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[assembly languageEmlog2.2.0

Description: Emlog2.2.0 功能介绍 + 采用了模版技术,能让网站在瞬间改变样式 + Emlog附带模版(如果你不喜欢附带模板,可自已制作模片) + 多附件上传功能,每篇日志可以附加多个附件,并可以删除增加附件 + 支持引用通告(trackback)接受发送和管理 + 支持tag标签分类功能 + 支持RSS日志订阅功能 + 数据库备份/恢复功能 + 访问量统计 + 采用文本缓冲技术,减少查询,运行速度更快 + 整体使用utf-8编码方式,让你的博客和世界接轨。 + 首页日历方式查阅日志 + 后台使用跨浏览器(支持ie及firefox等浏览器)在线编辑器TinyMce 编辑日志 + 可以任意添加文章分类 + 添加&删除&编辑[日志,友情链接] + 推荐,隐藏日志功能 + 支持日志按月归档,方便查询各月日志 + 日志分类,友情链接重新排序功能 + 用户登陆及评论验证码,可选开关 + 日志搜索功能,支持多关键字,关键字之间使用逗号隔开 + 支持用户论评功能,可对日志自由进行评论 + 屏蔽&显示&删除 评论功能 + 服务器时区设置功能 + 修改日志发布时间功能 + 站点关键词 (更多功能将在日后版本中添加...) -Emlog2.2.0 functional description of the template technology, allow for instantaneous change in the pattern Emlog fringe templates (if you do not like the attached template, Mold can produce their own films) more annex upload function, and what log can be attached to multiple attachments, and can delete Annex supports the invocation Circular (trackback) Send and receive management support tag labels Functional Classification support RSS subscription function log database backup / restore functions visited statistics using the text buffer technology. reduce inquiries, run faster overall use utf-8 encoding, and let your blog and the world community. Home Calendar log background searches using a cross-browser (ie support firefox and other browsers) Editors All TinyMce edit log can add arbitra
Platform: | Size: 336553 | Author: jing | Hits:


Platform: | Size: 42339 | Author: nbyzx@qq.com | Hits:

[assembly languageEmlog2.2.0

Description: Emlog2.2.0 功能介绍 + 采用了模版技术,能让网站在瞬间改变样式 + Emlog附带模版(如果你不喜欢附带模板,可自已制作模片) + 多附件上传功能,每篇日志可以附加多个附件,并可以删除增加附件 + 支持引用通告(trackback)接受发送和管理 + 支持tag标签分类功能 + 支持RSS日志订阅功能 + 数据库备份/恢复功能 + 访问量统计 + 采用文本缓冲技术,减少查询,运行速度更快 + 整体使用utf-8编码方式,让你的博客和世界接轨。 + 首页日历方式查阅日志 + 后台使用跨浏览器(支持ie及firefox等浏览器)在线编辑器TinyMce 编辑日志 + 可以任意添加文章分类 + 添加&删除&编辑[日志,友情链接] + 推荐,隐藏日志功能 + 支持日志按月归档,方便查询各月日志 + 日志分类,友情链接重新排序功能 + 用户登陆及评论验证码,可选开关 + 日志搜索功能,支持多关键字,关键字之间使用逗号隔开 + 支持用户论评功能,可对日志自由进行评论 + 屏蔽&显示&删除 评论功能 + 服务器时区设置功能 + 修改日志发布时间功能 + 站点关键词 (更多功能将在日后版本中添加...) -Emlog2.2.0 functional description of the template technology, allow for instantaneous change in the pattern Emlog fringe templates (if you do not like the attached template, Mold can produce their own films) more annex upload function, and what log can be attached to multiple attachments, and can delete Annex supports the invocation Circular (trackback) Send and receive management support tag labels Functional Classification support RSS subscription function log database backup/restore functions visited statistics using the text buffer technology. reduce inquiries, run faster overall use utf-8 encoding, and let your blog and the world community. Home Calendar log background searches using a cross-browser (ie support firefox and other browsers) Editors All TinyMce edit log can add arbitra
Platform: | Size: 335872 | Author: | Hits:

[WEB Codeemlog

Description: Emlog 是 every memory log 的简写,意即:点滴记忆。 是一个功能强大的私人网络发布平台(personal publishing platform) ,或者直接叫做个人博客(blog)。致力于为你提供高效、稳定,但在使用上又极其简单的博客服务。 -Emlog is a shorthand for every memory log, which means: little memory. Is a powerful web publishing platform for private (personal publishing platform), or directly called personal blog (blog). Committed to provide you with efficient, stable, but also in the use of extremely simple blog service.
Platform: | Size: 357376 | Author: yintoki | Hits:


Description: Emlog 是 every memory log 的简写,意即:点滴记忆。 是一个功能强大的私人网络发布平台(personal publishing platform) ,或者直接叫做个人博客(blog)。致力于为你提供高效、稳定,但在使用上又极其简单的博客服务。-Emlog of every memory log are abbreviated, which means: little memory. Is a powerful web publishing platform for private (personal publishing platform), or directly called personal blog (blog). Committed to provide you with efficient, stable, but also extremely easy to use on the blog service.
Platform: | Size: 358400 | Author: 王乐 | Hits:

[WEB Codeblog

Description: 2.6.0 大事记: 1 采用GPL v2发布源代码,emlog成为真正的自由软件 2 新加入一位开发者,并且他让emlog具备了URL优化功能 3 完善了引用通告的发送和接受,可以抵御垃圾引用 4 感谢论坛里的朋友提出的宝贵建议,你们让2.6更加人性化 5 代码可读性大大加强,这决定了emlog以后的路 6 不值得一提,你可以回复你朋友的评论了 7 其实还有很多很多细节的修改,当它给你带来方便时你才会发现它们 感谢我们的用户,你们的热情让我们不言放弃。 相信emlog一如既往的简单会让你爱不释手 -2.6.0 Events: one using GPL v2 release the source code, emlog become a real free software 2 add a new developer, and let him have emlog functional URL Optimize 3 trackbacks perfected the send and receive can be invoked against litter 4 Friends of appreciation forum valuable suggestions, you allow 2.6 more human readable code greatly enhanced 5, which determines the emlog road after 6 is not worth mentioning, you can you reply comments by 7 Friends in fact have a lot of the details of a lot of changes, when it is convenient to give you when you will find that they thank our users, your enthusiasm made Let us not give up. Emlog trust, as always, will let you put it down easy
Platform: | Size: 216064 | Author: fanpan | Hits:

[WEB Codeemlog_3.0.0

Description: Emlog 是 every memory log 的简写,意即:点滴记忆。 是一个功能强大的私人网络发布平台(personal publishing platform) ,或者直接叫做个人博客(blog)。致力于为你提供高效、稳定,但在使用上又极其简单的博客服务。 主要功能及特色 采用了模版技术,能够切换你喜欢的模板 采用文本缓冲技术,减少查询,运行速度更快 灵活的侧边栏组件管理,让你轻松组合自己喜欢的组件 独有的twitter功能,让你用简单的文字记录生活 独有的日志自动保存功能,你可以无忧无虑撰写博文 首页ajax日历方式查阅日志,方便快捷 整体使用utf-8编码方式,让你的博客和世界接轨。 支持灵活的标签(tag)分类,以及传统分类方式 支持手机wap功能,随时随地记录你的生活 后台使用跨浏览器可视化编辑日志,支持ie\firefox\safari等浏览器 日志草稿箱功能,方便保存你未完成的日志 方便的附件上传和管理方式 上传的图片可以随意直观的嵌入到日志内容,让你的日志图文并茂 图片附件自动生成缩略图,让图片显示更加完美 支持引用通告(trackback) ,配有强大的垃圾防御功能 支持RSS日志输出功能 ,方便朋友订阅关注你的博客 数据库备份/恢复功能 访问量统计-reysry
Platform: | Size: 349184 | Author: 程东生 | Hits:


Description: emlog 是一个基于PHP和mysql平台的功能强大的个人博客系统(blog)。致力于为您提供高效、稳定,且在使用上又极其简单、舒适的博客服务。 emlog3.2.0主要更新内容: 1、增加插件功能。 2、大幅度改进后台管理的交互和页面设计,用户体验更好。 3、增加自建页面功能、可以方便的创建导航条、留言板 4、增加多人联合撰写功能 5、更换默认模板,更加美观 6、增加Google Picasa相册插件 7、优化模板结构 -emlog is a platform based on PHP and mysql powerful system of personal blog (blog). Dedicated to providing you with efficient, stable, and also in the use of extremely simple, comfortable services to the blog. emlog3.2.0 major updates: 1, increase the functional plug-ins. 2, significantly improve the management of interactive and background page design, user experience better. 3, to increase self-page feature, you can easily create a navigation bar, message boards 4, increased more than 5 co-write function, the replacement of the default templates, more beautiful 6, increasing 7 plug-in Google Picasa photo album, and optimize the template structure
Platform: | Size: 477184 | Author: power | Hits:

[Browser Clientemlog_3.2.1

Description: 个人博客系统 EMLOG 运行 install.php 自动安装 有详细的使用说明-EMLOG personal blog system running automatically install install.php detailed instructions
Platform: | Size: 476160 | Author: 董岩 | Hits:

[WEB Codecode

Description: EMLOG FOR SAE。自己移植的国内个人博客FOR新浪SAE的版本,基于EMLOG 4.0.1-EMLOG FOR SAE
Platform: | Size: 817152 | Author: test | Hits:

[WEB Codeemlog

Description: emlog PHP博客系统是一个功能强大的私人网络发布平台,emlog从一诞生就全心致力于为你提供稳定、高效、操作极其方便、简单的个人博客服务。它可以让您轻松切换你喜欢的模板、使用utf-8编码,让你和世界接轨、独有的twitter功能,让你用简单的文字记录生活-emlog PHP blog system is a powerful personal publishing platform network, emlog from birth fully committed to provide you with a stable, efficient and extremely easy to operate, simple personal blog services. It lets you easily switch between your favorite template, use utf-8 encoding, so that you and the world, a unique twitter feature that lets you record live with a simple text
Platform: | Size: 530432 | Author: fpudn36 | Hits:

[WEB CodeEmlog

Description: 基于PHP脚本程序和Mysql数据库驱动的个人网络日志及文章系统类型的web应用程序,支持后台管理,采用phplib模板技术支持模板替换 功能介绍: + 采用了模版(phplib templates)技术,能让网站在瞬间改变样式; + Emlog附带模板(如果你不喜欢附带模板,可自已制作模板,不用接触任何PHP代码); + 后台编辑各模板css样式表单 ; + 可以任意添加文章分类; + 添加&删除&编辑[日志,友情链接,论评,留言]; + ubb方式编辑发布日志; + 推荐,隐藏日志功能; -Based on the PHP script program and Mysql driven personal network log and the system type of web applications, support for background management, using phplib template technology to support template replacement Function introduction: ++ using the template (templates phplib) technology, to allow the site to change the style in an instant + Emlog template (if you do not like the template attached, can make their own template, do not contact any PHP code) Edit each template CSS style sheet + can be arbitrarily added to the classification of articles Add & delete & edit log, link, comment, message + UBB way to edit the release log Recommend, hide log function
Platform: | Size: 535552 | Author: 付晓强 | Hits:

[WAP developEMLOG蓝色调手机模版

Description: 这是一款适用于EMLOG程序的手机模版,蓝色调简单简洁,首页幻灯片调用置顶文章,导航栏调用分类,如要自定义请打开m/view/header.php修改,底部信息打开m/view/footer.php修改,m/index.php打开可修改列表显示文章数量;请使用者注意几点:一、请不要使用记事本编辑代码,二、如不懂代码请无乱修改,导致错误蓝叶不负责,三、请珍惜别人的劳动成果无修改版权;安装方法很简单,首先下载解压压缩包得到m.zip这个压缩包,继续解压然后打开你网站的FTP,把m文件夹下的所有文件上传覆盖到FTP下面的m文件夹里,注意别嵌套m这个文件夹。(This is a EMLOG program for the mobile phone template, blue is simple and concise, the home page navigation bar articles slide call, call classification, such as custom to open m/view/header.php changes at the bottom of the information open m/view/footer.php changes, m/index.php can modify the number of open list; please note the user points: one, please do not use Notepad two, do not understand the code, such as code please no mess modify, cause errors were not responsible for, three, please cherish the fruits of labor of others without amending the copyright; the installation method is very simple, first download compressed package m.zip unzip the archive, then continue to open your website FTP, to upload all the files under the M folder the coverage of the following FTP m folder, beware of nested m this folder.)
Platform: | Size: 106496 | Author: 左南 | Hits:


Description: emlog插件 666 非幻博客成立哦 用的就是这个插件(emlog plub_in dyij gyklm yagjbc . ghjj)
Platform: | Size: 175104 | Author: 非幻 | Hits:

[WEB Codelimh.me

Description: emlog收费模板免费下载 功能集全 最新版本(Emlog charging template free download function, the latest version of the whole set)
Platform: | Size: 15933440 | Author: 灰灰互联 | Hits:

[WEB Code165877465

Description: emlog是国人开发的一个博客程序,功能绝不含糊,性能十分出色。与wordpress相比,更贴近国人的使用习惯,而且比wp速度快很多he。时隔半年,发布了emlog v5.0.0,该版本增加了评论嵌套,增加分类别名等功能。(Emlog is a blog program developed by the Chinese people, with no ambiguity and excellent performance. Compared with WordPress, it is closer to the use of people, and is much faster than the WP in he. Half a year, emlog v5.0.0 is released, which adds the function of the review nesting, the addition of the classified alias, and so on.)
Platform: | Size: 584704 | Author: ajdshj | Hits:

[WEB CodeEmlog自适应后台模板V1.1B

Description: emlog后台扁平模板,兼容各类主题,支持后台编辑等问题,此版本为修复版(Emlog backstage template)
Platform: | Size: 1833984 | Author: 南城一只猫 | Hits:


Description: 资源大爆炸emlog网站模板,基于emedia媒体范儿修改制作,蓝色美观界面(Resources big bang emlog website template, based on emedia media fan modified production, blue beautiful interface)
Platform: | Size: 6713344 | Author: 子枫资源网 | Hits:


Description: 基于小草窝dux修改,琉璃美化主题,安装即可使用(Based on the modified small nest Dux, glazed landscaping theme, the installation can be used.)
Platform: | Size: 1700864 | Author: 子枫资源网 | Hits:


Description: emlog回复可见插件V1.21,用于emlog博客程序回复可见专用(Emlog reply visible plug-in V1.21)
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: ASD445322 | Hits:
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