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ASP写的在线考试系统,绝对能执行 -ASP write online examination system, can certainly write ASP implementation of an online examination system, absolutely write ASP can be implemented online examination system, can certainly write ASP implementation of an online examination system, the implementation can certainly
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 431.23kb Publisher : 张玮

一、目录说明 CSS ——css控制文件 Data ——Access数据库 Inc ——头文件目录 conn.asp ——数据库连接文件(需要设置数据库目录) ——翻页函数 ——asp字符过滤函数 ——gb2312转utf8函数 JS ——javascript文件 二、函数使用说明 1、功能介绍: 以表格形式显示数据,通过CSS文件控制样式; 提供全选、记录被选项ID、点击列名进行排序; 可控显示修改、删除链接; 附加打印功能; 演示:
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 33.03kb Publisher : lijinliang

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ASP.NET+SQL 在线考试系统 功能精简实用!
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 222.27kb Publisher : 袁涛

DL : 0 在线考试系统
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 482.26kb Publisher : 罗红

ASP写的在线考试系统,绝对能执行 -ASP write online examination system, can certainly write ASP implementation of an online examination system, absolutely write ASP can be implemented online examination system, can certainly write ASP implementation of an online examination system, the implementation can certainly
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 431kb Publisher : 张玮

这是用asp做的一个网上考试题库系统,该系统简单实用,按照知识点组织题库的内容,并且完成了固定试卷和随机试卷出题功能。-This is done using an asp online exam questions system, which is simple and practical, according to Knowledge Organization database contents, and completed the regular random papers and papers out that function.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 262kb Publisher : chenziyu

数据库在线考试系统 使用DLPHI+ACCESS+ASP-Database online exam system DLPHI+ ACCESS+ ASP
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 31kb Publisher : 余琨

基于ASP_NET的在线考试系统设计与实现 本文主要目的是探讨在.net平台下设计并实现一个在线考试系统。该在线考试系统采用Microsoft的Asp.Net技术,选用C#程序设计语言作为开发工具,使用UML(Unified Modeling Language)作为建模工具,采用三层结构解决方案具体实现。 -ASP_NET based online exam system design and realize the main purpose of this paper is to explore. Net platform is designed and implemented an online examination system. The online examination system using Microsoft
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.78mb Publisher : lan

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ASP.NET+SQL 在线考试系统 功能精简实用!-ASP.NET+ SQL online exam system to streamline the utility!
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 222kb Publisher : 袁涛

DL : 0 在线考试系统 sql2000 Online Test System
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 482kb Publisher : 罗红

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天柏在线考试系统》是上海天柏科技针对企业、政府机构、教育单位而设计的新一代纯B/S架构通用网络考试系统,全面实现了考试工作的网络化、无纸化、自动化。该系统可用于INTERNET和局域网在线考试 ,最多可以承载近千人的同时在线考试任务,而且对服务器的配置要求非常低,客户端不用任何设置。通过强大的后台设置功能,用户可以根据自身需要设定考试功能,几乎能满足企业、政府机构、教育单位的所有需求。-err
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 15.56mb Publisher : 金玉林

校园在线考试系统,ASP+ACCESS,有在线考试,试题管理,考生管理,课程管理等功能,已经使用了一年了,-Online examination system on campus, ASP+ ACCESS, there are online examinations, test management, candidate management, curriculum management, and other functions, has been used for a year, and
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 541kb Publisher : 陈艳平

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asp+access 考试系统 里面功能齐全-asp+ access examination system inside a full-featured
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 104kb Publisher : dfdfsd

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本系统栏目包括了网络在线考试系统的通用功能,具体功能主要有考题题库维护、考生档案管理、随机 出题、考试计划管理、系统自动评分及成绩查询,该系统实现了考生的断线续考功能,大大减少了人工 的主观性干扰,大大增加了考试的公平性。 本系统程序由“风口浪尖”整理开发,版权所有,欢迎使用,可以修改。 可以免费商业使用! 但作为免费版本,我不对任何使用本系统所造成的不良后果负责。因为你使用的前提是自愿! 需商业使用,而在功能上有增加或修改的,或是技术上有疑问的,可以与我进行技术合作。 后台入口:admin_login.asp 用户名:admin 密码:admin 联系QQ:199143668 风口浪尖 15101422 蜘蛛 电话:0595-22587589 13559407218-Columns of the system including a network of general-purpose online examination system functions, specific functions of the maintenance of the main questions have questions, candidates file management, random Questions, the examination program management, the system automatically score and score query, the system implementation of the candidate s line continued examination function, thus greatly reducing the artificial The subjectivity of interference, thereby significantly increasing the fairness of the exam. Procedures of the system by the "air waves" organize the development, all rights reserved, welcomed the use, can be amended. Commercial use free of charge! However, as the free version, I use the system any adverse consequences. Since you are a prerequisite for the use of voluntary! To be commercial use, and there is on the increase in the functional or modified, or there is doubt that technically can be with me for technical cooperation. Backgrounds entra
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 130kb Publisher : kingmax

在线考试系统的论文 sql server -Online examination system papers sql server
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 3.41mb Publisher : jrj35046

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Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 99kb Publisher : 孙强

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基于ASP.NET在线考试系统设计 2.2.1 市场需求 15 2.2.2 软件功能分析 15 2.2.3 软件的非功能性需求 15 2.2.4 软件其他方面的要求 15 3 总体设计 17 3.1 系统总体设计 17 3.1.1 系统功能描述 17 3.1.2 系统功能模块划分 17 3.1.3 系统部分模块总体设计 19 3.2 数据库设计 21 3.2.1 总体设计 21 3.2.2 表设计 21 4 详细设计及实现 28 4.1 用户登录和注册 28 4.1.1 界面设计 28 4.1.2 用户登录 28 4.1.3 用户注册 29 4.2 题库设计 31 4.2.1 选择题管理 31 参考文献 44 致谢词 45 -Online examination system design based on ASP.NET Science and technology of computer Zhang Xiaotie Teacher Feng Jianxiang,Tao Jie Abstract:The analysis in the computer (network) examination of existing patterns of development and the basis of computer network technology development and the requirements of quality education, made the computer network model of self examination, and in the technical realization of a detailed analysis. The system is in Windows XP, using IIS5.1 (Internet Information Server) network information services in applications servers, choosing ASP.NET (C#)、SQL Server examination of the system inefficient, low maintenance shortcomings. Keywords:Online examination Active Server Page.NET SQL Server Browser/Server C#
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 50kb Publisher : NANCY

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ASP在线考试系统 源码支持 SQL数据库文件可用-ASP online examination system
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 305kb Publisher : cswss

ASP.NET大作业,源码+报告作为一个学生的信息管理系统,必须要有管理人员能够进行对学生的信息进 行有效的管理,因此,系统必须预留一个管理员的登录窗口和登录之后所能进行的操作,在学生信息管理系统中,管理员具有最高的权限,可以对学生、老师、班级、专业等等进行添加、删除、修改个查询。除了拥有管理员之外,还应该拥有教务处对学生进行管理,例如:对学生课程,成绩等等具有一定的权限。此外,还应该有老师的一个权限,老师在带完一门课之后可以对学生进行一个成绩录入和平时布置作业的功能。最后是学生自己拥有的功能,学生在考试结束后可以利用系统登录自己的账户对成绩进行查询。(ASP.NET operation source + report as an information management system of students, must have the management staff to the students information. For effective management, therefore, must set aside a system administrator login and login window can carry out the operation, in the student information management system, the administrator has the highest authority, for the students, teachers, class, professional and so on to add delete modify query. In addition to administrator, also has the office management, for example: students should be on students' course, achievements and so on have certain rights. In addition, a teacher should also have the authority, the teacher can be a record and usual assignment of students after class. The last student own function, students can query the results using the system log in to your account at the end of the exam.)
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 492kb Publisher : 一万五

DL : 0
这个是一个在线考试的简单asp平台,考试在线系统(it is a exam www system made of asp langue)
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 56kb Publisher : sunny567890
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