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本程序是对一幅图像进行变灰度、旋转、锐化、在图像上画圆或椭圆、直线等操作的程序。 说明:要实现相应功能的操作,需要在输入框内输入正确的表达式。举例如下: 画直线:x1=20,y1=15,x2=150,y2=100 画圆:x=100,y=100,r=20 画椭圆:x=100,y=100,r=20,a=16,b=9 旋转:x=30(度数),ax=100,ay=90 锐化:x=80-this procedure is a gray image change, rotation, sharpening the image on the Circle or ellipse, straight line operational procedures. Note : To realize the corresponding function, the operation needs input box to input the correct expression. For example : painting line : 20 = x1, y1 = 15, = 150 x2, y2 = 100 Circle : x = 100, y = 100, r = 20 paintings elliptical : x = 100, y = 100, r = 20, a = 16, b = 9 rotation : x = 30 (degree), the ax = 100, ay = 90 Sharpening : x = 80
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 7kb Publisher : 代丛军

这是显示通信系统中两路信道内噪声相关系数大小,如何确定,受什么参数影响的函数表达-communication system both within the channel noise correlation coefficient size, how to identify, affected by the parameters of function expression
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 74kb Publisher : 孔嘉

一个表情识别的源码。直接调用pca和svm函数。-an expression recognition of the source. Pca and direct calling svm function.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1kb Publisher : 文滔

利用快速傅立叶变换实现了人脸表情图像的Gabor变换的快速算法 针对不同尺度的Gabor小波特征采用不同的下采样因子来对Gabor变换特征进行第一次降维 利用一种改进的核鉴别分析方法对Gabor特征进行二次特征提取-using fast Fourier transform of Facial Expression Gabor transform the image of the fast algorithm for different foot the Gabor wavelet characteristics under different sampling factor to the Gabor transform features the first drop Shalikashvili Improved use of nuclear discriminant analysis method Gabor features second feature extraction
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 32kb Publisher : zouchanjie

基于曲波的图像内容表达matlab版 image expression based on curvelet 直接运行fdct_usfft_demo_disp.m即可-Qu Bo
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 318kb Publisher : ljz

IMM FACE DATABASE 对研究人脸表情识别的朋友们很有用哦-IMM FACE DATABASE research Facial Expression Recognition friends useful Oh
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 26.09mb Publisher : 刘秋菊

CohnKanada人脸表情库图像读取,经过预处理了的,含有类标,可用于无监督人脸表情识别-images inputing of CohnKanada database,including preprocessing and labels of 7 expressions. it is suitable for unsupervised facial expression recognition
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1kb Publisher : bobo

提取人脸表情库中的图像数据,可提取任一种表情、任一个人或任一复本-extract the image data of facial expression database:JAFFE database。it is able to extract any expression, subject and copy of JAFFE database
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1kb Publisher : bobo

擅 蔓:以人脸的表情识别为实验背景, 分析了在对人脸表情的识别过程中,单个独立分薰对识别率的影响,由此进一步总结了在表情识 别中如何更有效地选取独立子空间,以实现在不影响识别率的前提下,减少用于构成独立子空问所需的独立分量的个数。 独立成分分析;表情识别;独立子空间 -Good man: Face to face identification for the experimental background, the analysis of facial expressions in the identification process, a single smoked separate the impact of the recognition rate, thus further summarized in the expression recognition of how to more effectively select the independent sub-space in order to achieve the recognition rate does not affect the premise, for constituting a separate sub-reducing space required for the number of independent component. Independent component analysis expression recognition independent subspace
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 266kb Publisher : 金振东

在广泛研究前人工作的基础上,本文对运动人物的检测、跟踪与识别进行了综述。为 使分类清楚明了,本文将人物运动分析分为两大类:人体运动分析,人脸分析。人体运动分 析包括人的较大幅度的肢体运动,如手势识别、步态分析、整个人体的运动分析;人脸分析 包括人脸检测与识别、表情分析。在详细介绍了国内外研究现状后,提出了存在的问题及研 究前景。-Extensively studied in previous work on the basis of the figures in this article on the movement detection, tracking and recognition are reviewed. To enable a clear understanding of classification, motion analysis of figures in this article will be divided into two categories: human motion analysis, analysis of human faces. Analysis of human motion including the relatively large body movements, such as gesture recognition, gait analysis, motion analysis of the human body Facial analysis includes face detection and recognition, facial expression analysis. In the study described in detail the status quo at home and abroad, the proposed study of the problems and prospects.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 349kb Publisher : martin

用matlab识现人脸表情识别的方法,对于初学者matlab以及研究人脸表情识别有很大的帮助-Matlab knowledge with Facial Expression Recognition is the way to matlab for beginners as well as facial expression recognition is very useful to
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 346kb Publisher : ogh

3种Gabor滤波器的表达方法,采用MATLAB编写,可用于人脸的识别-Gabor filters of three kinds of expression, the use of MATLAB to prepare, can be used for face recognition
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 2kb Publisher : xzg

matlab source code eigen face for face recognition,can detect pose and expression
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 170kb Publisher : zizi

人脸表情识别中的2DPCA方法,非特定人识别。-Facial Expression Recognition in 2DPCA method, non-specific Recognition.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 418kb Publisher : rabbit3306

结合人脸肤色和发色进行的人脸检测,可以忽略人脸的姿态表情,不用进行人脸特征的定位-Combination of face color and hair color for face detection, facial gesture can ignore the expression, do not carry out the positioning of facial features
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1kb Publisher : gu

Facial Expression Recognition using Mahalanobis distance and correlation
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 851kb Publisher : Rahul

We propose an algorithm for facial expression recognition which can classify the given image into one of the seven basic facial expression categories (happiness, sadness, fear, surprise, anger, disgust and neutral). PCA is used for dimensionality reduction in input data while retaining those characteristics of the data set that contribute most to its variance, by keeping lower-order principal components and ignoring higher-order ones. Such low-order components contain the "most important" aspects of the data. The extracted feature vectors in the reduced space are used to train the supervised Neural Network classifier. This approach results extremely powerful because it does not require the detection of any reference point or node grid. The proposed method is fast and can be used for real-time applications.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 21kb Publisher : mhm

一、 牛顿-拉夫逊法概要 首先对一般的牛顿-拉夫逊法作一简单说明。已知一个变量X的函数 (4-6) 解此方程式时,由适当的近似值X(0)出发,根据 (4-7) 反复进行计算,当X(n)满足适当的收敛判定条件时就是(4-6)式的根。这样的方法就是所谓的牛顿-拉夫逊法。 式(4-7)就是取第n次近似解X(n)在曲线 上的点 处的切线与X轴的交点作下一次X(n+1)值的方法。参考图4-2(a)。在这一方法中为了能收敛于真解,初值X(0)的选取及函数f(X)必须满足适当的条件,如图4-2(b)所示的那种情况就不能收敛或收敛到别的根上去。 这一方法还可以做下面的解释,设第n次迭代得到的解与真值之差,即 的误差为 时,则 (4-8) 把 在 附近对 用泰勒级数展开 (4-9) 上式略去 以下的项 (4-10) 的误差可近似由上式计算出来 图4-2 (4-11) 比较式(4-7)和(4-11),可以看出牛顿-拉夫逊法的修正量和 的误差的一次项相等。 用同样的方法考虑,给出对n个变量 -:Because of the importance and complexity of power system, better algorithm and programme language is very important . An interior point method based on the perturbed Karush2Kuhn2Tucker (KKT) condition is pre2 sented in this paper , where the method and process for the optimal power flow is treated through the Matlab’s symbolic math toolbox and Mfunction is also presented. Using the symbolic code , it can improve the adaptability of the programme dramatically. The advantage is that , what we need to do is change the model expression. We can make use of the symbolic programme to check our programme while we write the Mfunctions. Using the Mat2 lab , we find the optimal solutions and calculate quickly and efficiently. It has proposed the powerful and unique functions of Matlab in the optimization and calculation for power system. Key words :power system symbolic calculation optimal power flow interior point method
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 9kb Publisher : 范凯

DL : 0
人脸表情识别算法研究。 人脸表情识别算法研究。-Facial expression recognition algorithm
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 4.34mb Publisher : 阮仁彬

One of Biometrics fields is face recognition & face expression recognition ... 1- In face recognition .. we need to design authentication program by training a neural network ,there are two source of them is based on Discrete Wavelet Transform with Perceptron Neural Network.. and the other based on Discrete Cosine Transform with Perceptron Neural Network ... 2- In face expression recognition .. we defined the condition of the person (nature,happiness,disgust or anger) this source code is based on Principle component analysis(PCA) .. * we need to now about digital image processing ,neural network and PCA-One of Biometrics fields is face recognition & face expression recognition ... 1- In face recognition .. we need to design authentication program by training a neural network ,there are two source of them is based on Discrete Wavelet Transform with Perceptron Neural Network.. and the other based on Discrete Cosine Transform with Perceptron Neural Network ... 2- In face expression recognition .. we defined the condition of the person (nature,happiness,disgust or anger) this source code is based on Principle component analysis(PCA) .. * we need to now about digital image processing ,neural network and PCA...
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 11.35mb Publisher : mahmoud
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