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Introduction to GPS ToolKit Pro 1.0 GPS ToolKit Pro is an ActiveX object that makes it easy to add GPS support to any Visual Basic, Visual C++, Delphi, Excel, or scripting project that supports ActiveX controls. GPS data (including lat/lon, speed, course, altitude, and dozens of other datasets) can be accessed through GPS ToolKit s properties, and GPS ToolKit s multithreaded event-based architecture notifies your application when data has been updated, saving you from having to write messy polling routines.-Introduction to GPS ToolKit Pro 1.0 GPS Too lKit Pro is an ActiveX object that makes it easy t o add GPS support to any Visual Basic, Visual C, Delphi, Excel, or scripting project that supports ActiveX con trols. GPS data (including lat / lon, speed, course, altitude, and dozens of other datasets) can be accessed th rough GPS ToolKit s properties, and GPS ToolKit s multithreaded event-based ar chitecture notifies your application when dat a has been updated. saving you from having to write messy polling ro utines.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 583.88kb Publisher : liogi

Excel spreadsheet allowing calculation of the best R-C-C component values on the PLL Loop Back Filter. -Excel spreadsheet allowing calculation o the best f R-C-C component values on the Loop PLL Back Filter.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 449.36kb Publisher : 张爽

Introduction to GPS ToolKit Pro 1.0 GPS ToolKit Pro is an ActiveX object that makes it easy to add GPS support to any Visual Basic, Visual C++, Delphi, Excel, or scripting project that supports ActiveX controls. GPS data (including lat/lon, speed, course, altitude, and dozens of other datasets) can be accessed through GPS ToolKit s properties, and GPS ToolKit s multithreaded event-based architecture notifies your application when data has been updated, saving you from having to write messy polling routines.-Introduction to GPS ToolKit Pro 1.0 GPS Too lKit Pro is an ActiveX object that makes it easy t o add GPS support to any Visual Basic, Visual C, Delphi, Excel, or scripting project that supports ActiveX con trols. GPS data (including lat/lon, speed, course, altitude, and dozens of other datasets) can be accessed th rough GPS ToolKit s properties, and GPS ToolKit s multithreaded event-based ar chitecture notifies your application when dat a has been updated. saving you from having to write messy polling ro utines.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 584kb Publisher :

Excel spreadsheet allowing calculation of the best R-C-C component values on the PLL Loop Back Filter. -Excel spreadsheet allowing calculation o the best f R-C-C component values on the Loop PLL Back Filter.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 449kb Publisher : 张爽

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VC 读取EXCEL文件,网上大多用ODBC或OLE方式进行读取,但这两种方法都具有局限性,本原码在分析Excel文件格式的基础上从底层编写代码.-VC read Excel documents, mostly online using ODBC or OLE manner read, But both methods have limitations, primitive code in Excel file format on the basis of the preparation of code from the bottom.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 26kb Publisher : 汪方

iWebOffice系列文档控件,能够在浏览器窗口中直接编辑Word、Excel、PowerPoint等 Office文档并保存到Web服务器上。实现文档和电子表格和数据库的统一管理。同时支持痕 迹保留,手写签名,电子印章等办公自动化系统必备的功能。是OA系统开发的标准控件, 是保护您投资的最佳选择!-iWebOffice Series Document Control, in the browser window directly edit Word, Excel, PowerPoint and other Office document and preserve to the Web server. Implementation documentation and spreadsheets and database management. Support the traces reservations, handwritten signatures, electronic seals of office automation system and other necessary functions. OA system development is the standard control, protect your investment is the best choice!
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 2.75mb Publisher :

二维条码编程,适用于OFFICE,能在EXCEL\WORD\ACCESS中产生二维条码并打印-Two-dimensional bar code programming, applicable to OFFICE, can EXCELWORDACCESS generated two-dimensional bar code and print
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 2.03mb Publisher : design

很好用的一个Table控件,相当于操作EXCEL,所有开发软件可调用.-Good use of a Table control, which is equivalent to operating EXCEL, all the available software.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 608kb Publisher : 曾征辉

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单戗堤截流图解法计算程序使用帮助 操作步骤: 一:输入分流能力数据文本文件 文件格式为上游水位,下泄流量 请查看示范文件XL.txt 二:选择计算类型 计算类型有单值计算和自动计算 若选择单值计算,则设置龙口口门宽度 若选择自动计算,则设置龙口口门宽度变化范围 三:设置计算参数 这些参数在程序右下部,请根据工程实际进行输入 四:计算及绘图 选择开始计算,计算结果会呈现在程序界面上 计算后选择绘制曲线,自动生成Excel图表 五:保存结果 选择保存结果可以保存结果为文本文件 您也可以直接保存绘图中生成的Excel文件 选择保存中间数据可以保存龙口泄流能力数据- N o w a d a y s , t h e r a t i o o f E n g i n e e r i n g- Ma p- D r a w i n g b y C A D i n t h e d e s i g n m e n a t e r a n d Wa s t e Wa t e r S y s t e m o n A r c h i t e c t u r e w a s a l r e a d y I 0 0 . T h e u a t h o r i g n e d t h i s p r o g r a m o f C o m p u t e r A i d e d D e s i g n o f Wa t e r a n d Wa s t e Wa t e r S y s t e r c h i t e c t u r e o n A u t o C A D , a n d u s e d i t i n t h e r e a l w o r k s . T h e a s s a y a n a l y z e d t h e e l o p m e n t o f t h e p r o f e s s i o n a l s o f t w a r e i n a n d a b r o a d , a n d t a l k e d a b o u t t h e a c t u a o f t h e d e s i g n , t h e n s u p p l i e d t h e w a y s o f h o w t o i m p r o v e C A D s y s t e m w i t h t h i s c i a l t y . T h e a s s a y o b t a i n e d t h e r e s u l t s i n a s p e c t s b e l o w : 1 , c o s t o mi n g t h e s y s t e m f o r d e s i g
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 92kb Publisher : 维多克

该源代码为数据库类,主要使用Access数据库,基于电信大客户需求作者开发,可以登陆客户信息,查询,打印输出到Excel报表中。其中使用了 yfDNetMenu.ocx 和Vsflex7L.ocx ,都包含在压缩包中,解压缩后请注册使用。另外登录密码为空。 -The source code for the database category, the main use of Access databases, based on the needs of major clients, the author of telecommunications development, customer information can be found, query, print statements output to Excel. Which used yfDNetMenu.ocx and Vsflex7L.ocx, are included in the compressed package, unzip it to use after registration. Another password is empty.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 734kb Publisher : 李东立

OPC客户端访问WINCC OPC客户端访问WINCC 此方法实现比较简单,只要根据提供的名子 -OPC客户端访问WINCC 此方法实现比较简单,只要根据提供的名子 ...
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 305kb Publisher : qwe

操作excel的ocx控件,可以嵌入到ie或者应用程序中-Excel operation of the ocx control, ie can be embedded into applications or
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 2.31mb Publisher : 钟敬德

The 3pi robot [] is complete mobile platform designed to excel in linefollowing and maze-solving competitions. The 3pi has user accessible I/O lines that can be connected to different sensors to expand its behavior beyond line-following and maze-solving. This project shows just one possible configuration where two Sharp analog distance sensors are connected with minimal soldering. Many other sensors could be used to expand the 3pi: a radio-control receiver could make an RC 3pi [] gyro could enable precision spinning, a sonar range finder [] could improve the 3pi’s sensing range, and a digital distance sensor [] could offer speedy front obstacle detection!
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 478kb Publisher : 阿阿

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Implementaç ã o de KNN em Excel
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 4kb Publisher : Karel

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1快速将txt格式的数据文件转换为excel文件 2后缀名不一定是txt只要是文本格式的就行 3可以自己指定分隔符(tab,空格,或者用户自定义的符号) 4是本人写的vb版本的升级版,使用更加方便,加量不加价 O(∩_∩)O -Txt format quickly a data file is converted to excel file name suffix 2 is not necessarily txt text format as long as they can choose their own on-line three separator (tab, space, or user-defined symbols) 4 is written in vb I version of the upgraded version of the use of more convenient, plus the amount does not increase O (∩ _ ∩) O
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 101kb Publisher : hxysk

David Hawley, Raina Hawley著,O Reilly出版社2004年3月出版。ISBN : 0-596-00625-X 。 本书介绍关于Excel的技巧工具,用来帮助在workbook和worksheet中破解内建特性,如表、图、公式、函数等。这本书手把手教你如何用Excel做任何事,从数据分析到worksheet的导入导出管理,以你可能从未想过的方式。本书提高了使用Excel的效率,在过程中也带给你"破解"的快感。-The tips and tools in Excel Hacks include little known "backdoor" adjustments for everything from reducing workbook and worksheet frustration to hacking built-in features such as pivot tables, charts, formulas and functions, and even the macro language. This resourceful, roll-up-your-sleeves guide shows you new ways to make Excel do things--from data analysis to worksheet management to import/export--that you never thought possible. Excel Hacks increases productivity with Excel and gives you hours of "hacking" enjoyment along the way.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 3.32mb Publisher : 闻扬

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这个五子棋是控制台的,界面是10*10的方格,分别用O和X代表对弈双方,直至先练成五子的一方胜。-The backgammon is a console, the interface is 10* 10 grid, respectively, with O and X on behalf of chess both sides, until the first of five children excel at the party wins.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 25kb Publisher : 萤火虫

APPLYING CURVE FIT OF THE PROBABILITY DENSITY FUNCTION This file details the Microsoft Excel user-defined function applying curve fit of PDF Integration. Create macro as shown below, then in spreadsheet, type function "curvefit(a,s)" with Asi n as the first argument and O ran as the second argument.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1kb Publisher : ali

A través de una lista de Direcciones en Excel (Nombre, Descripcion, Latitud-Longitud O Direccion, departamento y Provincia) crea un archivo KML para poder ubicarlas en Google Earth. Las direcciones funcionan sólo en Argentina pero el codigo es facilmente legible y adaptable a otros paises
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 15kb Publisher : leoyanzon

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本系统基本功能有: 1、功能强大,项目齐全,内容丰富实用,完全适合中小学教师绩效考核管理工作! 2、 主要模块有:基本信息、职业道德、教学能力、继续教育、业务获奖、出勤考核、工作量考核、教学常规考核、教学效果考核、教育效果等 3、超智能化自由查询与Excel文件的导出! 4、Excel报表生成,可以快速生成各种数据 5、基本信息以及各种考核的Excel数据预处理、批量导入、导出。 6、教工自己登录查看考核信息、相关文件规定、修改自己档案的功能。 6、设计灵活,人性化,各字段项目完全自定义设置,一切工作都可以在界面设定,不需要修改文件。 7、管理员登录日志、记录修改日志、删除日志,让所有用户的操作都有记录可查。 8、强大的用户管理,级别分别是系统管理员、一般管理员,其对记录的查看、添加、修改与删除权限可根据需要灵活分配,并可以锁定登录。满足多角色的需要,给系统带来更多的实用、便利与安全! 登录帐号:admin 密码:admin 教工身份初始化登录帐号:梅传俊 密码:123456-The system basic function: 1, strong function, the project complete, informative and practical, fully suitable for primary and secondary school teachers performance assessment management! In 2, the main modules: basic information, occupation morality, teaching ability, continuing education, business awards, attendance checking, workload evaluation, teaching assessment, teaching effect assessment of conventional, the effectiveness of Education 3, super intelligent free inquiry and Excel file export! In 4, Excel report generation, can quickly generate data 5, the basic information and assessment of the Excel data preprocessing, bulk import, export. 6, teachers own login to view assessment information, related documents, modify their own files function. 6, flexible design, humanization, the field project completely custom settings, it can work both in interface, does not need to modify the file. In 7, the administrator login log, modify records, delete log log, so that all users o
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1.92mb Publisher : dgdg
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