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ERP 项目系统的流程图.无比重要的一击-ERP system flowchart. More important than an attack
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 137.02kb Publisher : 范乙

ERP系统设计的文档和流程图-ERP system design documentation and flow chart
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 960kb Publisher : 站长

Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 137kb Publisher : 范乙

书名:基本商业程序的建模 Essential Business Process Modeling (Paperback) 作者: Mike Havey 出版商:O Reilly 1 edition (August 18, 2005) 内容介绍: Ten years ago, groupware bundled with email and calendar applications helped track the flow of work from person to person within an organization. Workflow in today s enterprise means more monitoring and orchestrating massive systems. A new technology called Business Process Management, or BPM, helps software architects and developers design, code, run, administer, and monitor complex network-based business processes. BPM replaces those sketchy flowchart diagrams that business analysts draw on whiteboards with a precise model that uses standard graphical and XML representations, and an architecture that allows it converse with other services, systems, and users. -Title : basic business procedures Essential Business Process Modeling Modelin g (Paperback) Author : Mike Praeger Publishers : O Reilly 1 edition (August 18, 2005) Introduction : Ten years ago, groupware bundled with email and calendar appl ications helped track the flow of work from pers on to person within an organization. Workflow i n today's enterprise means more monitoring and o rchestrating massive systems. A new technolog y called Business Process Management, or BPM. helps software architects and developers desi gn, code, run and administer. and monitor complex network-based business pr ocesses. BPM replaces those sketchy flowchart diagrams that business analysts draw on whiteb oards with a precise model that uses standard gr aphical and XML representations. and an architecture
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 3.87mb Publisher : 张仕奎

erp流程图,对开发erp应该是个帮助.用Visual C++KAIFA -flowchart erp, erp development should be a help. using Visual C++ KAIFA
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 130kb Publisher : 刘云
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