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EurekaLog 是集成在 Delphi, C++Builder, Visual Studio 等 IDE 下的辅助工具,能快速生成带 Error Report 功能的应用程序。能将错误报告发送到指定邮箱、服务器、记录在本地文件中等。其报告可具体指出出错的代码行,以及机器当前信息、寄存器信息等诸多重要诊断信息。新版还支持内存泄露检测。 -EurekaLog is a complete bug resolution tool for Delphi, C++Builder, C# and VB.NET developers that gives your application the power to catch every exception and memory leak, directly on the end user PC, generating a detailed log of the call stack (with file, class, method and line number), optionally sending you a copy of each log entry via email or the Web
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 13.15mb Publisher : aldz
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