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本程序用于检测音频文件中是否具有DTMF信号,若有则将其检出。 程序首先使用Goertzel算法求出以FRAMESIZE(默认200)为大小的一帧数据在8个DTMF频点上的能量。 对Goertzel算法的改进,对于系数的计算不是采用2*cos[2*pi*k/N],而是采用2*cos[2*pi*fn/fs],这样能够降低误差。 确定了8个频点的能量后运用一系列判决门限来确定有没有DTMF信号,以及信号是什么。 -This procedure used to detect whether an audio file with a DTMF signal, if so, what will be its detection. Procedures to derive the first use of Goertzel algorithm to FRAMESIZE [default 200] for the size of data in an eight point DTMF frequency energy. Of the Goertzel algorithm for the calculation of coefficients instead of 2* cos [2* pi* k/N], instead of using the 2* cos [2* pi* fn/fs], this can reduce the error. Identified eight frequency energy use after a series of sentences to determine the threshold has no DTMF signal, as well as the signal is.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 606kb Publisher : 李昊然

基于能量检测的误码率分析曲线,适合认知无线电初学者-Based on Energy Detect BER analysis curve, suitable for beginners cognitive radio
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1kb Publisher : 张瑜

对认知无线电的能量检测技术和合作检测机制的介绍-On cognitive radio technology and the energy detection mechanism to detect the introduction of cooperation
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 486kb Publisher : 王颖

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电表 本篇应用文档介绍了单相电表的设计。此设计可以实现单相的有功功率、电压和电流的测量,以及在外界干扰的情况下持续的检测、发送信号和测量。-This application note describes a single-phase power/energy meter with tamper logic. The design measures active power, voltage, and current in a single-phase distribution environment. The meter is able to detect, signal, and continue to measure reliably even when subject to external attempts of tampering.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 281kb Publisher : ECN

:Duffing振子相变对与参考信号频差较小的周期小信号具有敏感性,对白噪声和与参考信号频差较大的周期干扰信号 具有免疫力。利用语音的准周期性提出了一种基于混沌理论的语音端点检测新算法,讨论了如何利用Duffing振子的间歇混沌 特性来检测语音端点。将含噪语音作为Duffing振子的外部参考信号的摄动,根据系统相图是否改变来检测语音段和噪声段。 通过尺度变换并设计了振子阵列以检测频率范围较大的语音信号。实验结果表明,基于混沌的语音端点检测算法在低信噪比 下明显优于传统的能量语音端点检测法。-Duffing oscillator phase transform is sensitive to small signal that has tiny ~equency difference with the referential signal,and immunes against random noise and larger interference signal that has larger frequency differ— ence with the referential signa1.In this paper,a new method is proposed for endpoint detection based on chaotic the— ory using the qusi—periodical characteristic of speech.How to test speech endpoint using intermittent chaos of Duffing oscillator is discussed.There we take noisy speech as the perturbation of the referential signal of Duffing oscillators, and we can test speech segments and noise segments according to phase trajectory.Oscillator array is designed and connected with scale transform to detect the speech signal whose frequency range is wide. Experiments show that chaotic method is superior to traditional energy method obviously under low SNR condition for endpoint detection.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 258kb Publisher : 王华

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本文将检测问题表示为能量函数,通过最小化能量函 数来检测运动阴影。这种方法先用传统的背景对消方法分别得到静态背景和含有真实前景和运动阴影的运动目标, 然后在运动目标中,利用阴影的颜色不变性和纹理不变性,以及阴影和前景的时空一致性,构造出能量函数-This will detect the problem as the energy function, by minimizing the energy function to detect the moving shadows. In this method, the traditional method of eliminating the background of the static background and were obtained with real prospects and moving shadows moving target, and then moving target, the use of shadow color and texture invariance invariance, and the same shadows and prospects of space-time nature of the energy function is constructed
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 426kb Publisher : xxx

vc++ 写的获取系统能源信息的程序,可检测当前能源状态 AC, battery,电池工作状态。-vc++ to write programs to obtain energy information system, can detect the current energy state of AC, battery, battery status.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 56kb Publisher : photshot

his a simple method for silence removal and segmentation of audio streams that contain speech. The method is based in two simple audio features (signal energy and spectral centroid). As long as the feature sequences are extracted, as thresholding approach is applied on those sequence, in order to detect the speech segment-his is a simple method for silence removal and segmentation of audio streams that contain speech. The method is based in two simple audio features (signal energy and spectral centroid). As long as the feature sequences are extracted, as thresholding approach is applied on those sequence, in order to detect the speech segment
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 958kb Publisher : petr

优秀论文及配套源码。电压暂降是动态电能质量问题中最受关注的热点之一。大量新型电力电子设备的广泛使用对电网电能质量的要求越来越高,而且电压暂降在电网中又具有一定的传播性。因此,无论从电网还是用户都迫切需要对电压暂降进行研究和治理。对电压暂降的检测是解决电压暂降的前提条件,故本论文主要对电压暂降的检测方法进行研究。 本文分析了国内外短时电能质量扰动检测的研究现状,并着重讨论了短路故障、感应电动机启动和变压器激磁三种电压暂降扰动情况下电压暂降的特性;在此基础上选择了基于S变换的短时电能质量扰动检测方法,从S变换的结果S模矩阵及S复矩阵中提取出所需数据并以此来对各种扰动情况下的电压暂降的幅值、相位跳变、持续时间和谐波含量进行分析。仿真结果表明,该方法很好地实现了对电压暂降各特征量的检测。 -The voltage sag is one of most hot topics in dynamic electric energy problems. Masses of new power and electron facilities have been put into use widely, requiring a high quality of electric network and power, chiefly the voltage sag. Moreover, the voltage sag can spread in the electric network. So people have every reason to research and control the voltage sag. However, before developing the voltage sag, people have to detect it. On account of the above, this essay will chiefly focus on the detect methods of the voltage sags. In this paper, the status of the short duration power quality disturbance based on the different method are researched firstly, and emphasizes the characteristic of the voltage sag under the situation of the three kinds of voltage sag disturbances like the short circuit fault, induction motor start-up and transformer excitation. On the basis of the above, the short duration power quality disturbance detection method based on S transform is chosen. The complex m
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 529kb Publisher : NBB

优秀论文及配套源码。Hilbert-Huang变换(HHT)是一种新的非平稳信号处理技术,该方法由经验模态 分解(EMD)与Hilbert谱分析两部分组成。任意的非平稳信号首先经过EMD方法处理后被分解为一系列具有不同特征尺度的数据序列,每一个序列称为一个固有模态函数(IMF),然后对每个IMF分量进行Hilbert谱分析得到相应分量的Hilbert谱,汇总所有Hilbert谱就得到了原信号的谱图。该方法从本质上讲是对非平稳信号进行平稳化处理,将信号中真实存在的不同尺度波动或趋势逐级分解出来,最终用瞬时频率和能量来表征原信号的频率含量。 本文研究了基于HHT的暂态电能质量扰动检测方法,介绍了HHT的基本原理和利用HHT检测电能质量多扰动信号的实现方法。仿真试验表明该方法可以实时检测扰动的起止时刻,持续时间和扰动幅度,适用于电能质量多扰动的监测和辨识系统。 -Hilbert-Huang Transform(HHT) is a new non-stationary signal processing technology,including the Empirical Mode Decomposition(EMD) and Hilbert spectral analysis.In this method,arbitrary non-stationary signals was divided into a series data sequence with different characteristic scales after the first EMD treatment,each sequence is called an intrinsic mode function(IMF),and then each IMF component gained corresponding the Hilbert spectrum though Hilbert spectrum analysis,a summary of all Hilbert spectrum assembled to the spectra of the original signal.In essence,this method is a stable processing for non-stationary signal,which decomposed the different fluctuations or trends in the signal in rum,and represented the frequency content of the original signal using the final instantaneous frequency and energy. This paper study a method to detect power quality disturbances based on the HHT,in which the principle and the realization of the HHT and the realization of power quality disturbance
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 314kb Publisher : NBB

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智能风扇调节系统源代码 通过人体红外传感器检测人群分布,调节风扇对人群集中地方集中送风,提高风扇的利用率,达到节能减排的目的。实现交直流电机调速,红外解码等功能-Smart Fan control system source code, infrared sensors to detect people through the distribution of the human body to regulate the local concentration of the fan of the population concentrated air and improve fan efficiency, achieve energy saving purposes. AC and DC motor to achieve speed, infrared and decoding functions
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 50kb Publisher : benny

您好: 这个matlab程序是用周期循环检测算法检测:首先运行a.m程序,通过此程序运算得出循环频率a值;再运行zhouqi.m程序,对a值进行确定,通过周期循环算法对信号进行检测; -Hello: This procedure is used matlab cycle detection algorithm: First run a.m program, obtained through the operation of this procedure cyclic frequency of a value to run zhouqi.m procedures, a value determined by the signal cycle algorithm detection
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1kb Publisher : 龙抽风

Shadow detection and removal is an important task when dealing with colour outdoor images. Shadows are generated by a local and relative absence of light. Shadows are, first of all, a local decrease in the amount of light that reaches a surface. Secondly, they are a local change in the amount of light rejected by a surface toward the observer. Most shadow detection and segmentation methods are based on image analysis. However, some factors will affect the detection result due to the complexity of the circumstances, like water and a low intensity roof because of the special material as they are easy mistaken as shadows. In this paper we present a hypothesis test to detect shadows from the images and then energy function concept is used to remove the shadow from the image.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 374kb Publisher : dermeche

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detect the voice activity, using energy and frequency etc.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 173kb Publisher : liangyuan

使用能量特征、过零率特征设计一个语音检测算法。要求能在普通的实验室噪声环境下,准确地检测出语音信号的起终点位置-Use of energy characteristics, design features a zero-rate voice detection algorithm. Required in an ordinary lab noise environment, accurately detect the location of the voice signal from the end
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1kb Publisher : 王涛

通过计算DTMF信号的DFT对DTMF信号进行检测,在给定8个频率上的能量对信号进行测量,同时判断出每个频率对应的DFT的频率采样点。-By computing the DFT of the DTMF signals to detect the DTMF signals, measurement of the signal energy in eight frequency given, determine the frequency of sampling points for each frequency corresponding to the DFT.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1kb Publisher : hhy

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51太阳能跟随系统,用户可选用 MCU 的外部中断连接 END_CALCU 引脚来检测 ASTRO 是否完成解算, 从而读取解算结果-51 solar energy to follow the system, the user can choose the MCU external interrupt to connect END_CALCU pin to detect the the ASTRO completion solver, which reads the solver results
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 9.82mb Publisher : 林弯弯

能量检测英文原版资料汇总,来源于IEEE等国外知名杂志-Energy detect the English original data aggregation, derived from the IEEE and other well-known foreign magazine
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 3.53mb Publisher : yuexinzhi2012

An approach to detect voice. (VAD)
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 486kb Publisher : pipi

认知无线电,能量检测算法,可以检测到发送信号占用的频段,找到未占用的频段-Radio, energy detection algorithm can detect the frequency band occupied by the transmission signal, to find an unoccupied frequency band
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1kb Publisher : 肖常兵
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