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Description: socket2 eventselectb标准模型-socket2 eventselectb standard model
Platform: | Size: 83961 | Author: 冯易 | Hits:


Description: window socket网络编程之EventSelect模型的例子
Platform: | Size: 5684 | Author: 旺旺 | Hits:


Description: windows网络编程源码,EventSelect模型的典型范例
Platform: | Size: 3691 | Author: sdfasdf | Hits:


Description: socket2 eventselectb标准模型-socket2 eventselectb standard model
Platform: | Size: 83968 | Author: 冯易 | Hits:


Description: window socket网络编程之EventSelect模型的例子 -window socket network programming model example of EventSelect
Platform: | Size: 31744 | Author: 旺旺 | Hits:


Description: windows网络编程源码,EventSelect模型的典型范例-windows network programming source, EventSelect model of a typical example of
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: sdfasdf | Hits:


Description: windows的五种I/O模型中的一种EventSelect,在异步模式下的服务器和客户端-windows of the five I/O model of a EventSelect, in asynchronous mode of server and client
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: 马刚伟 | Hits:

[Windows DevelopWINDOS_netProgram

Description: 几种WINDOS下的通信机制,像:EventSelect,Overlapped,select,WSAAsyncSelect-some kinds of windows communication mechanism
Platform: | Size: 1203200 | Author: bloig | Hits:


Description: 自已学网络编程时写的小程序,EventSelect 正在学网络编程的朋友可以下载下来-Self-learning network programming to write a small program, EventSelect are learning network programming to see if a friend can be downloaded off
Platform: | Size: 54272 | Author: | Hits:

[Windows DevelopEventSelect

Description: WSAEVENSELTECT的代码,很简单的服务器代码适合新手的
Platform: | Size: 3302400 | Author: karl | Hits:


Description: socket通信模型EventSelect,Overlapped,select,WSAAsyncSelect,WSAEventSelect的实例代码-socket communication model
Platform: | Size: 8039424 | Author: qiuyili | Hits:

[Windows DevelopEventSelect

Description: Wi n s o c k提供的异步I / O模型。和W S A A s y n c S e l e c t模型类似的是,它也允许应用程序在一个或多个套接字上,接收以事件为基础的网络事件通知。-Wi nsock provide asynchronous I/O model. And WSAA sync S elect a similar model, it also allows applications on one or more sockets to receive event-based notification of network events.
Platform: | Size: 7168 | Author: happenhappy | Hits:

[Software EngineeringL2109_MessageAndBrew

Description:  第二章\服务器程序\ Server  第二章\客户端程序\Client  第二章\调用WSAEventSelect\ EventSelect  第二章\重叠I/O模式\ Overlap  第二章\完成端口模式\ IOcmplt  第二章\线程池\ TreadPool  第四章\七位编码\ EnglishCode  第四章\八位编码\ EncodeEnglish - Chapter \ server programs \ Server  Chapter \ client \ Client  Chapter \ call WSAEventSelect \ EventSelect  Chapter \ overlapped I/O mode \ Overlap  Chapter \ a completion port model \ IOcmplt  Chapter \ thread pool \ TreadPool  Chapter \ seven coding \ EnglishCode  Chapter \ Octet Coded \ EncodeEnglish
Platform: | Size: 95232 | Author: 李艳 | Hits:


Description: windows网络编程,套接字事件选择模式实例windows网络编程,套接字事件选择模式实例 windows网络编程,套接字事件选择模式实例 -windows network programming, sockets event instance selection mode windows network programming, sockets event instance selection mode windows network programming, sockets event instance selection mode
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: qin | Hits:


Description: 网络编程之套接字模型\EventSelect-Network programming of the socket model
Platform: | Size: 5655552 | Author: 王小龙 | Hits:


Description: EventSelect模型服务器,模型完整,功能简单,适合初学者了解并使用模型。-This server demo based on EventSelect model and the function is simple. So, it is suitable for beginners to understand.
Platform: | Size: 34816 | Author: S.James | Hits:

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