisher : Jiajun

Function returns elevation map and description data with coordinates
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 1kb Publisher : yayan

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北斗系统空间信号接口控制文件正式版。北斗系统基本服务性能如下:位置精度:平面 10米、高程10米;测速精度每秒0.2米;授时精度单向50纳秒;可提供双向高精度授时和短报文通信服务。通过广域差分和地基增强等手段,北斗系统服务 性能还可进一步提高,满足各类用户需求。-Official version of the the Beidou system space signal Interface Control Document. The Beidou system performance are as follows: position accuracy: plane 10 meters, 10 m elevation velocity accuracy of 0.2 meters per second timing accuracy of the one-way 50 nanoseconds provide two-way high-precision timing and short message communication service. By means of wide area differential and ground-based augmentation Beidou system performance can be further improved to meet the needs of all types of users.
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 1.09mb Publisher : 陈锋

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竖曲线轨枕点高程计算程序,每隔0.625米算一个,输出到wps excel中。-Vertical curve sleeper point elevation calculation program, considered one every 0.625 m output to wps excel in.
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 48kb Publisher : 龙儿

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teqc生成那8个compact文件,注意不是compact2或compact3,可以快速画图,比qcview方便多了,又快有美观!至于compact文件我会另外上传!- TEQCFV Read and plot TEQC report files (fast view) TEQC is the Toolkit for GPS/GLONASS/SBAS Data used to solve many pre-processing problems with GPS, GLONASS, and SBAS data: TEQC stands for Translation, Editing, and Quality Check More info here: TEQCFV(FILENAME) returns the content of a TEQC reportfile in a figure (and a matrix). Input argument FILENAME is optional. Valid TEQC report files are: FORMAT DESCRIPTION *.sn1 Signal to noise ratio (S/N) Carrier L1 *.sn2 Signal to noise ratio (S/N) Carrier L2 *.iod Derivative of ionospheric delay observable (m/s) *.ion Ionospheric delay observable (m) *.mp1 Multipath Carrier L1 *.mp2 Multipath Carrier L2 *.azi Satellite azimuthal data (degrees) *.ele Satellite elevation data (degrees)
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 2kb Publisher : 邓林坤

采用数值积分法求解相对量运动微分方程组,计算燃料相对质量因数。速度V =500m/s,时间t =3s,x方向位置x =674m,y方向位置y =329m,初始攻角 ,初始弹道倾角 -Using numerical integration method to solve the relative motion differential equations, the calculation of fuel relative quality factor. Velocity V = 500 m/s, time t = 3 s, x direction position x = 674 m, y = 329 m y direction position, the initial attack Angle, initial elevation Angle
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 1kb Publisher : 方昕
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