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[Other resourcedggergergcb

Description: fjejfioerjfefjgoerrferf erf .rar-fjejfioerjfefjgoerrferf erferferferf. rar
Platform: | Size: 21666 | Author: 阳建国 | Hits:

[Other resourceerf

Description: 这是一个用C语言编写的计算误差函数的程序。其主要特点是从定义出发,具有很好的参考价值。
Platform: | Size: 38837 | Author: liuhailiang | Hits:

[File OperateBioware_Aurora_ERF_Format

Description: 针对Bioware的ERF表的说明文档,详细分析的ERF的格式,组成,结构.
Platform: | Size: 14555 | Author: zq | Hits:


Description: 这是一个用C语言编写的计算误差函数的程序。其主要特点是从定义出发,具有很好的参考价值。-This is a use of C language procedures for calculating the error function. Its main characteristic is that from the definition, has a very good reference value.
Platform: | Size: 48128 | Author: liuhailiang | Hits:

[File FormatBioware_Aurora_ERF_Format

Description: 针对Bioware的ERF表的说明文档,详细分析的ERF的格式,组成,结构.-Bioware
Platform: | Size: 14336 | Author: zq | Hits:


Description: ERF函数的原代码,erf(x)=(2/根号下派)*(exp(-z方)对z积分,积分下限是0,上限是x),误差函数从形式上很像正态分布的分布函数Φ(x),是对一个形如正态分布的概率密度函数做变上限积分的结果; -ERF function of the original code, erf (x) = (2/root allocation under No.)* (exp (-z side) of the z integral, integral lower limit is 0, the upper limit is x), error function from the form like normal distribution distribution function Φ (x), is a shape such as the normal distribution probability density function do change the results limit points
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: zhanghua | Hits:


Description: DZ论坛登陆程序,是易语言的源码 DZ论坛登陆程序,是易语言的源码-luntandengluchengxu
Platform: | Size: 7168 | Author: 刘丰铭 | Hits:

[Windows CEpocketmk_1.0

Description: PocketMK is programmable RPN calculator designed to be comfortable for small screens (like PDA) and compatible with a set of Soviet programmable calculators (like MK-61). It have special functions (erf, gamma ...), graphical and indirect address commands
Platform: | Size: 931840 | Author: pudnuploader | Hits:


Description: 求误差函数的值(算法借鉴MATLAB中erf函数)-According the erf function in matlab program, get the value of ERROR function.
Platform: | Size: 20480 | Author: 王静 | Hits:


Description: Programmiersprache Pascal ist mehr als nur ein facher Programmierkurs. Am Rande erf?hrt man immer wieder Grundlagen der Informatik als Wissenschaft kein Wunder, schlie?lich handelt es sich um einen Kurs f?r Informatikstudenten. Im ersten Kapitel werden Geschichte und Konzepte der Programmierung vorgestellt. Danach geht es zun?chst um die Grundlagen von Pascal (Variablen, Prozeduren usw.), im weiteren Verlauf werden jedoch auch Themen wie Module und objektorientierte Programmierung besprochen, die man eher fortgeschrittenen Anwendern zuschreibt. Wer also eine fundierte Gratis-Einf?hrung in Pascal sucht, wird dieses Tutorial lieben.-Programmiersprache Pascal ist mehr als nur ein einfacher Programmierkurs. Am Rande erf?hrt man immer wieder Grundlagen der Informatik als Wissenschaft kein Wunder, schlie?lich handelt es sich um einen Kurs f?r Informatikstudenten. Im ersten Kapitel werden Geschichte und Konzepte der Programmierung vorgestellt. Danach geht es zun?chst um die Grundlagen von Pascal (Variablen, Prozeduren usw.), im weiteren Verlauf werden jedoch auch Themen wie Module und objektorientierte Programmierung besprochen, die man eher fortgeschrittenen Anwendern zuschreibt. Wer also eine fundierte Gratis-Einf?hrung in Pascal sucht, wird dieses Tutorial lieben.
Platform: | Size: 1273856 | Author: knowhow | Hits:

[Special EffectscximageLite_V600

Description: CxImage is a C++ class that can load, save, display, transform images in a very simple and fast way. CxImage is open source and licensed under the zlib license. In a nutshell, this means that you can use the code however you wish, as long as you don t claim it as your own. With more than 200 functions, and with comprehensive working demos, CxImage offers all the tools to build simple image processing applications on a fast learning curve. Supported file formats are: BMP, GIF, ICO, CUR, JBG, JPG, JPC, JP2, PCX, PGX, PNG, PNM, RAS, SKA, TGA, TIF, WBMP, WMF, RAW, CRW, NEF, CR2, DNG, ORF, ARW, ERF, 3FR, DCR, X3F, MEF, RAF, MRW, PEF, SR2. Cximage is highly portable and has been tested with Visual C++ 6 / 2008, C++ Builder 3 / 6, MinGW on Windows, and with gcc 3.3.2 on Linux. The library can be linked statically, or through a DLL or an activex component.
Platform: | Size: 563200 | Author: tayfun karan | Hits:

[source in ebookBPSK

Description: 高斯白噪声信道的BPSK通信系统的理论误码率的计算公式为Q(sqrt(2*Eb/N0))或是0.5*erfc(sqrt(Eb/N0)),-Gaussian white noise channel theory of BPSK communication system bit error rate is calculated as Q (sqrt (2* Eb/N0)) or 0.5* erfc (sqrt (Eb/N0)),
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: emma | Hits:


Description: 统计计算中正态分布的误差函数其通项的计算公式。循环控制变量可根据实际情况修改。-Statistical calculation of the error function of their normal general term formula. Loop control variable can be modified according to actual conditions.
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: 王叶 | Hits:


Description: 误差函数计算 可以计算erf函数这种非初等函数-very good
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 刘雷 | Hits:


Description: matlab code for calculate erf in matlab
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: rasool | Hits:


Description: Matlab中erf(x)函数的表达式是怎样的,erf(x)与标准正态分布函数之间的关系是怎样的,怎样自己编制一个计算标准正态分布函数数值近似值的函数,如何利用matlab自带的erf(x)函数包近似计算标准正态分布函数的值,数值计算值与用erf(x)转化求得的值之间的相对误差是怎样的。-将中文译成英语 Matlab, erf (x) function expression is what, erf (x) the standard normal distribution function and the relationship between what and how to prepare their own calculation of the standard normal distribution function a value function approximation, how to use matlab comes with erf (x) function package approximate standard normal distribution function values??, numerical values ??and with erf (x) between the values ??obtained into the relative error is like.
Platform: | Size: 1248256 | Author: bron | Hits:

[Data structstable

Description: 一个较完整的数据链路表,是数据结构的一个简单的实验,好多刚开始学的以为笔记哦啊的男。。其实也还可以多看考一下就好的-a simple table it is a very easy table do you know yesas ljj l ja as sa e td df d dfvzdf dgsdgf erf we e rgfwer erg wererge ere erg ergwerge ertger gwerrger
Platform: | Size: 136192 | Author: lilusi | Hits:


Platform: | Size: 12288 | Author: royalzen | Hits:


Description: Systematic biases in early ERP and ERF components as a result of high-pass filtering
Platform: | Size: 1154048 | Author: Nima | Hits:


Description: Part of the algorithm is based on cody s erf,erfc program.
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: haifingqq | Hits:
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