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1.介绍了捷联惯性导航系统的基本工作原理,包括坐标系及其之间的关 系,讨论了欧拉角、四元数等几种经典的解算方法,和计算周期的划分等。 2.讨论了等效转动矢量法及其衍生的一系列修正算法和优化算法,并作 了精度分析和数字仿真,并对根据角增量提取角速率的方法进行了研究和验 证。 3.研究了划船运动下,速度解算的误差补偿方法。对利用对偶原理从圆 锥效应到划船效应的对应方法进行了讨论。 4.讨论了捷联式惯性导航系统的误差,对位置计算中的涡卷误差进行了 推证。 -1. Introduced a strapdown inertial navigation system of the basic working principles, including the coordinate system and the relationship between the discussion of the Euler angle, quaternion, such as solving several classical methods, and calculation of the division cycle and so on. 2. Discussed the rotation vector method and its equivalent derived from a series of correction algorithm and optimization algorithm, and made the accuracy of analysis and digital simulation, and in accordance with angle increment of angular velocity extraction methods have been studied and verified. 3. Study of the rowing movement, the speed of solving the error compensation method. The use of principle of duality effect from the cone corresponding to the row effect method is discussed. 4. Discussed the strapdown inertial navigation system error, the calculation of the location of the scroll push the card error.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2.23mb Publisher : yangjx

DL : 0
3D Space Coordinate Transformations This folder contains 3 files (m-functions) : - t2x.m Transformation Matrix to Generalized Position Vector. - x2t.m Generalized Position Vector to Transformation Matrix. - m2m.m Mass/Inertia Tensor transformation with coordinate change. In the Generalized Position Vector the orientation can be expressed with: - unit quaternion, - Euler angles xyz (roll, pitch, and yaw), - Euler angles zyz (rotation, precession, and mutation), - unit vector and rotation angle, - Denavitt-Hartemberg parameters. Conversion between the above orientation systems can be easily achieved. The three files work independently on each other, but since they work on the same objects it is somewhat useful to keep them in the same folder. - 3D Space Coordinate Transformations This folder contains 3 files (m-functions) : - t2x.m Transformation Matrix to Generalized Position Vector. - x2t.m Generalized Position Vector to Transformation Matrix. - m2m.m Mass/Inertia Tensor transformation with coordinate change. In the Generalized Position Vector the orientation can be expressed with: - unit quaternion, - Euler angles xyz (roll, pitch, and yaw), - Euler angles zyz (rotation, precession, and mutation), - unit vector and rotation angle, - Denavitt-Hartemberg parameters. Conversion between the above orientation systems can be easily achieved. The three files work independently on each other, but since they work on the same objects it is somewhat useful to keep them in the same folder.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 6kb Publisher : kiyoung

DL : 0
将Quaternion四元素坐标系转换为一般的欧拉角坐标系,避免采用反三角函数导致的值域限制问题。参数xi为搜索的精度,对于每个欧拉角可以分别设定,xi越小,搜索越精确。-Quaternion quaternion coordinate system will be converted to general Euler angle coordinate system, avoiding the use of inverse trigonometric functions due to range limitations. The accuracy of the search parameter xi, for each Euler angle can be set separately, xi smaller, more accurate search.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1kb Publisher : dongniue

DL : 0
F16开环动力学模型,采用C语言编写的MATLAB S函数。输入为油门及3个舵面共四个控制量,以及系统低阶、高阶选择器。前缘襟翼模型内部自动调节。输出为12个状态量以及油门大小。采用欧拉角坐标系。-F16 open-loop dynamic model, using the C language MATLAB S function. Throttle input, and three of four rudder control volume, and system low, high selector. Automatically adjust the front flap inside the model. The amount of output for the 12 states and the accelerator size. Using Euler angle coordinate system.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 5kb Publisher : dongniue

3D方式演示欧拉角 通过鼠标就可以更改欧拉角的方位,其中代码适用于欧拉角方向余弦矩阵的转换。-findEulerAngs generates Euler angle sets and animates rotations in response to user manipulation of a 3D rigid body (a box). Use the mouse to change the orientation of the box. A wireframe of the original box position will appear. The Euler Axis button animates the rotation about the Euler Axis between the original and new box positions. The Rotate button calculates a set of Euler angles for the rotation type currently selected ( Body or Space ) and the axis set selected in the dropdown menu to orient the axes to the new box position. Derotate reverses this process and brings the axes back to their previous position. Once the axes have been rotated, subsequent rotations are calculated from this new orientation. This means that Space rotations use the coordinate system associated with the previous cube orientation (i.e. the axes of the wireframe cube). Axes DCM is the direction cosine matrix of the current axes orientation in the unrotated inertial frame. Box DCM (in
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 14kb Publisher : 沈博

三维坐标变换欧拉旋转变换 全局坐标系下的角度和本地坐标系下角度的欧拉旋转变换-Euler rotation transformation of the three-dimensional coordinate transformation Euler rotation transform the point of view of the global coordinate system and the local coordinate system point of view
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1kb Publisher : 林航

DL : 0
使用labview图片与声音工具包制作的三维坐标点图绘制程序,可以实现坐标的欧拉角变换-Use labview picture and sound kit produced three-dimensional coordinates of the point drawing program, you can achieve the coordinate transformation Euler angles
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 24kb Publisher : 刘志有

gps坐标转换 全球坐标为ITRF2008坐标 欧拉矢量为欧亚板块旋转极 -The global coordinates of GPS coordinate transformation ITRF2008 coordinates Euler vector as Eurasian plate rotating pole
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1kb Publisher : 王灼华

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四元数基本类库(C#),包括基于单位四元数应用于旋转与欧拉角、旋转矩阵转换,利用四元数完成空间坐标转换等方法-Quaternion basic class library (C#), including those based on unit quaternion rotation applied to the Euler angles, rotation matrix conversion, use quaternion perform spatial coordinate conversion method
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2kb Publisher : dxx

applies euler 3,2,1 rotation (Tait-Bryan) to a coordinate system. matlab
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 7kb Publisher : keoxkeox

坐标变换矩阵,将机械手的相对位姿变换为绝对位姿,类似于欧拉转角矩阵的一个小程序-Coordinate transformation matrix, the relative position and orientation of the robot is transformed absolute posture, similar to a small program Euler angle matrix
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 33kb Publisher : 谢建国

此文介绍了由江广山(音译)、舒其望(Jiang Guangshan & Shu Chi-Wang, JCP 126 pp202-228, 1996)等人发展的5阶有限差分WENO格式,并提供用C++语言编写的程序源码(不包括坐标变换模块和化学反应模块的源码),采用了面向对象(OO)思想编写程序。所提供的程序仅适用于简单二维矩形边界、可压缩流动、非定常、Euler方程的数值模拟。经坐标变换,可适用更多其他几何外形的计算。源码在Windows 2000, XP, 2003平台、Visual C++ 2003编译环境下能够良好工作;经过简单地修改也可以在Linux, UNIX下编译通过。(This paper introduces the 5-order finite-difference WENO format developed by Jiang Guangshan & Shu Chi Wang, JCP 126 pp202-228, 1996, etc., and provides the source code (excluding the source code of coordinate transformation module and chemical reaction module) written in C + + language, and uses the object-oriented (OO) idea to write the program. The program is only suitable for the numerical simulation of simple two-dimensional rectangular boundary, compressible flow, unsteady and Euler equations. After coordinate transformation, it can be applied to more calculations of other geometric shapes.)
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 462kb Publisher : fikle2000

DL : 0
无网格法在数值计算中不需要生成网格,而是按照一些任意分布的坐标点构造插值函数离散控制方程,就可方便地模拟各种复杂形状的流场。该法大致可分成两类:一类是以Lagrange方法为基础的粒子法(Particle method),如光滑粒子流体动力学(Smoothed particle hydrodynamics,简称SPH)法,和在其基础上发展的运动粒子半隐式(Moving-particle semi-implicit,简称MPS)法等;另一类是以Euler方法为基础的无格子法(Gridless methods),如无格子Euler/N—S算法(Gridless Euler/Navier-Stokes solution algorithm)和无单元Galerkin法(Element free Galerkin,简称EFG)等。(In the numerical calculation, meshless method does not need to generate grid, but constructs interpolation function discrete control equation according to some arbitrarily distributed coordinate points, which can easily simulate various complex shapes of flow field.)
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1kb Publisher : 你叫我吧
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