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pe文件格式 BOOL CpefileDlg::IsPEFile(LPVOID ImageBase) { PIMAGE_DOS_HEADER pDH=NULL PIMAGE_NT_HEADERS pNtH=NULL if(!ImageBase) return FALSE pDH=(PIMAGE_DOS_HEADER)ImageBase if(pDH->e_magic!=IMAGE_DOS_SIGNATURE) return FALSE pNtH=(PIMAGE_NT_HEADERS32)((DWORD)pDH+pDH->e_lfanew) if (pNtH->Signature != IMAGE_NT_SIGNATURE ) return FALSE return TRUE }-pe file formats. BOOL CpefileDlg : : IsPEFile (LPVOID ImageBase) (PIMAGE_DOS_HEADER bacteria PIMAGE_NT_HEADERS pNtH = NULL = NULL if (! ImageBase) return FALSE mapping = (PIMAGE_DOS_HEADER) ImageBase if (Endo-gt; e_magic! = IMAGE_DOS_SIGNATURE) return FALSE pNtH = (PIMAGE_NT_HEADERS32) ((DWORD) recombinant plasmid-gt; e_lfanew) if (pNtH - gt; Signature! = IMAGE_NT_SIGNATURE) return FALSE return TRUE)
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 75.71kb Publisher : rar

CAD图形,做出圆的内切与圆的内切三角形-CAD graphics, made the round circle inscribed with the endo triangle
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 4.97kb Publisher : 1a12

CAD图形,做出圆的内切与圆的内切三角形-CAD graphics, made the round circle inscribed with the endo triangle
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 5kb Publisher : 1a12

pe文件格式 BOOL CpefileDlg::IsPEFile(LPVOID ImageBase) { PIMAGE_DOS_HEADER pDH=NULL PIMAGE_NT_HEADERS pNtH=NULL if(!ImageBase) return FALSE pDH=(PIMAGE_DOS_HEADER)ImageBase if(pDH->e_magic!=IMAGE_DOS_SIGNATURE) return FALSE pNtH=(PIMAGE_NT_HEADERS32)((DWORD)pDH+pDH->e_lfanew) if (pNtH->Signature != IMAGE_NT_SIGNATURE ) return FALSE return TRUE }-pe file formats. BOOL CpefileDlg : : IsPEFile (LPVOID ImageBase) (PIMAGE_DOS_HEADER bacteria PIMAGE_NT_HEADERS pNtH = NULL = NULL if (! ImageBase) return FALSE mapping = (PIMAGE_DOS_HEADER) ImageBase if (Endo-gt; e_magic! = IMAGE_DOS_SIGNATURE) return FALSE pNtH = (PIMAGE_NT_HEADERS32) ((DWORD) recombinant plasmid-gt; e_lfanew) if (pNtH- gt; Signature! = IMAGE_NT_SIGNATURE) return FALSE return TRUE)
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 75kb Publisher : rar

endote文献管理软件,已破解。X3版的,2010年1月份最新的-endote literature management software, has been cracked. X3 version, the latest in January 2010
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 61.9mb Publisher : hongqi

endo UI是jquery的一部件。 Kendo UI还支持服务器端包装(商业版本唯一的)但是源码中,将描述只有客户端问题,因为Kendo UI web客户端免费使用。Kendo UI类似jQuery UI但比jQuery UI丰富。-endo UI is jquery a member. Kendo UI also supports server-side package (commercial version only), but the source code, will describe only the client problem, because Kendo UI web clients free of charge. Kendo UI similar to but smaller than jQuery UI jQuery UI rich.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 5.42mb Publisher : Keen

DL : 0
空间电压矢量控制PWM(SVPWM)也叫磁通正弦PWM法.它以三相波形整体生成效果为前提,以逼近电机气隙的理想圆形旋转磁场轨迹为目的,用逆变器不同的开关模式所产生的实际磁通去逼近基准圆磁通,由它们的比较结果决定逆变器的开关,形成PWM波形.此法从电动机的角度出发,把逆变器和电机看作一个整体,以内切多边形逼近圆的方式进行控制,使电机获得幅值恒定的圆形磁场(正弦磁通).-Space voltage vector control PWM (SVPWM), also known as magnetic flux sine PWM method. It generates three-phase waveforms overall effect as a precondition to approximate the ideal circular locus motor rotating magnetic field gap for the purpose inverter different switching modes actual flux generated by the magnetic flux to approximate reference circle, they compare the results of the decision by the inverter switching, the formation of PWM waveform. This method starting the perspective of the motor, the inverter and the motor as a whole, endo polygonal approximation control the way round the motor to get a constant circular magnetic field amplitude (sinusoidal flux).
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 194kb Publisher : 谢洁

Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2kb Publisher : andypanda

该程序实现的功能:首先提取图片的轮廓,然后画出闭合轮廓的内切圆-The program implementation functions: endo first extracted contour of the picture, and then draw the outline of a closed circle
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1kb Publisher : 陈令刚

视频播放内型,主要是android手机上的视频播放功能-Endo video playback, video playback main android phone
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2.8mb Publisher : yjfa

雨流计数法又可称为“塔顶法”,是由英国的Matsuiski和Endo 两位工程师提出的, 距今已有50 多年。雨流计数法主要用于工程界, 特别在疲劳寿命计算中运用非常广泛。把应变-时间历程数据记录转过90°,时间坐标轴竖直向下, 数据记录犹如一系列屋面, 雨水顺着屋面往下流, 故称为雨流计数法。雨流计数法对载荷的时间历程进行计数的过程反映了材料的记忆特性,具有明确的力学概念,因此该方法得到了普遍的认可。(The rain stream counting method, also known as the tower top method, was proposed by two engineers in the UK, Matsuiski and Endo, for more than 50 years. The rain flow counting method is mainly used in the engineering field, especially in the calculation of fatigue life. Record the strain time history data by 90 degrees, and the time axis is vertical downward. The data record is like a series of roof. The rain water flows down the roof, so it is called the rain flow counting method. The counting process of the rain flow counting method reflects the memory characteristics of the material and has a definite mechanical concept. Therefore, this method has been widely accepted.)
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 107kb Publisher : hunswey
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