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Description: J2ME手机游戏编程入门源码 16事例源码 可用手机顽童软件测试-J2ME mobile phone games portal source code programming examples of FOSS 16 available phone urchin Software Testing
Platform: | Size: 1764914 | Author: 陈磊 | Hits:


Description: 飞机游戏源码实例-aircraft source examples game
Platform: | Size: 224256 | Author: 咔咔 | Hits:


Description: j2me 手机游戏编程,-J2ME cell phone game programming,
Platform: | Size: 317440 | Author: wj | Hits:


Description: 用java写的地图编辑器,可用于j2me手机游戏的地图编辑。-map editor, can be used for J2ME mobile phone games map editors.
Platform: | Size: 26624 | Author: 张志强 | Hits:


Description: J2ME手机游戏编程入门源码 16事例源码 可用手机顽童软件测试-J2ME mobile phone games portal source code programming examples of FOSS 16 available phone urchin Software Testing
Platform: | Size: 1764352 | Author: 陈磊 | Hits:


Description: 一个用于熟悉J2ME和Nokia SDK开发游戏的例子-Familiar one for the development of J2ME and the Nokia SDK examples of games
Platform: | Size: 898048 | Author: 快乐篮球 | Hits:


Description: j2me开发游戏的一些实例和他们的讲解,对开发java手机游戏很有帮助的。-j2me game development some examples and their explanations, on the development of java mobile games useful.
Platform: | Size: 18432 | Author: magichao1212 | Hits:


Description: 用NetBeans开发平台开发J2ME游戏实例讲解-NetBeans development platform used to develop examples of games on J2ME
Platform: | Size: 30720 | Author: 杨长明 | Hits:


Description: 《MIDP手机游戏设计》是一本运用MIDP进行J2ME手机游戏编程的JAVA书籍,随书的源码中有丰富的JAVA小游戏实例,这些小游戏是你从事J2ME游戏开发的基础知识,因此这本书的源码还是值得研究一下的。 -" MIDP mobile game design" is a MIDP application for J2ME mobile games JAVA programming books, with the source of the book is rich in examples of JAVA game, the game is that you engaged in the development of J2ME basic knowledge of the game, so this The source book is still worthwhile to look at the.
Platform: | Size: 238592 | Author: 孙芳 | Hits:


Description: java手机游戏开发技术详解,基于j2me环境,结合实例,讲述如何开发java手机游戏-java mobile game development technology explain, based on the j2me environment, with examples, on how to develop mobile java games
Platform: | Size: 458752 | Author: xicheng | Hits:

[Game ProgramSun_Java_Wireless_Toolkit

Description: J2ME蓝牙实战入实例代码和参考资料。可实现两人或多人通过蓝牙通信的游戏对弈。-J2ME Bluetooth combat into the code examples and reference materials. Can two or multiplayer games via Bluetooth communication chess.
Platform: | Size: 24576 | Author: lxs | Hits:

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