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用于对DS证据理论进行Pignistic概率计算的函数,详细使用见该文件内的帮助说明-For the DS evidence theory Pignistic probability function, see the document in detail the use of the help that
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1kb Publisher : qsj

DL : 0
ds证据理论实现数据融合,一 种 新 的 基 于 证 据 理 论 的 合 成 公 式, 论文作者,孙全, 电子学报。-ds realize data fusion theory of evidence, a new theoretical synthesis of evidence-based formula, authors, Sun Quan, the electronic Journal.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1kb Publisher : 李彪

DL : 1
D-S证据理论数据融合,基于权重系数与冲突概率重新分配的证据合成方法,叶 清,系统工程与电子技术。-DS evidence theory data fusion, based on the weight coefficient with the probability of conflict redistribution of evidence synthesis methods, Qing Ye, systems engineering and electronic technology.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1kb Publisher : 李彪

DL : 1
D-S证据理论,一种基于证据补偿证据冲突的改进方法,基于交并集合。-DS evidence theory, a kind of evidence-based compensation method to improve the conflict of evidence, based on the delivery and collection.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1kb Publisher : 李彪

提出了一种由粗集理论和D-S证据理论结合的多传感器数据融合方法,并将其应用于目标识别中. -A rough set by the DS evidence theory and the theory of multi-sensor data fusion method, and applied to target recognition.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 61kb Publisher : zhuyajing

DL : 0
将粗集理论中属性重要度的思想引入到证据理论中,以此衡量证据的重要性,改善冲突证据的合成效果. -Rough set theory to attribute significance to the thinking of the introduction of evidence theory, to measure the importance of evidence, to improve the effect of the conflict in evidence synthesis.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 176kb Publisher : zhuyajing

DL : 0
为解决高冲突证据下的D-S证据理论失效这一问题,在对已有一些代表性改进方法分析的基础上,提出了一种新的基于最优权重分配的D-S改进算法. -To address the high level of conflict in the evidence of DS evidence theory under the failure of this problem, there have been some representation of the improved method based on the analysis, a new weight-based optimal allocation algorithm to improve the DS.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 69kb Publisher : zhuyajing

DL : 1
ds证据理论的事例,用于数据融合判决,附说明和参考文献-ds examples of evidence theory for data fusion decision, with notes and references
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 69kb Publisher : houjie

这是面向数据融合的DS方法综述,该文章很好的叙述了DS证据理论的发展历程以及未来发展和改进方向-This is for the DS data fusion methods, the article describes a very good DS evidence theory development process, as well as the direction of future development and improvement
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 187kb Publisher : liwang

基于数字图像的嵌入式驾驶疲劳的信息融合技术,采用的是改进型DS证据理论的信息融合算法,在决策层上进行融合-Embedded digital image based on the fatigue of driving the integration of information technology, using the improved DS evidence theory of information fusion algorithm, in the decision-making on integration
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 23kb Publisher : 刘理鹏

浙江大学人工智能的第五章证据理论课件,经典奉献-Evidence to the theory of Artificial Intelligence, Zhejiang University Courseware
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2.05mb Publisher : 侯永华

证据理论的基本原理的论文资料 证据理论采用信度的“半可加性”原则,较好地对不确定性推理问题中主、客观性之间的矛盾进行了折衷处理。而且,证据理论下先验概率的获得比主观Bayes方法要容易得多,已经成为构造具有更强的不确定性处理能力专家系统的一种有效手段。 -he basic principles of evidence theory papers information
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 770kb Publisher : yang

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信息融合典型方法介绍的图书,段新生,证据理论-Information Fusion typical method described in books, Duan xinsheng, evidence theory
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2.8mb Publisher : 东海公园

D-S证据理论算法Java实现,完成信息融合技术的身份识别算法。-DS evidence theory algorithm for Java implementation, complete identity information fusion algorithm.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1kb Publisher : Paddy

DL : 0
D-S证据理论以及D-S证据合成规则matlab实现 封装成函数简单易用-D-S evidence theory & D-S evidence synthesis matlab programing
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1kb Publisher : 程振

D-S证据理论的MATLAB代码函数文件 根据D-S理论,可以进行模式分类,消除不确定性。并附有能量检测的D-S判断函数文件、自己论文里的代码,希望对你有用-Code function file of D-S evidence theory in MATLAB. it can accomplish mode classification and eliminate uncertainty. besides that it includes that D-S operation in energy detection technology function file. this file has been used in my thesis, holp it can help you.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1kb Publisher : 许瑞琛

2011年的关于认知无线电基于量化的证据理论方法的很好的文献-Cognitive radio in 2011 on evidence-based theory of quantitative methods of good literature
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1mb Publisher : 刘晓艳

D—S证据理论下的频谱感知,比较基础。适合初学者学习研究,并进行改进。-D-S evidence theory the spectrum of perception, regardless of the basis. For beginners learning research, and make improvements.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 306kb Publisher : anne

证据理论Dempster规则中冲突因子K的求取。自己编的哦!-DEMPSTER-SHAFER EVIDENCE THEORY K
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2kb Publisher : hudapao

模糊证据理论 证据理论和 模糊理论的结合-Fuzzy evidence (D-S) theory is based on nonempty sets. The membership function can be determined by comparison, increment, three division method or subjectiveness, then the function is tested by experiments. Basing on the information granularity and probability, the D-S theory is generalized to fuzzy sets. The expected certainty and expected probability are defined as generalized belief function and generalized plausibility function respectively. Belief function, plausibility function and genus probability function are adopted to depict the proposition. The proposition or evidence uncertainty is described in different aspects by the belief degree of estimation, un-rebut and conditional evidence.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 298kb Publisher : gu
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