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SFLA算法是解决组合性优化问题的算法。它是基于集合类方法的启发式研究,这种SFLA初始化于一群虚拟集合青蛙,在池塘中跳跃,搜寻最优的食物地点。青蛙们可以被看作是具有思维的的主体。一种思维可以被看作是一个思想的集合或是文化的进化。每一种思维都是由一系列策略构成。在这种策略进化期间,青蛙的思维也在发生改变,导致了他们在面向目标时方位的改变,这种思维的变化或改变的发生,正是因为青蛙受到其他更好思想的影响。-SFLA algorithm to solve portfolio optimization problems and algorithms. It is based on the collections of the heuristic research method, which is initialized to a group of SFLA virtual collection of frogs, jumping in the pond, searching for the optimal location of food. Frogs can be seen as the main body with thinking. Can be seen as a way of thinking is a set of ideological or cultural evolution. Each type of thinking is constituted by a series of strategies. Period in the evolution of this strategy, the frog is also a change of thinking, leading to goal-oriented when they change direction, this way of thinking of the change or changes occur, because frogs are better ideas.
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 190kb Publisher : yangfei

ES D evolution strategies GA D genetic algorithm ...... One of the first applications of genetic algorithms in explained here -ES D evolution strategies GA D genetic algorithm ...... One of the first applications of genetic algorithms in explained here
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 131kb Publisher : roi

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郭涛算法(GuoA)是基于子空间搜索(多父体重组)和群体爬山法相结合的演化算法。它通过利用少数个体所张成的子空间随机生成新的个体,体现了随机搜索的非凸性。此外,由于GuoA算法采用了单个体劣汰策略,算法在每次演化 迭代中,只把群体中适应性能最差的个体淘汰出局,淘汰压力 较小,既保证了群体的多样性,又可使具有较好适应性的个体能够一直保留。实践证明, GuoA算法具有较好的坚韧性,对于不同的优化问题无须修改算法的参数,而且效率很高,可能同时找到多个最优解。-Guo Tao algorithm (GuoA) is based on the sub-space search (more than the reorganization of the parent body) and combination groups climbing the evolutionary algorithm. It is through the use of a small number of individual sub-space by Zhang generate a new random individual, reflects the random search of the non-convexity. In addition, the algorithm uses a single GuoA poor individual survival strategies, the evolution algorithm in each iteration, only to groups of individuals to adapt to the worst performance out of the game, out less stressful, not only to ensure the diversity of the groups, but also could have better adaptability to the individual has been retained. Practice has proved that, GuoA algorithm has good tenacity, and for different optimization algorithm is no need to change the parameters, and efficient, you may find more than one optimal solution at the same time.
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 3kb Publisher : zhao

用Java实现的进化算法包。包括遗传算法、粒子群算法、memetic算法和进化策略算法。-evolutionary-algorithm Evolutionary Algorithm package implemented using Java. The package serves as a foundation class library, supporting the implementation many variants of Evolutionary Algorithms, currently including Genetic Algorithm (GA), Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO), Memetic Algorithm (MA), Evolution Strategy (ES). Highlighted features · Support both binary & real-coded string representations of solution · Operator-based design for flexibility · EA Operators: Selection, Crossover, Mutation, Move operators in PSO & and the adaptive scheme in EA · Individual learning: Davidon–Fletcher–Powell (DFP) and Davies, Swann, and Campey with Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization (DSCG) strategies and Random Mutation Hill-climbing (RMHC) In addition, algorithm pipeline which is specified by XML file is also provided for practitioner to configure & design evolutionary algorithms at ease. User can edit runtime & algorithm parameters in the configuration file (XML) & issue the co
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 102kb Publisher : 陈雷

这篇文章是拉马克进化在全局优化中的应用,在全局优化中如何利用拉马克进化论设计进化策略,帮助实现更好的优化。-This article is Lamarckian evolution in global optimization, in the global optimization how to use the Lamarckian theory of evolution in the design evolution of strategies to help achieve a better optimization.
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 534kb Publisher : fanglingfen

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资料共分好几部分,其内容将涉及电机控制技术的各个方面。较详细地介绍了直流电动机的驱动控制的经典方法,并逐步阐明驱动控制系统的结构化设计思想。介绍步进电动机的控制,突出了计算机控制方法。第四章从无刷电动机的工作原理开始,以方波无刷电动机和正弦波无刷电动机两条线索进行比较详细地介绍。简单介绍同步电动机的控制,着重指出电机驱动控制的统一性。详细介绍了感应电动机驱动控制的发展过程,以技术进步和控制策略的演变过程为线索来安排内容,并且进一步突出了控制系统的结构化设计特点。介绍电机控制系统的设计.选择了可供工程应用的实例进行介绍。提高分析能力和设计能力,使读者从整体上来看待电机控制系统。-Information is divided into several parts, their contents will cover all aspects of motor control technology. A more detailed description of the driving DC motor Classic method of control, and progressively clear of the drive system structural design. Describes stepper motor control, highlighting the Computer control. Chapter brushless motor works from the beginning to the square wave and sinusoidal brushless motor brushless motor Two clues for a more detailed introduction. Brief synchronous motor control, highlighting the unity of the motor drive control. Details of the induction motor drive control of the development process, technological advances and the evolution of control strategies within the clue to arrange Capacity, and further highlights the structural control system design features. Describes the design of motor control system. Selected for the engineering Examples of applications are introduced. Improve the analytical and design capabilities, so that readers co
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 50.49mb Publisher : 高继良

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evolution strategies
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 7.9mb Publisher : zahra

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根据演化计算的思想,采用精英演化策略模型搜索优化问题最优解。-Evolutionary computation based on the idea of evolution strategies with the elite model search optimization the optimal solution.
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 755kb Publisher : hupan

The aim of this book is to furnish some theoretical concepts and to sketch a general framework for computational intelligence paradigms such as artificial neural networks, fuzzy systems, evolutionary computation, genetic algorithms, genetic programming, and swarm intelligence. The book includes a large number of intelligent computing methodologies and algorithms employed in computational intelligence research. The book also offers a set of solved programming examples related to computational intelligence paradigms using MATLAB software. Additionally, such examples can be repeated under the same conditions, using different data sets. Researchers, academicians, and students in computational intelligence can use this book to verify their ideas related to evolution dynamics, self-organization, natural and artificial morphogenesis, emergent collective behaviors, swarm intelligence, evolutionary strategies, genetic programming, and evolution of social behaviors.
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 5.74mb Publisher : Umar

Author: Yong Wang Last Edited: July 1, 2010 Email: Reference: Differential Evolution with Composite Trial Vector Generation Strategies and Control Parameters IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, Accepted
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 2kb Publisher : freewish

典型差分进化算法优化程序以及仿真,各策略比较-Differential evolution algorithm for the most used mutation strategies.
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 6kb Publisher : zx

Differential evolution (DE) is an efficient and powerful population-based stochastic search technique for solving optimization problems over continuous space, which has been widely applied in many scientific and engineering fields. However, the success of DEin solving a specific problem crucially depends on appropriately choosing trial vector generation strategies and their associated control parameter values. Employing a trial-and-error scheme to search for the most suitable strategy and its associated parameter settings requires high computational costs. Moreover, at different stages of evolution, different strategies coupled with different parameter settings may be required in order to achieve the best performance. In this paper, we propose a self-adaptive DE (SaDE) algorithm, in which both trial vector generation strategies and their associated control parameter values are gradually self-adapted by learning from their previous experiences in generating promising solutions.
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 132kb Publisher : Blue

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Differential Evolution with Composite Trial Vector Generation Strategies and Control Parameters
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 1.61mb Publisher : monica

Evolution Strategies minimizes the objective function designated in -Evolution Strategies minimizes the objective function designated in ff
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 1kb Publisher : hodeiseh

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本书论述深入浅出,从简单的实力介绍没中算法的原理,然后深入讨论他们的基本理论及应用技术,图文并茂,便于自学;包括,遗传算法,遗传规则,进化策略,金花规则4中算法,本书分别介绍他们的基本知识,基本理论及实施技术,全书共分5涨,跟别为绪论,遗传算法,遗传规划,进化策略,进化规划-This book discusses in simple terms, the strength of introduction from a simple principle of the algorithm is not, then in-depth discussion of their basic theory and application of technology, illustrations, facilitate self-learning including, genetic algorithms, genetic rules, evolutionary strategy, Golden Rule 4 in the algorithm, This book describes their respective basic knowledge, basic theory and implementation of technology, the book is divided into five rose, with the other one is the introduction, genetic algorithms, genetic programming, evolution strategies, evolutionary programming
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 2.64mb Publisher : 123

Adaptive Composite Differential Evolution Algorithm 自适应复合差分进化算法-Differential Evolution with Composite Trial Vector Generation Strategies and Control Parameters
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 1.6mb Publisher : sean

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[ES.rar] - they are matlab code for evolutionary strategy (ES), (ES(1+1), ES(1,1),ES(mu,lambda),ES(mu+lambda), I hope they are useful for you [] - evolution strategiES [ES.rar] - they are matlab code for evolutionary strategy (ES), (ES(1+1), ES(1,1),ES(mu,lambda),ES(mu+lambda), I hope they are useful for you
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 8kb Publisher : bahramrash

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该算法是以粒子群中粒子的收敛特性为基础,依据量子物理理论提出的,改变了传统粒子群算法的搜索策略,可使粒子在整个可行解空间中搜索寻求全局最优解。同时该算法的进化方程中不需要速度向量,而且进化方程的形式更简单,参数较少且容易控制。对两个算例进行仿真测试,证实该算法可有效解决经济负荷分配问题 性能对比显示,该算法求得的解优于已有的改进粒子群算法及其它优化算法所求得的解。-The algorithm is based on convergence particle swarm particle basis, according to the theory of quantum physics, particle swarm algorithm has changed the traditional search strategies, allow the particles throughout the feasible solution space search seek the global optimal solution. Meanwhile, the algorithm does not need velocity vector evolution equations, and evolution equations simpler and less parameters and easy to control. Two examples of simulation tests confirmed that the algorithm can effectively solve the economic load allocation performance comparison shows that the algorithm is superior to existing solutions obtained improved PSO algorithm and other optimization algorithms obtained solution.
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 2kb Publisher :

种群中的博弈个体收益变化的情况下,给出了生灭过程下,合作与背叛两种策略的演化过程-The case of population changes in yield Game individuals are given under the death process, collaboration and betrayal of the evolution of the two strategies
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 1kb Publisher : 蒋梦

基于python语言下的典型进化策略算法实现代码(Evolutionary strategy algorithm implementation python code)
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 63kb Publisher : caiyunffx
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