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java实现代PC机和以太网转串口设备通讯例子,可以用来测试以太网转串口设备的数据收发情况。 在applet目录下为在java applet中如何和模块通讯的例子,在使用时得首先把index.htm和test.jar下载到模块中,然后在ie中输入http://模块IP地址/index.htm来访问。(目前只有ZNET-200T支持此下载功能) -PC and Ethernet to serial communications equipment example, can be used to test Ethernet switch serial data transceiver situation. The applet directory for the java applet and how communications module example, when used in the first place index.htm and test.jar downloaded to the module, then the input ie http:// module IP address / index.htm to visit. (Currently only ZNET - 200T supports download)
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 10.47kb Publisher : 东子

带Java扩展的ARM926EJ-S内核, 2 x 8KB快取, MMU 2x4k Bytes SRAM, 32kBytes Boot ROM 210MHz, 230MIPs EBI –可支持SDRAM, NAND Flash (带ECC)和Compact Flash USB控制器和USB器件口, V2.0全速 Ethernet MAC - 10/100 图像传感器界面 (CMOS传感器界面) 1 SSC可支持I2S和TDM 2 SPI, MCI (SDCard和MMC兼容), TWI 6 USARTs, 支持IrDA, ISO7816 T=0/T=1, RS485
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 2.36mb Publisher : xujj

利用wincap设计的以太网数据包截获和数据包分析程序。程序简单,麻雀虽小,五脏俱全,适合学习用。-wincap design using Ethernet packet capture and packet analysis procedures. Simple, sparrows small, perfectly formed. Suited to study.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 33kb Publisher : 江辉

java实现代PC机和以太网转串口设备通讯例子,可以用来测试以太网转串口设备的数据收发情况。 在applet目录下为在java applet中如何和模块通讯的例子,在使用时得首先把index.htm和test.jar下载到模块中,然后在ie中输入http://模块IP地址/index.htm来访问。(目前只有ZNET-200T支持此下载功能) -PC and Ethernet to serial communications equipment example, can be used to test Ethernet switch serial data transceiver situation. The applet directory for the java applet and how communications module example, when used in the first place index.htm and test.jar downloaded to the module, then the input ie http:// module IP address/index.htm to visit. (Currently only ZNET- 200T supports download)
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 10kb Publisher : 东子

将mp3打包成流文件格式,然后通过以太网传送出去的代码。-Will be packaged into a streaming mp3 file format, and then sent via Ethernet code.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 465kb Publisher : 朱文政

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This package making a GPRS connection using Tini (from Dallas Semiconductors). After connection the device will have a standard Ethernet connection.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 43kb Publisher : Alin

模拟Ethernet帧的发送过程 编写程序模拟Ethernet结点的数据发送流程。 具体要求: 1)用两个线程a和b来模拟Ethernet上的两台主机。 2)用一个双字类型变量Bus来模拟总线(将其初始化为“\0”,并且总线等于“\0”时表示总线空闲)。 3)两个子线程向总线发送自己的数据。数据用该线程的线程号进行模拟,发送数据用线程号和Bus的“或”操作进行模拟(即Bus=Bus|ID,ID为该线程的线程号)。 4)每台主机须向总线上成功发送10次数据,如果其中某次数据发送失败,则该线程结束。 5)发送流程须遵循CSMA/CD。随机延迟算法中的冲突窗口取0.005。在数据发送成功(即Bus==ID)后,报告“ID send success”,产生冲突(即Bus!=ID)后报告“ID send collision”,发送失败(即冲突计数器值为0)后报告“ID send failure”。随着主机发送成功次数增加,报告其已发送成功的次数,如“主机A发送成功数=3”。 -err
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1kb Publisher : seaman

带Java扩展的ARM926EJ-S内核, 2 x 8KB快取, MMU 2x4k Bytes SRAM, 32kBytes Boot ROM 210MHz, 230MIPs EBI –可支持SDRAM, NAND Flash (带ECC)和Compact Flash USB控制器和USB器件口, V2.0全速 Ethernet MAC - 10/100 图像传感器界面 (CMOS传感器界面) 1 SSC可支持I2S和TDM 2 SPI, MCI (SDCard和MMC兼容), TWI 6 USARTs, 支持IrDA, ISO7816 T=0/T=1, RS485-Java extension with ARM926EJ-S core, 2 x 8KB cache, MMU2x4k Bytes SRAM, 32kBytes Boot ROM210MHz, 230MIPsEBI- can support SDRAM, NAND Flash (with ECC) and Compact FlashUSB controller and the USB device port, V2.0 full speed Ethernet MAC- 10/100 Image Sensor Interface (CMOS sensor interface) 1 SSC can support I2S and TDM2 SPI, MCI (SDCard and MMC compatible), TWI6 USARTs, support for IrDA, ISO7816 T = 0/T = 1, RS485
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2.36mb Publisher : xujj

基础篇 Ethernet帧结构解析程序 ARP协议获得局域网内活动主机物理地址程序-Ethernet frame structure based on articles parser ARP agreement activities LAN host physical address procedures
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 15.07mb Publisher : liyunfei

采用JPcap来实现ipv6数据包的捕获和分析。由于JPcap提供的函数可以深入到数据链路层去捕获数据包,因此无论是IPv4数据包还是IPv6数据包都是被封装在以太帧头中,因此都能够被捕获。本程序利用JPcap提供的函数,实现了捕获并解析在纯IPv6环境或双协议栈环境下传输的IPv6数据包-JPcap used to achieve ipv6 packet capture and analysis. JPcap because of the function can provide depth to the data link layer to capture packets, so regardless of the packet are IPv4 or IPv6 data packets have been encapsulated in the Ethernet header, and therefore are able to be arrested. This procedure provided by the use of JPcap function, implementation of the capture and analysis in a pure IPv6 or dual stack environment environment IPv6 packet transmission
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 5kb Publisher : chenjie

Iris主要应用于Ethernet网,这是由Ethernet网的共享特征所决定的。在Ethernet网内,承载数据包的通道为本Ethernet网段的所有计算机所共享,而决定一台计算机是否收取一个数据,在于这个数据包是不是发往这台计算机的。每台计算机的网络适配器,也就是网卡都有自己独特的网卡地址。如果网卡发现一个数据包是发往本网卡地址的,它就会接收它,否则就丢弃它。-Iris is mainly used in Ethernet networks, which is shared by the Ethernet network characteristics determined. In the Ethernet network, the channel carrying packet-based Ethernet network segment shared by all computers, a computer to determine whether to accept a data packet is that it is not sent to this computer. Each computer' s network adapter card is the card has its own unique address. If the card found in a packet is sent to us the address card, it will receive it, otherwise it is discarded.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 703kb Publisher : 李璞

经典的以太网Aloha协议的Java实现,内附三种基本的Aloha,即PureAloha,PureAloha2和slottedAloha,是网络初学者实践必备的代码-classic Implementation of Ethernet Aloha Protocol with Java programming,containing PureAloha1/2 and slotted Aloha
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 5kb Publisher : kabiluofu

java环境下以太网串口设备测试通信软件 提供源码-Ethernet serial device under java test communications software source code
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 17kb Publisher : 刘波

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计算机网络封装帧课程设计java版,可视化的。-Curriculum design of computer network encapsulation java version, visualization.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 10kb Publisher :

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通过实现局域网的网络沟通,从而展现java编程的魅力,这是java编程的开始,是一个系统编程的缩写版-Through the LAN network to communicate, to show the charm of the java programming, this is the beginning of the java programming is an abbreviated version of a system programming
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 14kb Publisher : 潘豹

java实现的以太网帧封装。三个程序,两个封装程序,一个测试程序-A Ethernet Frame implements by java,one is for test ,others is for useage
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 10kb Publisher : 张鑫

JPCAP是一个开源库从Java应用程序的网络数据包捕获并发送。它提供的设施: 捕获原始数据包从电线。 脱机文件保存捕获的数据包,读取捕获的数据包从一个脱机文件。 自动识别数据包类型,并生成相应的Java对象(用于以太网的IPv4,IPv6中,ARP / RARP,TCP,UDP和ICMPv4报文)。 根据用户指定的规则过滤数据包调度给应用程序之前。 原始数据包发送到网络 Jpcap是基于 libpcap的/ WinPcap的在C和Java实现。JPCAP已通过测试微软Windows(98/2000/XP/Vista的),Linux操作系统(Fedora,Ubuntu的的)的Mac OS X(达尔文),FreeBSD的,和Solaris。-JPCAP is an open source database from a Java application to capture and transmit network packets. It provides facilities: capture the raw data packets from the wire. Offline Files save the captured packets, read the captured data packets from an offline file. Automatic identification packet type, and generates the corresponding Java objects (for Ethernet IPv4, IPv6 in, ARP/RARP, TCP, UDP, and ICMPv4 packets). According to the rules specified by the user to filter data packets to the application before dispatch. Original packet is sent to the network Jpcap libpcap-based/WinPcap in C and Java. JPCAP has been tested Microsoft Windows (98/2000/XP/Vista' s), Linux operating system (Fedora, Ubuntu' s) for Mac OS X (Darwin), FreeBSD' s, and Solaris.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 40kb Publisher : 王夏洋

熟悉ARP协议并了解Winpcap编程,或者下载JAVA类:jpcap包构造ARP包,选择并打开网卡,将ARP包发送。-Familiar with and understand the Winpcap ARP protocol programming, or download a JAVA class: jpcap packet construction ARP packets, select and open the card, the ARP packet is sent.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2.51mb Publisher : 子苏

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服务器和客户端之间的通信,用Java语言实现-Server and client communication between the Java language
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 13kb Publisher : 黄玄轩

Win EC7 Remote Destop application, can be access through ethernet by configuring the server application and run the client from device to access from any system using java enabled WEB browser or VNC Cleint
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 241kb Publisher : Dinabandhu Bhukta
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